1414 E. TRAIL ST.
MARCH 14, 2025
Welcome to our 11th annual sale! We are excited to, once again, invite you to the Winter Livestock facilities. The bulls will be set up in the pens to the east of the office by 3 pm on Thursday. Please come and walk through them on Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Any of the guys – Dennis Huck, Adam Stegman, Brady Huck, and Darin Huck – are happy to visit with you about your needs. Give us a call or come see us! As long-standing members of the cow/calf business, we know that our breeding decisions directly impact your bottom line and ours. Our 2024 commercial herd harvested 367 head through USPB with 100% Choice or above quality grade and an average of $177.50 premium paid on the grid. Bottom lines are important, and we’re pleased to present this set of bulls to support your bottom line. They represent several large sire groups, and we’re excited to offer bulls that excel in both calving ease and aggressive growth. We have a number of bulls that rank in the top of the breed for end product and carcass traits. Thank you for your trust in our program through the years. We look forward to showing you our bulls. Watch the videos (dvauction.com), come see us at Winter Livestock, or join us online. We’re thrilled to get the best of our herds working in your herds! Sincerely, The Huck and Stegman families
To view videos scan this QR code
THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2025 3 pm All the bulls will be available for viewing at Winter Livestock 5 pm We invite you to join us at Winter Livestock for viewing of the sale cattle as well as a light meal.
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025 9 am All the bulls will be available for viewing Noon A complimentary lunch will be served 1 pm Huck/Stegman Angus Bull Sale will begin
MARCH 14, 2025
82 Fall Yearlings 54 Spring Yearlings
Darin Huck 620-338-4021
Dennis Huck 620-285-5498
Brady Huck 620-682-5976
Adam Stegman 620-385-0048
Rance Long 918-510-3464
SEMEN INTEREST 1/3 Semen interest is being retained in all of the bulls selling. The buyer will receive full possession and full salvage value. VOLUME DISCOUNT 1% per bull when 3 or more bulls are purchased to a maximum of 5%. 3 bulls equals 3%. 5 or more bulls equals 5%. This volume discount applies to individual buyers. TRUCKING DISCOUNT AND DELIVERY Bring your truck and trailer sale day and receive a $100 per head discount if you pick up your bull purchases on sale day. All bulls purchased for $4,000 or more will be delivered at no charge to your farm or ranch within 300 miles of Dodge City, KS. GUARANTEE Bulls selling for $4000.00 or more will sell with first breeding season guarantee. Breeding season is defined as 90 days from day turned out with cows. This guarantee covers reproductive injury and needs to be diagnosed by a veterinarian. This is not mortality insurance and we recommend purchasing if you want that coverage. Sale credit will be provided as sale price minus $2500 salvage value and can be used as sale credit or a replacement bull will be provided if available. INSURANCE A representative of James F Bessler Inc. will be available sale day to assist with your insurance needs. LIABILITY The sale participants, sale staff, and the sale facility are not responsible for accidents or injuries that might occur by attendees. EPDs contained in the hard copy of this sale book were current as of print date. Digital versions of this sale book can be viewed online at www.angus.org and will have EPDs updated every Friday with the exception of EPD references in footnotes and photos. Any PDF downloads from the website will contain EPDs current as of the date downloaded. References: American Angus Association®, AHIR®, AngusLinkSM, CAB®, Pathfinder®.
AUCTIONEER Joel Birdwell 405-368-1058
RANCE LONG, INC 918.510.3464 cell RLong@RanceLong.com www.RanceLong.com Sale Managed By
LIVESTOCK PUBLICATION REPRESENTATIVES Jeff Mafi, Angus Journal ...........................................................................816-344-4266 Levi Landers, Angus Journal .................................................................. 308-730-1396 Stephen Russell, Kansas Stockman ................................................ 785-458-2650 Craig Talkington ..............................................................................................785-623-1789 Matt Caldwell, Stock Exchange ...............................................................913-755-1105 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Cattle will sell under the suggested terms and conditions of the American Angus Association. HERD HEALTH All of the bulls selling have passed a breeding soundness exam and have been BVD/PI tested. All bulls have been vaccinated with Fusaguard for foot rot prevention and papillomavirus for wart prevention. COMPLIMENTARY LUNCH Lunch will be served beginning at noon with donuts and coffee available beginning at 9am. Huck/Stegman Angus would like to thank Winter Livestock, American Ag Credit, and Elanco/D.W. Cinnamon for co- sponsoring our meal.
