San Diego, CA – April 02, 2023 – The Indian Gaming Association (IGA) kicked off its Annual Convention and Tradeshow with its Annual membership meeting at the San Diego Convention Center. Tribal Leaders came together to discuss important issues related to the Indian gaming industry and critical legislative issues impacting Tribal Sovereignty. IGA Chairman Ernie Stevens, Jr. delivered the annual State of Indian Gaming address, recognizing the tribal government gaming success through the Covid period: “We have been through a lot these past three years. We’ve suffered loss but have done much to help each other. Indian Country and our industry have shown remarkable perseverance, and thanks to your work, I am proud to report that the State of the Indian Gaming Industry is powerful. Indian gaming revenues topped $43 billion in revenue from 2022.
Stevens spoke about the recent 35-year celebration of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act (IGRA.) He said, “We celebrate what Indian country did for an act that diminished our rights as sovereign governments. I’ve said this many times before, IGRA did not come from Indian Country. The Act is far from perfect. Despite the limitation, Tribal governments have made it work at the detriment of tribal sovereignty. Tribes adjusted well, and we celebrate making the best of something intended to shut us down. Today, we stand, taking care of our industry - continuing to take charge and move Indian Country forward.” Jason Giles, Executive Director of IGA, provided the tribal leaders with Indian country legislative and policy updates in Washington, D.C. “Despite our financial resiliency, Indian Country is facing unprecedented attacks from the Federal Courts and State Governments. Tribes need to continue to educate our communities, neighbors, and representatives about Tribal Governments and our inherent rights under our Treaties, Federal Law, and the Constitution.” IGA Treasurer Andy Ebona presented his treasurer’s report, which included the annual audit update submitted by WIPFLI LLC. “I want to thank our IGA Member Tribes for all their financial support and cooperation during these tough times. I am proud to report that the IGA’s financial position continues to improve, and the future is bright. Thank you for providing the resources so the IGA can carry out its primary mission: to defend and protect Tribal Sovereignty and Tribal economic self-sufficiency.”
Stevens added, “Indian gaming has always been about job creation; about seamless, comprehensive Tribal regulation; and about giving back to our brother and sister tribal governments and our neighbors.” He shared that nationwide, Indian gaming is a proven job creator, delivering over 700,000 American jobs in 2022 alone. Stevens added, “Indian gaming is about our future: Indian Gaming is educating our Native youth and providing a path forward for the next seven generations. It is because we have great leadership with our boots on the ground, working hard and educating the world about our gaming industry.”
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