Dr. Rosemarie A. Heath, PhD, MLS, BA, Dip. Ed, JP – Head of Department
MISSION STATEMENT To provide the highest standard of teaching and research to produce library and information professionals, well equipped to face the challenges of the dynamic information environment, and to provide leadership in managing the information needs of the Caribbean for the twenty-first century and beyond
Staffing Matters The DLIS had 3 full-time lecturers: − 1 HOD – 8 hours − 1 Deputy Dean – 9 hours
− 1 Lecturer carrying full course load – 13 hours Additional hours were covered by adjunct lecturers.
Due to VMC rejections, course offerings were reduced to “bare bones”. Some courses were not offered, several courses were offered alternately and many electives were not offered. MPhil and PhD programmes continued to be supported by Professor Jeannette Bastian, the Honorary Fellow in the DLIS. She resides in the USA, and so, she has been offering support remotely. She will remain with us until 2024. In the new academic year, Dr. Baker-Gardner, Dr. Griffin and Dr. Heath will each be assigned an MPhil/PhD candidate for supervision. Professor Bastian will provide guidance. Supervisory teams will be formed. Mr. Mark-Jeffery Deans, the DLIS librarian resigned. His last day was May 25, 2023. The position is now vacant. In response, the department intends to move the DLIS
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