We hope that all of you are able to attend the sale in person but realize in today’s busy world that is not always possible. Therefore, videos on all the cattle selling are available on DVAuction and the sale will be broadcast on DVAuction where you may bid in real time. For assistance, contact Laramie Long at 317-409-9212.
MARCH 14, 2025
CALVING EASE DIRECT (CED) is expressed as a difference in percentage of unassisted births, with a higher value indicating greater calving ease in first-calf heifers. It predicts the average difference in ease with which a sire’s calves will be born when he is bred to first-calf heifers. BIRTH WEIGHT EPD (BEPD) expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit birth weight to his progeny compared to that of other sires. WEANING WEIGHT EPD (WEPD) expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit weaning growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. YEARLING WEIGHT EPD (YEPD) expressed in pounds, is a predictor of a sire’s ability to transmit yearling growth to his progeny compared to that of other sires. MATERNAL MILK EPD (MILK) is a predictor of a sire’s genetic merit for milk and mothering ability as expressed in his daughters compared to daughters of other sires. In other words, it is that part of a calf’s weaning weight attributed to milk and mothering ability. CLAW SET EPD (CLAW) is expressed in units of claw-set score, with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire will produce progeny with more ideal claw set. The ideal claw set is toes that are symmetrical, even and appropriately spaced. FOOT ANGLE EPD (ANGLE) is expressed in units of foot-angle score, with a lower EPD being more favorable indicating a sire will produce progeny with more ideal foot angle. The ideal is a 45-degree angle at the pastern joint with appropriate toe length and heel depth. MARBLING EPD (MARB) expressed as a fraction of the difference in USDA marbling score of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. RIBEYE AREA EPD (RE) expressed in square inches, is a predictor of the difference in ribeye area of a sire’s progeny compared to progeny of other sires. MATERNAL WEANED CALF VALUE ($M) an index, expressed in dollars per head, predicts profitability differences from conception to weaning with the underlying breeding objective assuming that individuals retain their own
replacement females within herd and sell the rest of the cull female and all male progeny as feeder calves. The model assumes commercial producers will replace 25% of their breeding females in the first generation and 20% of their breeding females in each subsequent generation. Traits included are as follows: calving ease direct, calving ease maternal, weaning weight, milk, heifer pregnancy, docility, mature cow weight, claw set and foot angle. WEANED CALF VALUE ($W) an index, expressed in dollars per head, to predict profitability differences in progeny due to genetics from birth to weaning. The underlying objective being producers will retain 20% of the female progeny as replacements and sell the rest of the cull females and their male counterparts as feeder calves. Traits included are as follows (in no particular order): birth weight, weaning weight, milk, and mature cow weight. BEEF VALUE ($B) a terminal index, expressed in dollars per carcass, to predict profitability differences in progeny due to genetics for postweaning and carcass traits. This terminal index assumes commercial producers wean all male and female progeny, retain ownership of these animals through the feedlot phase and market these animals on a carcass grid. Traits included in the index are as follows: yearling weight, dry- matter intake, marbling, carcass weight, ribeye area and fat. COMBINED VALUE ($C) an index, expressed in dollars per head, which includes all traits that make up both Maternal Weaned Calf Value ($M) and Beef Value ($B) with the objective that commercial producers will replace 20% of their breeding females per year with replacement heifers retained within their own herd. The remaining cull heifer and steer progeny are then assumed to be sent to the feedlot where the producers retain ownership of those cattle and sell them on a quality-based carcass merit grid. Expected progeny differences (EPDs) directly influencing a combined index: calving ease direct (CED) and maternal (CEM), weaning weight (WW), yearling weight (YW), maternal milk (Milk), heifer pregnancy (HP), docility (DOC), mature cow weight (MW), foot angle (Angle), claw set (Claw), dry matter intake (DMI), marbling (Marb), carcass weight (CW), ribeye area (RE) and fat thickness (Fat).
The Huck and Stegman programs are committed to produce the kind of cattle that ultimately will add value to their customers’ bottom line which is ultimately when the cattle are harvested. In 2024 the Huck program harvested 367 head of cattle through the US Premium Beef program with 100% of those cattle hitting choice or higher with an average premium paid off the grid of $177.50! The same genetics that produce these cattle are included in this offering.
