Reference and Research Services As the Mona Library continued to find innovative ways to meet the reference and research needs of its patrons in keeping with the tag line Access – Anywhere – Anytime, these services were offered in various modalities.
Reference and Research queries filled during the period
Face to Face
New Programme/Course Reviews; Quality Reviews During the 2022/2023 AY, librarians conducted quality reviews of existing pro- grammes as well as reviews of resources for new programmes and courses in vari- ous departments. Of note was a review of a new programme, namely the Diploma in Palliative Care, for which fifty-eight (58) items were evaluated. A six-member CAAM-HP Accreditation Review Team visited the Medical Branch Library in November, and were given a presentation on services and resources, followed by interactive discussion as well as a tour of the facilities. In June students from Spar- tan Medical School came on a CAAM-HP sponsored visit of the Medical Branch. Additionally, a number of undergraduate and graduate programmes from the School of Education were reviewed. Course reviews were also conducted in the Departments of Modern Languages and Literatures, Literatures in English, and History and Archaeology. Mrs. Karlene Nelson in her capacity as a member of the UWI Quality Assurance Team evaluated the Preliminary Science and Nursing Programmes at the Brown’s Town Community College.
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