Pot Plants 2020-2021 | SC

Syngenta Flowers - “Better together” Combining the breeding lines of cyclamen from Syngenta Flowers and Varinova makes us better together. With series like Seewhy and Midori from Syngenta Flowers and Merita and Picola from Varinova we are ready to supply you with the best in class genetics. A wide assortment of Cyclamen provides well suited solutions for every grower in every climate. We have made significant progress in the last year to support you – our customers. Our aim is to provide you with exciting new innovations with the ambition to improve the end consumer experience. Our sales and customer service team is there to help you select the right varieties for your business. With our product specialist, product management and technical specialists we are always looking how to improve our young plant quality. We have adapted our production organization to be able to focus on the end to end production process of our young plants ensuring you as a customer will have the best start. After delivery of the young plants our journey together begins - our knowledgeable and experienced technical specialists are there to give guidance to grow the best finished plants possible for you to deliver the best quality to your customers. We want you to be successful in all that you do. In this brand-new catalogue for 2021, we are introducing lots of improvements to our core genetics with more than 15 novelties. We believe innovation is needed everywhere in our business and we are proud to offer you flower varieties of even better quality, new flower and plant shapes and colours that will amaze and delight the end consumer.


We are progressing in making Syngenta Flowers a synonym for innovation - but there is more! Syngenta is also committed to sustainability, not only by creating more sustainable varieties, but also for more focus on sustainable production and supply. Our production is certified for Global G.A.P., Grasp and increasingly also for Fairtrade.

New varieties or colours

Top Seller

Award Winner


Product forms

Production & use

In all that we do, we want to make sure that our core values are respected and shine through:

Xtray ® 72 Available as Xtray ® 72

Pot size (cm)

Use Mini/Midi

Passion for customers – we bring products, services and solutions that customers value

Xtray ® 128 Available as Xtray ® 128

Use Standard


Long view – we aim at strengthening the industry for the future, economically, environmentally and socially

Xtray ® 264 Available as Xtray ® 264

Use Tree/Pyramid

Flowering months

Greenhouse performance 1 = compact / 5 = vigorous

Growth for all – for our customer, our employees, communities and industry partners; we share the value we create Determined execution – we are disciplined, focused and keep it simple; we are accountable and find a way to deliver

Seeds Available as seeds

Stem length 1 = Short / 5 = Long

Jiffy/paper pot Available as Jiffy/paper pot

Earliness 1 = early / 5 = late

Response time

Quickstep ® Available as Quickstep ®

Flower size 1 = Small / 5 = Large


How matters – we are transparent in what we do; we foster diversity and inclusion

URC Available as unrooted cuttings

From all of us at Syngenta Flowers, we thank you for your business and we look forward to continuing to work together in a successful partnership with you in the forthcoming years.

Licence fee

Flower colour

We wish you a great season!

Flower type

Mark Schermer Global Head Syngenta Flowers



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