CED BW WW YW SC HP MILK DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP CWT MB REA $M $W $F $G $B $C 7 1.4 77 136 .78 12.0 27 20 .48 .43 0.93 64 0.98 0.89 69 73 114 79 186 311 CED BW WW YW SC HP MILK DOC CLAW ANGLE PAP CWT MB REA $M $W $F $G $B $C 6 1.3 67 117 .88 12.4 26 19 .49 .47 1.23 54 .75 .69 64 61 93 55 152 260 Non-Parent Bulls BrEed Averages
MARCH 14, 2025
Targeting the Brand™ identifies registered Angus bulls with the genetic potential to sire calves more likely to meet all 10 Certified Angus Beef ® brand specifications.
Minimum Genetic Requirements
Marbling EPD (Marb)
Grid Value ($G)
For more information on Targeting the Brand™ visit CABcattle.com.
MARCH 14, 2025
DVAR BREAKTHROUGH 916 3073 - Lot 1
DVAR Breakthrough 916 3073
Birth Date: 08-20-2023
Bull *20854009
Tattoo: 3073
+*G A R Prophet K263
#+*G A R Prophet
+*Beal Breakthrough 19829112 *H P C A Sure Fire S6
+*Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*H P C A Ingenuity A372 #*SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Rita 2618 #*EF Complement 8088 DVAR RP1725 1001 510
CW +52 55% MARB +1.28 15% RE +.80 35%
#SydGen Enhance
*DVAR 1725 728 916 19510984 DVAR 1725 510 728
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +17 1% -2.2 3% +74 30% +135 25% +.69 65% +12.7 50% +25 55% +30 10% SC HP MILK * Double-digit CED in this extreme calving ease, sure-shot heifer bull who will also transmit added MB with high $M and $C traits. Plus, he is very well designed and super smooth fronted. * He is backed by multiple generations of high maternal DVAR bred females, a perfect herd sire to be used in a program where calving ease is super important and where the resulting calves have the bred-in genetics to earn the CAB premiums. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 490 968 2.32 10.8 35.24 $C +.47 40% +.48 55% +3.44 90% +88 10% +77 15% +94 50% +82 15% +177 25% +318 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
MARCH 14, 2025
DVAR Breakthrough L163
* Calving ease with curve-bending growth in this big outlined son of these ST Genetics sire, Beal Breakthrough. * He posted an exceptional low birth ratio of 83 along with WR-110, YR-111, and UREA-109. * His dam is backed by the Emblynette cow family that has worked very well for the Huck family, and she earned a record of BR 4@95, WR 4@105, and YR 2@103 with UREA 2@111. * A maternal brother by DVAR Hoover Dam 4050 sold to Ed Burton.
Birth Date: 08-17-2023
Bull *21014729
Tattoo: L163
+*G A R Prophet K263
#+*G A R Prophet
+*Beal Breakthrough 19829112 *H P C A Sure Fire S6
+*Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*H P C A Ingenuity A372 +baldridge Xpand x743 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Hoover Dam +*Dvar Emblynette 0030 D3111
CW +75 10% MARB +.92 30% RE +1.42 2%
#+*Baldridge Colonel C251
+*DVAR Emblynette D8100 19451526 *DVAR Emblynette 3111 D5111
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +14 4% -.5 15% +78 20% +152 10% +.81 55% +7.6 95% +38 2% +27 15% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.40 20% +.36 10% +1.93 70% +68 40% +82 10% +121 10% +75 20% +196 10% +322 10% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 610 1090 2.55 12.3 36.14
BEAL BREAKTHROUGH - Sons of this curve-bending, calving-ease, growth, and carcass sire sell as Lots 1-5.
