2020 New Store Performance Analysis

By Competition Level

Stores matured in 2020:

Avg Retail Hardware SQFT

Avg Trans Count

Avg Sales/ SQFT

Avg Trans Count/ Day

Avg % to Proforma

Avg GM% (based on Ace Valid SKUs)

Store Count

Avg Year 1 Sales

Avg Ticket

Comp Level

High Comp

32 $1,787,879 11,145 70,100 $157.05 $24.66 195

42.1% 119%

Low Comp

28 $1,597,533 9,705 58,436 $160.81 $26.87 163

42.6% 128%

Grand Total

60 $1,699,051 10,473 64,657 $158.80 $25.70 180

42.3% 123%

• Although performance is stronger among stores maturing in 2020, low comp stores slightly outperform high comp stores.

• High Comp means the Ace store has 1 Big Box store within a 3-mile radius or 2 Big Boxes with a 5-mile radius • Low Comp means any other stores than those in the High Comp category

*Sales per square foot is based off of total retail selling space

Stores opened from January 2014 – January 2019

**GM% is based off of Ace RSC stocked items only


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