
Real Estate Journal — October 28 - November 10, 2016 — 29A


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R eal E state S ervices

R eal E state S ervices Investors Real Estate Agency

Paul St. Arnauld (609) 668-2827 Arcara Realty Advisors, LLC Acquisition Due Diligence Loan Closings Transaction Management Asset Management Analytics Paul@ArcaraAdvisors.com Medford, NJ 08055 R eal E state A dvising

Investors Real Estate Agency 322 Ambrust Rd. • 2nd Floor Youngwood, PA 15697 P: 724-925-0215 F: 724-925-0216 mallison5@aol.com Mark D. Allison, Broker of Record/Owner STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP MANAGEMENT & CIRCULATION (required by 39 U.S.C.3526)

Title of Publication: Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal. 2. Publication No. 22-358. 3. Date of Filing: 10/31/2016. 4. Frequency of Issue: Semi-Monthly. 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 24. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $99.00. 7. Complete mailing address of known office of publication: 312 Market Street, Rockland, MA 02370. 8. Complete mailing address of the headquarters of general business offices of the publisher: Same as above. 9. Full names and complete mailing addresses of publisher, editor and managing editor: Publisher, Linda M. Christman, 19 Sunset Lane, Hingham, MA 02043. Editor: Karen Joy Vachon, 2A Marc Drive, Plymouth, MA. Managing Editor: Joseph A. Christman, 19 Sunset Lane, Hingham, MA 02043. 10. Owner (if the publication is owned by a corporation, give the name and address of the corporation immediately followed by the names and addresses of all stockhold- ers owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, give the names and addresses of the individual owners. If owned by a partnership or other unincorporated firm, give its name and address as well as those of each individual owner. If the publication is published by a nonprofit organization, give its name and address). Linda M. Christman, 19 Sunset Lane, Hingham, MA 02043; 11. Known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities. None. 13. Publication title: Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal. 14. Issue date for circulation data below: 10/28/2016. 15. Extent and nature of circulation. A. Total no. copies (net press run) 5665, 3231. B. Paid and/or requested circulation. 1. Paid/requested outside-county mail subscriptions; 5620, 3206. 2. Paid in-county subscriptions: 0, 0. 3. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors, counter sale, and other non-USPS paid distribution: 0, 0. 4. Other classes mailed through the USPS: 0, 0. C. Total paid and/or requested circulation: 5620, 3206. D. Free distribution by mail: 0, 0. 1. Outside-county: 0, 0. 2. In-county: 0, 0. 3. Other classes mailed through the USPS: 2605, 1753. E. Free distribution outside the mail: 0, 0. F. Total free distribution: 53,25. G. Total distribution: 8278, 4959. H. Copies not distributed: 53, 25. I. Total: 8278, 4984. J. Percent paid and/or requested circulation 68%, 64%. 16. Publication of Statement of Ownership: 10/28/2016. 17. Signature and title of editor, publisher, business manager or owner: Linda M. Christman, Publisher/CEO.

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