MARCH 14, 2025
STEG Breakthrough 358
Birth Date: 07-29-2023
Bull *21043386
Tattoo: 358
+*G A R Prophet K263
#+*G A R Prophet
+*Beal Breakthrough 19829112 *H P C A Sure Fire S6
+*Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*H P C A Ingenuity A372 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*GDAR Leupold 298 MCC SuperMama 7104
CW +92 1% MARB +.94 30% RE +1.45 1%
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund
STEG SuperMama 120 20369754 MCC SuperMama 6232
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +13 10% +.5 35% +111 1% +191 1% +.44 80% +10.0 75% +30 25% +28 15% SC HP MILK * Sure-shot calving ease with superior bred-in maternal power in this son of Breakthrough. * He ranks among the breed’s most elite for extreme WW and YW EPDs while excelling with a $B/$C combination that ranks high in the breed. * His dam is by one of the breed’s all-time great sires, Deer Valley Growth Fund, and she weaned this bull as a two-year-old. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 705 1251 N/A N/A 35.53 $C +.63 95% +.42 25% +1.96 70% +69 40% +105 1% +131 4% +75 20% +206 10% +336 10% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR Breakthrough L156
Birth Date: 08-08-2023
Bull *21016253
Tattoo: L156
STEG Breakthrough 361
+*G A R Prophet K263
#+*G A R Prophet
+*Beal Breakthrough 19829112 *H P C A Sure Fire S6
+*Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*H P C A Ingenuity A372 #*Connealy Confidence Plus +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*A A R Ten X 7008 S A +Dvar Lady 15 010
Birth Date: 08-07-2023
Bull *21043388
Tattoo: 361
CW +65 25% MARB +1.14 20% RE +1.64 1%
+*G A R Prophet K263
#+*G A R Prophet
+*Beal Breakthrough 19829112 *H P C A Sure Fire S6
+*Chair Rock 5050 G A R 1131 #+*G A R Sure Fire +*H P C A Ingenuity A372 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #*S Chisum 6175 DVAR Blackbird 614 D2107
CW +89 2% MARB +.90 35% RE +1.59 1%
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871
*DVAR Lady J111
20319970 *Dvar Lady 010 6000
+*DVAR Payweight 7050
*STEG Blackbird 131
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +10 25% +.3 30% +76 25% +133 25% +.85 55% +10.1 75% +25 55% +26 20% SC HP MILK * Double-digit CED in this Breakthrough son who offers a superior MB and REA combination while also excelling for $M and $C traits. * He posted a very low birth ratio of 88 and is produced from a two-year-old daughter of the DVAR bred sire, Huckleberry. * Cattlemen will appreciate the extra muscle dimension he displays for a calving- ease sire. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 531 965 2.63 13.6 33.85 $C +.46 40% +.32 2% +2.53 80% +91 4% +79 15% +108 25% +88 10% +196 10% +345 4% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
+*STEG Blackbird 740
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +11 15% +1.4 55% +84 10% +147 10% +.26 90% +17.1 10% +33 10% +27 15% SC HP MILK * Another impressive Breakthrough son offering double-digit CED with added growth and an excellent PAP EPD to go along with his end-product traits and his superior $M/$C combo. * He posted a low birth ratio of 85 along with YR-103 and UREA-113. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 571 1176 1.85 13.8 32.82 $C +.53 65% +.33 3% -1.58 10% +96 2% +87 3% +140 2% +74 20% +213 5% +372 1% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
MARCH 14, 2025
* One of the most impressive high-performance bulls ever produced in the DVAR program is this son of the Grimmius sire, GAR Freedom. * This massive-designed, thick-ended and high-performance individual posted a low birth ratio of 94 along with WR-108 and YR-105 from a two-year-old daughter of GAR Hometown and dominated his contemporaries with a %IMF ratio of 145. * In terms of calving ease with unbelievable weaning and yearling growth combined with an elite PAP EPD blended with superior MB and REA traits, he ultimately offers a $C value at the top of the breed – Big time herd sire credentials with a tremendous amount of mass with the presence of a great breeding bull!
Birth Date: 08-01-2023
Bull *21020687
Tattoo: L155
#+*G A R Proactive
#+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 +*G A R Fruition *G A R Daybreak 2610 #+*G A R Ashland
*G A R Freedom
CW +77 10% MARB +1.26 15% RE +1.00 20%
+*RWA Fruition W2025
*G A R Home Town
+*DVAR Lady 9122 J104 20316258 +*E&B Lady Plus 9122
+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #*Connealy Confidence Plus #+E&B Lady Objective 847
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +10 25% +.5 35% +90 5% +151 10% +1.39 20% +12.1 55% +21 85% +24 30% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.48 45% +.48 55% -2.34 2% +85 10% +86 4% +128 5% +86 10% +214 5% +363 2% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 601 1033 4.23 10.7 36.63
GAR FREEDOM A tremendous set of sons of GAR Freedom sell as Lots 6-11. Freedom consistently transmits low birth with curve-bending growth and superior end-product values while stamping his progeny with a smooth well-designed look, in addition he offers bred-in maternal values as he is from a dam recording BR 3@85, WR 3@105, %IMF 4@109 and REA 4@101.
MARCH 14, 2025
* A superior EPD profile in this Freedom son who posted WR-105 along with YR-112, %IMF-106, and UREA-108 from a two-year-old dam, blending Regiment and Growth Fund in her pedigree. * Expect low birth progeny that will weigh heavy at weaning and yearling time with the bred-in carcass values to hit all the premiums.
