H Charles Jelinek Jr DDS - July 2019


Hi, readers! Dr. Jelinek here again. I often get questions from concerned patients who have had parents diagnosed with sleep apnea. These patients worry they could also develop the condition and wonder what they can do. This answer might be frightening, but it’s worth discovering: Yes, sleep apnea is a hereditary condition — sometimes. When you or your parents are diagnosed with sleep apnea, this should be a red flag to others in your family. For example, despite my 6-foot- 3-inch stature, I have a small, thin airway, which means these muscles don’t work hard enough to stay open when I lay down to sleep. That’s why I wear an oral appliance to open the airway artificially, giving my breathing the boost it needs. But I’m not alone; this is a trait I inherited from my parents. My father was a horrible snorer his whole life, but he was never diagnosed with sleep apnea. In my professional opinion

and years of expertise, he should have been. Though it was never conclusively discovered, his narrow airway might be the same one I have today. In fact, studies have found that when a parent or sibling is diagnosed with sleep

apnea, the chance of their children or siblings having sleep apnea increases by 50%. Think of it this way: It’s not just dumb luck that everyone in your family has brown eyes or jet-black hair. Genetics play a role in that, just like it plays a role in the function of your airway. However, don’t rely on your genetic code for a sleep apnea diagnosis. Obesity, smoking, and alcohol use have all been linked to sleep apnea. For those who are predisposed to the diagnosis, these risk factors can increase their chances.

If left untreated, sleep apnea can have drastic and deadly consequences, but sleep science has created many life-saving and invaluable measures to limit its side effects. I know that without my oral appliance, I would be lethargic, grumpy, and unhealthier than I am today. Learn more about sleep apnea, symptoms, and treatment options by visiting NorthernVirginiaDental.com and schedule a consultation by calling 703-584-5996.

Juicy Lucy Sliders


Inspired by FoodNetwork.com


2 lbs. ground chuck beef, 20% lean

8 slices melting cheese (like American, Swiss, Muenster, or cheddar)

16 small potato rolls, toasted

Salt and pepper, to taste

Your favorite burger accompaniments


1. Divide beef into 16 evenly sized balls. 2. Rip cheese into roughly equal pieces, creating 16 equal portions. 3. Using your index finger, create a small indentation in each ball. 4. Fill indention with cheese and pinch meat around to seal. Then gently form balls into 3/4-inch-thick patties. Season patties. 5. Meanwhile, heat a cast-iron skillet to medium-high. 6. Lightly coat skillet with oil and cook patties in batches. Brown one side undisturbed, about 3 minutes. Carefully flip and cook until desired doneness, about 3 minutes for medium. 7. Serve on toasted potato rolls with your favorite accompaniments.

Solution on Pg. 4


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