Unit in preservation and conservation. For the period under review 1798 printed items were repaired and 704 items were stamped. Issues surrounding unreliable air conditioning in the West Indies and Special Collections stacks, particularly the West Indies Collection resulted in constant reappearance of mould, and staff from the Preservation and Conservation Unit were tasked with mould cleaning. In April, DampRid bags were procured and reinstalled as a way to combat the issues. Website Several updates were done to the Library’s website during the period, to include the addition of links to new resources, updates of news and events, information sharing in the slide shows, correction of errors, and the addition of new fillable PDF forms for the rental of the Multifunctional Room, and to schedule thesis consultations. New discussions were entered into with MITS with the aim of redesigning the website which will result in a more user-friendly site. The usage of the website increased by over 30,000 views compared to last academic year with viewership of 261,487.
Professional Development for Liaison Librarians Through its Liaison Librarian Programme, the Mona Library has established an excellent tradition of collaborating with academic departments. In keeping with the Library’s mission, librarians foster two-way communication between the Library and academic departments, and offer research assistance to faculty and students. In furtherance of this mandate, the Library successfully convened a virtual forum under the theme: Liaison Librarianship in the 21 st Century: In Search of the Best Model, held May 19, 2023 with guest presenters Professor S. Pinfield, University of Sheffield, and Dr. C. Robinson, University of Leeds. Stocktaking Stock-taking is an important part of library collection management and during the period June to July, the Library staff completed a full inventory of the Reserve Book Collection in the Main Library in an effort to identify missing resources, keep the collections updated and maintain an accurate record of all library resources. A total of 11,296 resources were checked for in the RBC collection. Efforts to Enhance Access to Collections and Resources The Cataloguing Section provided access to the Library’s holdings by creating metadata for resources acquired during the academic year. Items were digitized
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