DVAR FREEDOM 1008 3074 - Lot 7
DVAR Freedom 1008 3074
STEG Freedom 370
Birth Date: 08-18-2023
Bull *20855719
Tattoo: 3074
Birth Date: 08-09-2023
Bull *21046557
Tattoo: 370
#+*G A R Proactive
#+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521
#+*G A R Proactive
#+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 +*G A R Fruition *G A R Daybreak 2610
*G A R Freedom
*G A R Freedom
CW +90 2% MARB +1.08 20% RE +1.25 4%
CW +63 30% MARB +.98 30% RE +1.22 5%
+*RWA Fruition W2025
+*G A R Fruition *G A R Daybreak 2610 *WAR Cavalry B063 Z044 *Vintage Chloe 6137 +*Deer Valley Growth Fund +*G A R Trust 373
+*RWA Fruition W2025
+*Wilks Regiment 9035
#+*Baldridge Colonel C251
+baldridge Xpand x743 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Stegman 1725 1202
*DVAR Trust 9003 1008 20284979 *DVAR Trust 373 9003
+*STEG 1202 041
20081302 *STEG 1202 535
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +11 15% -.5 15% +89 5% +159 4% +.57 75% +10.9 70% +37 3% +15 70% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.45 35% +.41 20% +.15 30% +65 50% +93 1% +140 2% +81 15% +221 3% +352 3% $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +2 85% +2.5 80% +89 5% +152 10% +.83 55% +14.3 30% +23 70% +18 60% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.41 20% +.54 85% +2.46 80% +78 20% +80 10% +96 45% +78 15% +174 25% +304 20% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 524 1097 2.45 12.1 36.17
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 686 1136 3.60 13.0 35.38
* Power and performance in this Freedom son who weaned with an impressive ratio of 113 among his contemporaries, while posting an exceptional %IMF ratio of 129 and UREA-107. * This is a cattleman’s kind of high-performance bull who will transmit red meat muscle to his progeny that will ultimately smash the scales down with added pay weight.
STEG FREEDOM 370 - Lot 8
MARCH 14, 2025
STEG Freedom 372
DVAR Freedom 1013 3075 [ DDP ]
Birth Date: 08-07-2023
Bull *21046555
Tattoo: 372
Birth Date: 08-17-2023
Bull *20855717
Tattoo: 3075
#+*G A R Proactive
#+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 +*G A R Fruition *G A R Daybreak 2610
#+*G A R Proactive
#+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521
*G A R Freedom
*G A R Freedom
CW +80 5% MARB +1.18 15% RE +1.01 15%
CW +65 25% MARB +1.11 20% RE +.60 60%
+*RWA Fruition W2025
+*RWA Fruition W2025
+*G A R Fruition *G A R Daybreak 2610 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 *Buford AVF All Purpose 4700 Dvar Blackcap 744 2012
*GB Fireball 672
+*G A R Sure Fire 6404 *GB Anticipation 432 #+*G A R Prophet Molitor Pen Princess651-068
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund
*STEG Princess 014 20086614 STEG Princess 829
DVAR Blackcap 4020 1013 20285163 DVAR Blackcap 4020
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +9 30% +1.6 60% +94 2% +168 2% +1.04 40% +14.5 30% +27 40% +16 70% SC HP MILK * Low birth with curve-bending growth in this high-performance Freedom son, who posted WR-114 and YR-109 along with UREA-104. * Expect the result in progeny to not only weigh heavy but to be stout-made and thick ended, while also offering the superior MB values of Fireball to ensure they hit the CAB specs. * His dam records WR 2@112 with YR 1@109. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 689 1246 2.23 12.7 33.32 $C +.51 60% +.48 55% +2.42 80% +55 75% +82 10% +127 5% +84 10% +211 10% +329 10% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +7 45% +1.8 65% +81 15% +143 15% +.48 80% +11.8 60% +25 55% +13 80% SC HP MILK * Proven performance in this thick-ended, big-hipped Freedom son who posted a low birth ratio of 97 along with WR-109, YR-104, %IMF-119 and UREA-109 all from a two-year-old dam. * These Freedom sons will consistently transmit the right genetics to add value to your bottom line. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 542 1012 2.76 12.2 34.64 $C +.54 70% +.40 20% +2.10 70% +67 45% +74 20% +114 15% +72 20% +186 15% +308 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
STEG Freedom 369
STEG Craftsman 373
Birth Date: 08-06-2023
Bull *21046573
Tattoo: 369
Birth Date: 08-21-2023
Bull *21043491
Tattoo: 373
#+*G A R Proactive
#+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 +*G A R Fruition *G A R Daybreak 2610
*Sitz Resilient 10208
#*Sitz Stellar 726D
*G A R Freedom
*Connealy Craftsman
*Sitz Miss Burgess 1856 *Connealy Niobrara 5451 Black Carla of Conanga 450 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 TC Marcia 0044 #*Jindra Double Vision Boyd Nardelli Lady 1226
CW +67 25% MARB +1.04 25% RE +.68 50%
CW +69 20% MARB +1.01 25% RE +.86 30%
+*RWA Fruition W2025
20132505 #*Black Cathy of Conanga 8521
#+*TEX Playbook 5437
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete
*Carter’s Omaha
*STEG 1202 920
