
Real Estate Journal — Executive Women in Business — October 28 - November 10, 2016 — 19A


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OUR GEOGRAPHIC FOOTPRINT: BCONE membership is strongest in the mid-Atlantic region, and also includes the Metropolitan NYC region and New England OUR FOCUS: BCONE members’ experience is in the redevelopment process for properties with environmental issues. OUR MISSION: BCONE informs and educates on the topics of the benefits of brownfield remediation and sustainable redevelopment.

Join BCONE for its 8th Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop: “Driving Revitalization Sustainably: Identifying Sustainable Goals and Strategies for Revitalizing Communities and Their Brownfields”

March 15, 2017

For More Information, go to: http://www.brownfieldcoalitionne.org/nscw-2017

MORE UPCOMING EVENTS Resources to Jump Start Your Vacant Property Redevelopment Followed by Networking and a Resource Fair - November 2nd, 2016 - 3:30 PM (EDT) - Mott MacDonald Training Facility, 111 Wood Ave. South Iselin, NJ Networking & Resource Fair - November 2nd, 2016 - 5:30 PM (EDT)

- Cafe Metro, 111 Wood Avenue South, Iselin, NJ Networking Co-Hosted by NJSWEP & BCONE - January 12th, 2017 - 5:30 PM (EDT)

- Gigino at Wagner Park, 20 Battery Place, New York, NY 2017 Northeast Sustainable Communities Workshop - March 15th, 2017 - All Day Event - NJIT, Newark, NJ - Event in Campus Center Bldg. 2nd Floor Ballroom; Parking at NJIT Parking Deck 154 Summit St., Newark, NJ

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