
M id A tlantic Real Estate Journal — Owners, Developers & Managers — October 28 - November 10, 2016 — 7B


O wners , D evelopers & M anagers

VP Janet Bortz handles sale of 68 units in Kingston, Ulster County, NY Kislak completes $4.25 million Hudson Valley multifamily sale

ACE Mentor Program named CREW Phila. 2016 Ph i l a n t h r o p i c Partner Philadelphia, PA — The Eastern Pennsylvania Af- filiate chapter of the national ACE Mentor Program has been named the CREWPhil- adelphia 2016 Philanthropic Partner. Through the part- nership, ACE will be the ben- eficiary of $20,000 in CREW monetary donations and will have the opportunity to build relationships and partner- ships through CREW’s signa- ture philanthropic event – the 18th Annual Fall Charitable Lunch. As part of the philan- thropic partnership, the two organizations will collaborate with Girls, Inc. of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey for a collabora- tive pipeline project, Building Futures | Women in Design and Construction. Building Futures will fol- low the ACEMentor Program model and engage, excite, and enlighten female high school students to pursue careers in the ACE (architecture, con- struction, and engineering) fields through an innovative all-women mentoring team approach. According to the 2011 American Community Survey, women remain sig- nificantly underrepresented in ACE-related occupations. By targeting girls aged 14-18 years old in under-resourced Philadelphia communities, Building Futures hopes to ex- pose more African-American, Asian, and Latina young women to ACE career oppor- tunities. n recent sale o f Came l ot Manor and P a r k v i e w T e r r a c e Apartments, two mu l t i - family prop- erties with a total of 68 units, in Kingston, Ulster County for $4.25 million. VP Janet Bortz represented the seller and purchaser in the transaction. The seller engaged Kislak on to market and sell the properties. The purchaser used the purchases to com- Janet Bortz ingston, NY — The Kislak Company, Inc. announced the K

plete a Section 1031 like-kind exchange. “The Hudson Valley contin- ues to attract buyers fromNYC as well as local and regional owners,” said Bortz. “Attractive cap rates, full occupancies, area retail expansions and work force opportunities with no rent control contribute to a good value and upside. Northern Hudson Valley offers per unit prices below $100,000 per unit.” C a m e l o t M a n o r a n d Parkview Terrace Apartments are neighboring multifamily properties consisting of seven buildings. n

Camelot Manor

Parkview Terrace

Holiday Decor

Highest Quality Live Foliage

Living Walls

Plant Rentals

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