*STEG Lady 820
19731207 +*STEG 1202 527
#*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Stegman 1725 1202
19466166 STEG Lady 609
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +9 30% +.4 30% +81 15% +136 25% +.17 90% +14.3 30% +25 55% +18 60% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.59 85% +.49 60% -1.96 4% +82 15% +82 10% +113 20% +70 25% +183 20% +319 15% $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +3 75% +1.4 55% +77 25% +141 20% +.48 80% +12.1 55% +33 10% +15 70% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.39 15% +.41 20% +.63 40% +62 60% +76 15% +123 10% +72 20% +194 15% +314 15% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 636 1138 2.29 12.5 35.45
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 626 1215 3.42 11.9 35.77
* A low birth, calving-ease son of Freedom posted BR-96, WR-105, and YR-100 with UREA-102.
* A son of the $500,000 Connealy Craftsman who posted WR-103, YR-106, and %IMF-122.
* This Freedom son who will transmit extra MB to his progeny and his daughters will be the keeping kind as his high maternal Playbook dam records BR 3@90 with WR 3@108 and YR 2@105.
* His dam has performed quite well in the Stegman program, weaned four calves with an average ratio of 105 combined with YR 3@108, %IMF 3@107 and UREA 3@102.
MARCH 14, 2025
DVAR OPTIMUM 740 3058 - Lot 13
DVAR Optimum 740 3058
DVAR Optimum 0011 3055
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund Birth Date: 08-23-2023
Bull *20853994
Tattoo: 3058
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund Birth Date: 08-20-2023
Bull *20853992
Tattoo: 3055
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #+*G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 #*S A V Brilliance 8077 +*PVF Missie 790 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *S A V Emblynette 0030
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113
+*Deer Valley Optimum 9246 19466633 +*G A R Progress 830
+*Deer Valley Optimum 9246 19466633 +*G A R Progress 830
CW +67 25% MARB +.78 45% RE +1.07 15%
CW +73 15% MARB +1.23 15% RE +.34 90%
#+*G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 #*Hoover Dam
#+*PVF Insight 0129
#*S S Niagara Z29
*DVAR Emblynette 302 740 18904323 +*STEG Consensus 302
DVAR Lady 102 0011 20033115 +Dvar Lady 102
Jet S S X144
#*S A V Iron Mountain 8066 +Dvar Lady 15 802
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +12 10% +.3 30% +66 55% +128 35% +.77 60% +10.0 75% +24 65% +14 75% SC HP MILK * A son of the popular Select Sires calving-ease and high MB sire, Deer Valley Optimum 9246, in this bull who balances double-digit CED with added end-product traits and he posted a low birth ratio of 97 along with YR-108 and UREA-103. * This calving-ease bull will be one all cattlemen will appreciate for his mass and body with the ability to transmit growth and performance to add value. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 501 1048 2.41 12.0 35.80 $C +.57 80% +.58 95% +.41 35% +47 90% +60 55% +127 5% +60 40% +187 15% +290 25% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +9 30% +1.4 55% +65 55% +130 30% +.85 55% +15.1 25% +42 1% +17 65% SC HP MILK * For cattlemen in search of a well-balanced herd sire who will transmit that extra MB to hit the CAB specs, this Optimum son has those ingredients, plus he weaned with a ratio of 108 and posted a %IMF ratio of 106. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 542 883 2.95 9.7 31.73 $C +.45 35% +.56 90% +.64 40% +74 25% +72 25% +128 5% +71 20% +199 10% +332 10% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR Optimum 610 3059
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund Birth Date: 08-20-2023
Bull 20853996
Tattoo: 3059
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113
+*Deer Valley Optimum 9246 19466633 +*G A R Progress 830
CW +76 10% MARB +1.06 25% RE +.65 55%
#+*G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346
#+*G A R Prophet
#C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 +G A R Objective 1885 #S A V Net Worth 4200 +Dvar Blackcap 1407 4012
DVAR Blackcap 903 610 18559532 DVAR Blackcap 903
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +14 4% +1.4 55% +90 5% +169 2% +.55 75% +10.2 75% +33 10% +20 50% SC HP MILK * This big-bodied Optimum son offers double-digit CED with curve- bending weaning and yearling growth while excelling with added MB as he posted a %IMF ratio of 138 to go along with BR-99, WR-108, and YR-112. * His Prophet dam records WR 2@105 with YR 1@112 and %IMF 1@138. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 536 1088 3.21 9.7 32.21 $C +.62 95% +.49 60% +2.00 70% +58 70% +86 4% +115 15% +69 25% +184 20% +297 20% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR OPTIMUM 610 3059 - Calving ease and high growth in this Optimum son who sells as Lot 14.
