The data suggests diversity correlates with better financial performance. Likelihood of financial performance above national industri median, by diversity quartile, % Ethic diversity Top quartile Bottom quartile 58 Why does it matter? Google ‘why diversity matters’. Go on – it’ll only take 30 seconds. You’ll be flooded with ar- ticles, reports and videos about the positive difference having a diverse workforce makes – at all levels of your organisation. International research from McKinsey found that com- panies in the top quartile for gender or racial and ethnic diversity are more likely to have financial returns above their national industry medians. “When companies commit them- selves to diverse leadership, they are more successful. More diverse companies, we believe, are better able to win top talent and improve their customer orientation, employee satis- faction, and decision making, and all that leads to a virtuous cycle of increasing returns. 2 ” In the UK, groups bringing together and promoting women in the sector are gaining momentum. The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has even formed a group of groups – the Energy Sector Women’s Networking Group – to collab- orate, share ideas and support each other’s initiatives. Through this we’re now connected to other awesome women working in renewables, oil and gas, and nuclear energy – all of whom are working to improve the visibility of women across the sector. Allies, advocates and a call to action The DH sector is an exciting place to be working right now. And we’re lucky to be support- ed by many male colleagues who also want to promote and support talented women in the sector. They know that diversity and inclusion don’t just mean that women get top billing: it means that men get a fairer work/life balance, too – and let’s be honest, we all need more of that. Equality isn’t just for women: men benefit too. Let’s break the gender norms for everyone. So my challenge to you is this – what difference can you make? Right here, right now. Check to your left and to your right. Be mindful through your day. Participate with your eyes open. The change you can make may be big or may be small. It might be on a corpo- rate level or on a personal level. But it all matters. It all makes a difference. Together we all want the heat network industry to become more vibrant, more diverse, more mature, more talented, more thoughtful. Without us all being involved, nothing will change.
Feedback from our 2019 Conference
Adriana: What made me laugh was to see how uncomfortable
the room was at the beginning of the session with the drag queens. We were all like 'oh, this is so weird...' And I was sitting next to people that I'm negoti- ating with or consultants that I work with and we were all like 'aaah....this is not what we do...". And as time went by, things just changed. People embraced it and were designing their dolls…
Lina: ...there was dancing…
Adriana: …dancing - that made me laugh a lot! We were just so awkward and out of our com- fort space as soon as we had to do something with glitter and glue and paper!
Gender diversity Top quartile Bottom quartile
Gender and ethic diversity combined Top quartile All other quartiles
Source: McKinsey Diversity Database
1 Photo of men at board meeting from social media: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/davidclancefield_ceos-diversity- inclusion-activity-6901111290907947008-ZbS-?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=member_desktop_web
2 Quote and the graphic both from https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/people-and-organizational-performance/our-insights/why-diversity-matters
HOTCOOL no.2 2022
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