The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.2


The Fundamentals. who would speak only as He gave him words, He struck Eze­ kiel dumb. Two judgments already rested on that people— the seventy years’ Servitude to Babylon, and then the Captivity —and they were warned that continued impenitence would bring on them the still more terrible judgment of the seventy years’ desolations. And till that last judgment fell, Ezekiel remained dumb (Ezek. 3:26; 24:27; 33:22). But the Lord Jesus Christ needed no such discipline. He came to do the Father’s will, and no words ever passed His lips save the words given Him to speak. In this connection, moreover, two facts which are strangely overlooked claim prominent notice. The first is that in Mark 13 the antithesis is not at all between man and God, but be­ tween the Son of God and the Father. And the second is that He had been re-invested with all that, according to Phil. 2, He laid aside in coming into the world. “All things have been delivered unto Me of My Father,” He declared; and this at a time when the proofs that “He was despised and re­ jected of men” were pressing on Him. His reassuming the glory awaited His return to heaven, but here on earth the all things were already His (Matt. 11:27). AFTER THE KENOSIS. The foregoing is surely an adequate reply to the kenosis figment of the critics; but if any should still doubt or cavil, there is another answer which is complete and crushing. Whatever may have been the limitations under which He rested during His ministry on earth, He was released from them when He rose from the dead. And it was in His post-resurrection teaching that He gave the fullest and clearest testimony to the Hebrew Scriptures. Then it was that, “beginning at Moses, and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the Scrip­ tures the things concerning Himself.” And again, confirming all His previous teaching about those Scriptures, “He said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you while I was

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