MARCH 14, 2025
DVAR Huckleberry L168
DVAR Huckleberry L176
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871 Birth Date: 09-08-2023
Bull *21013250
Tattoo: L168
Birth Date: 10-22-2023
Bull *21013256
Tattoo: L176
#*Connealy Confidence Plus +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 +*ACC Ascension 7014 +*GVC Susanna E192 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 Baldridge Equity A078 MCC Supermama 2041
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871
#*Connealy Confidence Plus +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 +*ACC Ascension 7014 +*GVC Susanna E192 #*G A R Momentum +*G A R Prophet 2984 #+*MGR Treasure +*DVAR Emblynette D6100
*DVAR Huckleberry 175J 20096966 *GVC Susanna G042
*DVAR Huckleberry 175J 20096966 *GVC Susanna G042
CW +77 10% MARB +.27 90% RE +.78 40%
CW +91 1% MARB +.60 65% RE +1.35 2%
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund
*G A R Inertia
*MCC SuperMama 0035 19740357 MCC SuperMama 6107
*DVAR Emblynette D0107 20055028 *DVAR Emblynette D8102
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +12 10% +0 25% +83 15% +146 15% +1.30 25% +12.1 55% +38 2% +25 25% SC HP MILK * Here is a cowboy’s kind of bull – he is stout and powerful with tons of rib and a big hip, plus he is unique in his ability to offer double- digit CED. * He posted a low birth ratio of 97 and excelled at weaning and yearling time with ratios of 110, plus he posted a UREA ratio of 110. * His dam by Growth Fund was bred in the Marshall Cattle Company program. * A maternal brother by Sure Fire sold to Jerome Indiek. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 612 1082 2.50 12.4 37.50 $C +.68 95% +.58 95% +1.15 50% +72 30% +92 1% +124 10% +33 90% +157 45% +276 35% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +6 55% +.7 40% +98 1% +180 1% +1.25 30% +9.3 85% +29 30% +21 45% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.48 45% +.46 45% +.62 40% +57 70% +90 2% +138 2% +60 40% +197 10% +313 15% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 671 1141 2.18 13.4 36.75
* Curve-bending weaning and yearling growth in this
Huckleberry grandson whose progeny should weigh extremely heavy regardless of if you’re selling at weaning time or as yearlings, plus he will transmit extra muscle to his progeny. * He posted an impressive weaning ratio of 120 along with YR-116 and UREA-119 and his dam records WR 2@111 with YR 1@116 and UREA 1@119.
DVAR Huckleberry L171
Birth Date: 09-17-2023
Bull *21013251
Tattoo: L171
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871
#*Connealy Confidence Plus +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 +*ACC Ascension 7014 +*GVC Susanna E192 #+*Basin Payweight 006S 21AR O Lass 7017 Dvar Npvalue 981 +Dvar Sarah 0373 0105
*DVAR Huckleberry 175J 20096966 *GVC Susanna G042
CW +67 25% MARB +.67 55% RE +.60 60%
DVAR HUCKLEBERRY 175J One of the most impressive sons of the DVAR bred sire, Huckleberry, is this individual who excels with extreme weaning and yearling growth and has stamped his progeny in this sale with a smooth look with extra muscle and mass.
