2020 New Store Performance Analysis

By Investor Type

Avg Retail Hardware SQFT

Avg Trans Count

Avg Sales/ SQFT

Avg Trans Count/ Day

Avg % to Proforma

Avg GM% (based on Ace Valid SKUS)

Investor Type

Store Count

Avg Year 1 Sales

Avg Ticket


210 $1,432,615 10,369 62,078 $144.18 $22.63 174

43.8% 116%

New Investor 100 $1,139,086 8,970 51,438 $132.58 $22.25 144

42.8% 109%

Grand Total

310 $1,337,928 9,917 58,646 $140.44 $22.50 164

44% 114%

Branch Advantage


21% 9%

21% 100 bps

7 ppts

• Branches continue to outperform New Investor stores in most metrics • Branch stores are more productive despite their larger size • Branches have a 26% sales advantage and can drive 21% more transactions in their stores versus New Investors

*Sales per square foot is based off of total retail selling space

Stores opened from January 2015 – January 2020

**GM% is based off of Ace RSC stocked items only


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