Library Quality (LibQUAL) Survey From November 14, 2022, through December 2, 2022, the Mona Library conducted an online survey to measure patrons’ assessment of the quality of the Library’s services. There has been significant changes since the Library administered its first LibQUAL Survey in 2012, especially with the onset of online services during the COVID 19 pandemic. The 2022 LibQUAL was organized by the Association of Research Libraries and the Mona Library was invited to participate in a pilot. It was the ideal time, as the physical spaces at the Mona Library reopened for face-to- face interaction, the administration of the Mona Library used evidence-based data to support and guide the necessary changes regarding infrastructure, resources, services offered, and staff training. An invitation to complete the survey was sent to the Mona Campus Community consisting of approximately 18,000 students, faculty and staff. Of that population, 2812 participants viewed the survey and a total of 1,402 students completed the survey, at least partially. As the Association of Research Libraries LibQUAL team noted, “If the invitation to participate was sent to 18,000 people, then 1402 responses means that 7.8% responded, at least partially. This is an outstanding response rate!” Demographic data indicate that respondents included 1,294 undergraduate students, 70 graduate students, 28 staff, and 14 aca- demic staff. The completion rate was 66.48 %. On average, the respondents indicated that the Library provides satisfactory services, and staff is generally courteous and knowledgeable. The need for better infrastructure was cited including spaces for collaborative and individual study, more electrical outlets, and different seating. Participation in the Faculty of Science and Technology Science Fair 2023 The Science & Engineering Branch Library participated in the Faculty of Science &Technology Science Fair which was held from March 31 to April 1, 2023. The fair aimed at engaging young minds and stimulating early thoughts of embarking on STEM careers and lifelong learning. Approximately one hundred and ninety-four ( 194) students from eighteen schools were given an extensive tour of the library. Live demonstrations on how to navigate the library’s OPAC were conducted onsite. Students were also able to view live readings of the UWI/EBSCO solar panels installed on the roofs of both the library and the Physics building. Collaboration with the Department of Library and Information Studies The Mona Library collaborated with the Department of Library and Information Studies to successfully stage the DLIS/ Mona Library Research Forum on Thurs- day, May 4, 2023 under the theme “Data Security and Information Systems in the 21 st Century: Exploring Theory and Practice.” Seven (7) posters were presented by graduate students and librarians including one, titled “ The LibQual Survey:
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