the industry standard. This resulted in 44% increase in material digitized when compared to the same period last year, including 1900 pages of exam past papers scanned. Digitization; Digital Collections For the period under review the Digitization Unit scanned approximately 33,567 pages and 466 items consisting of short-run periodicals, items from the West Indies and Special Collections and exam past papers. In addition, the Peter Abrahams Collections, and approximately 70% of the P.J. Patterson speeches, were uploaded to the digital collections through CONTENT-dm. Efforts to Foster A CAMP Team AG4 With the continued exceptional services offered by the staff of the Mona Library, staff engagement and development became a major area of focus for the academic year and this resulted in increased participation of staff in targeted training oppor- tunities, micro-learning sessions, and job shadowing. Library Staff Reclassification A proposal for the reclassification of 23 Administrative, Technical and Service (ATS) posts which was submitted to the UWI Mona Reclassification Team in May 2022 saw eight of these posts being recommended for upgrade in June 2022. However, this tentative approval was subject to final approval by the Finance and General Purposes Committee (F&GPC), Mona. The F&GPC Mona Team, after considering our submission first in November 2022 and then again in July 2023 finally approved the upgrades to become effective August 1, 2023. New Appointments Miss Amainia Walters was appointed Library Assistant II in the Digitization Unit and Mr. Donald Taylor appointed Clerical Assistant III, assigned to the Cataloguing Section, effective March 1, 2023. Mr. Rohan Stone was interviewed for the post of Accounting Clerk II and was appointed effective April 1 2023 to the Administra- tive Office. Dr. Paulette Kerr, Campus Librarian proceeded on Sabbatical Leave for the academic year and Mrs. Jessica Lewis-Marshall was appointed Acting Campus Librarian and Mr. Dunstan Newman as Acting Deputy Librarian for the period.
Outgoing Staff The following persons resigned from the Library:
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