Psycho-Social Support One staff member was granted a reduced workload for 2022–23 while two members were granted leave of absence for Semester 2 – for medical reasons. Their duties were reassigned to existing staff and/or covered by new staff who graciously offered support beyond teaching. Besides department meetings held to keep staff abreast of developments and the objectives for the year/semester, each academic section had meetings before or early in each semester to establish guidelines for teaching and offer suggestions for professional development. The English Language Section, in particular, held successful professional development plenary sessions for staff at the beginning of each semester (August 18, 2022 and January 11, 2023). PUBLICATIONS Members of the academic staff continued to find spaces to research, write and publish materials while carrying heavy teaching loads or during leave periods that the Department encourages. Faculty members recorded the following publications in 2022–23: Books & Monographs • Hollington, Andrea, Joseph T. Farquharson , and Byron M. Jones (eds.). Con- tact Languages and Music . Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 2022. Book Chapters • Bamikole, Lawrence and John Ayotunde Isola Bewaji. “Moral Responsibility in Traditional Yoruba Society.” Philosophical Reflections on Some Concerns and Values in African Societies , edited by F. Ochieng’-Odhiambo. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2023, pp. 61–97. • Devarakonda, Balaganapathi. “Dissent and Democracy in Early Buddhism.” Great Transition in India: Issues and Debates , edited by Chanwahn Kim and Misu Kim. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing and Institute of Indian Stud- ies, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1142/13307 • Farquharson, Joseph T . and Bettina Migge. “Sociolinguistics in the Caribbean.” The Routledge Handbook of Sociolinguistics around the World (2 nd ed.), edited by Martin J. Ball, Rajend Mesthrie, and Chiara Meluzzi. London: Routledge, 2023, 12 pp. • Farquharson, Joseph T ., Andrea Hollington, and Byron M. Jones. Introduc- tion. Contact Languages and Music , edited by Andrea Hollington, Joseph T. Farquharson, and Byron M. Jones. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 2022, pp. 1–13.
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