IGU 2023 First Half Issue FINAL

Stevens continued, “This early respect for Indigenous peoples was followed by misguided federal policies that fostered the taking of Indian lands and the removal of Native children from their families. However, our ancestors persevered, fought back, and fought back to protect tribal sovereignty and our way of life.” This was followed by a discussion entitled “California Sports Betting: Towards a Positive Solution.” The panel included Jason Giles, Executive Director of IGA; Mark Macarro, Chairman of the Pechanga Band of Indians; James Siva, Chairman of the California Nations Indian Gaming Association and James Mijia, Director of Public Affairs at Pechanga Development Corporation. The panel looked at how the lack of understanding of the stakeholder positions led to the most expensive and least effective regulatory battle in the modern history of sports betting, highlighting tribal positions. The tribal gaming track next included the “Tribal Gaming as Incubators for Innovation” panel, which discussed the unique regulatory set-up of tribal government gaming and how tribes continue to experiment with gaming formats and products to compete with commercial gaming. This panel discussion looked at the various approaches adopted or explored by the tribes to be innovative. It explored how to partner with the tribes and benefit from their regulatory standing to enter and be successful in the USA. The day ended with the panel entitled “Regulatory Obligations and Requirements in Partnership Agreements with the North American Tribes. This session looked at the unique regulatory set-up in tribal gaming that ensures sovereignty and oversight and leveraging the tribal partnerships regulatory framework as an entry route into a regulated market in the United States and a focus on understanding the obligations in the partnerships agreement and management contracts that ensure the integrity and financial benefit to the tribes and an overview of the relationship between tribal commissions and the regulatory NIGC framework. Holly Cook Macarro moderated this panel, Partner at Spirit Rock Consulting, panelist Sequoya Simermeyer, Chairman of the National Indian Gaming Commission, and Jonodev Chaudhuri, Principal at Chaudhuri Law and Ambassador of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. ICE 2023 organizers reported vast successes of this year’s event, which included a significant representation from the Indian Gaming industry, added to an overall global attendance of some 50,000, including 28,000 attendees on the gameshow floor, beating pre- COVID records.

ICE 2023 – ExCel London, February 10, 2023 - The Indian Gaming Association (IGA) kicked off the first day of the International Casino Exhibition (ICE) front and center by joining international gaming industry leaders at the 2023 last week by presenting a full day of sessions with tribal leaders and the Indian gaming industry experts about tribal government gaming. The tribal gaming track began with a panel entitled “Innovation, new channels, new vertical and new opportunities – exploring the evolving attitudes toward gaming and betting in Indian Country.” The discussion reviewed the differing approaches to gaming innovation in Indian Gaming vs. commercial gaming. IGA Chairman Ernie Stevens, Jr. joined a panel discussion that included Victor Rocha, Editor at Pechanga.net, and Sheila Morago, Executive Director of the Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association. While the focus was innovations in Indian Country, Chairman Stevens shared the importance of sharing the history of Indian country contributions to the United States. Stevens told the audience that the essence of the tribal government gaming industry is about advancing the gaming revenue to build upon tribal communities, our Native people, and their livelihood. It’s that simple. He said, “It is always important to me to use every opportunity to educate all and tell the story of our perseverance and important contributions to America.” He added, “Countless advances in American medicine, agriculture, and engineering, without the influence of native healers, farmers, and thinkers, would not have been possible. It should be well known. It should be a well-known fact that our ancestors inspired the infrastructure of America’s early democracy. Of course, even before being recognized as United States citizens, Native men and women warriors have stepped up to protect and serve our nation. And this democracy is five times the national average.”


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