The IGA hosted the inaugural Sovereign Warrior Celebration, which highlighted the Tuesday evening of Indian Gaming 2023, where a champion for the protection of tribal sovereignty and Indian country was honored. John Echohawk, Executive Director of the Native American Rights Fund (NARF), was presented the Sovereign Warrior Award in memory of Tim Wapato and Rick Hill, two tribal government gaming legends who worked tirelessly in the early days of the IGA. The evening also featured food and music, with a special food- tasting presentation by Yazzie the Chef, a Navajo chef from Saint Paul, Minnesota. The evening ended with entertainment by the award- winning singer-songwriter and sound curator, Native American musician PJ Vegas, the son of Patrick Vegas of Redbone and IGA presented a Chairman’s Leadership Award to Patrick Vegas, the founder, producer, writer, bassist, & vocalist of Redbone. On Wednesday, the ever-popular tradeshow ribbon-cutting event kicked off with Tribal leaders and guests, including founding member of KISS, one of rock-n-roll’s most iconic acts, Gene Simmons, joining in cutting the ribbon officially, which ushered attendees onto the tradeshow floor. At the Chairman’s lounge, the Sycuan Institute on Tribal Gaming presented a panel discussion on Tribal Gaming at San Diego State University. The panelists included Sycuan Chairman Cody Martinez, Sycuan Band of Kumeyaay Indians, Chief Dan King of Red Lake College, and Dr. Katherine Spilde, San Diego State University. The group shared the partnership and commitment to tribal gaming and community. After the presentation, the group received the Chairman’s Leadership Award. Chairman Steven also presented the IGA Chairman’s Leadership Award to former Chairman Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians Michael Hunter and Walter Lamar, former FBI Agent and President of Lamar Associates. At the Tribal Leaders lounge, the Imagine This Award was presented to recognize the late Danny Saenz. On Thursday, Indian Gaming concluded the event at the Chairman’s Leaders lounge with closing remarks by Chairman Stevens and Indian Gaming Conference with a grand prize cash drawing. Chairman Stevens said, “The success of this year’s event is because of our industry’s remarkable perseverance and resiliency. Over the past two years, we have shown our determination to come back strong.” Stevens added, “It was phenomenal to be together again because we have much to celebrate. This week, we rolled up our sleeves addressing new challenges and opportunities, continuing our work to protect Tribal Sovereignty and strengthen Native communities.”
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