#+*Basin Payweight 1682
DVAR Sara D8112
19443639 DVAR Sara 0105 D2112
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +10 25% -1.1 10% +71 40% +124 40% +1.05 40% +13.5 40% +37 3% +20 50% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.53 65% +.41 20% +1.07 50% +83 10% +84 5% +115 15% +51 55% +167 30% +300 20% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 547 949 2.69 11.0 39.13
* Double-digit CED in this 175J son who posted a very low birth
ratio of 97 and should be an excellent prospect to use on heifers as his dam has consistently transmitted calving ease, recording BR 3@95.
MARCH 14, 2025
* Extra power in this big- hipped and stout-made son of the heavily used DVAR Huckleberry 871 who has a well-rounded set of EPDs highlighted with super carcass traits and should produce a set of calves that will market on the rail and should hit all of the premiums and they should feed efficiently. * He balances a low birth ratio of 99 along with WR-101, YR- 105, %IMF-110, and UREA-104.
DVAR Huckleberry L161
DVAR Huckleberry L160
#*Connealy Confidence Plus Birth Date: 08-13-2023
Bull *21013246
Tattoo: L161
#*Connealy Confidence Plus Birth Date: 08-10-2023
Bull *21013245
Tattoo: L160
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T *Silveiras Conversion 8064 *Byergo Elia Cupcake 5900 #*S A V Brilliance 8077 +Dvar Pioneer 2445 0205
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T #+*Basin Payweight 006S #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +G A R Retail Product 1725 21AR O Lass 7017
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001
CW +65 25% MARB +1.21 15% RE +1.06 15%
CW +68 20% MARB +.83 40% RE +1.06 15%
*Byergo Black Magic 3348
#+*Basin Payweight 1682
DVAR 0205 D9112
+*DVAR 1202 D9105
19730259 DVAR Pioneer 0205 Bril D3108
19732854 +*Stegman 1725 1202
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +7 45% +1.2 50% +71 40% +132 30% +.43 80% +10.1 75% +35 10% +14 75% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.51 60% +.45 40% +2.01 70% +72 30% +78 15% +113 20% +86 10% +199 10% +330 10% $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +5 60% +1.0 45% +78 20% +141 20% +1.23 30% +9.5 80% +26 50% +29 10% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.51 60% +.39 15% +4.25 95% +78 20% +77 15% +115 15% +67 25% +183 20% +315 15% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 565 1029 3.21 11.8 33.17
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 575 1031 2.21 11.8 39.08
* Proven performance in this Huckleberry son who posted WR-103 and YR-105 along with UREA-104. * He is a well-made bull with extra muscle shape that you would expect in a Huckleberry son backed by a high maternal Payweight dam. * Drew Berry purchased a Regiment maternal brother to this Huckleberry son.
MARCH 14, 2025
DVAR Huckleberry L164
#*Connealy Confidence Plus Birth Date: 08-18-2023
Bull *21013247
Tattoo: L164
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T +*G A R Sure Fire 6404 *GB Anticipation 432 #+*PVF Insight 0129 +*Dvar Emblynette 0030 D3111
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001
CW +89 2% MARB +.74 50% RE +1.41 2%
*GB Fireball 672
*DVAR Emblynette D0116 20055096 *DVAR Emblynette D7111
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +3 75% +2.5 80% +80 20% +152 10% +.10 95% +5.4 95% +31 20% +20 50% SC HP MILK * Curve-bending growth traits in this Huckleberry whose progeny will not only wean heavy, but will also feed efficiently and with his dam being by Fireball expect the extra MB to excel when marketed on the rail. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 548 1041 2.87 11.8 36.67 $C +.45 35% +.51 70% +1.53 60% +39 95% +71 30% +144 1% +68 25% +213 5% +315 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR Huckleberry L166
#*Connealy Confidence Plus Birth Date: 08-21-2023
Bull *21013249
Tattoo: L166
HUCKLEBERRY One of the most impressive sons of the high maternal and proven Pathfinder sire, Connealy Confidence Plus, and he has seen heavy use throughout the industry, consistently transmitting a super smooth look to his progeny while also offering extra REA values and he also excels with a high $M/$C combination.
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001
CW +59 40% MARB +.69 55% RE +1.28 3%
#+*Quaker Hill Rampage 0A36
#MCC Daybreak
DVAR Blackcap D7110
+*QHF Blackcap 6E2 of4V16 4355
19146874 +Dvar Blackcap 747 1007
#*S A V Final Answer 0035 +Dvar Blackcap 982 747
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +4 70% +3.1 85% +70 40% +127 35% +1.74 10% +12.8 50% +26 50% +20 50% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.42 25% +.45 40% +4.04 95% +69 40% +61 55% +112 20% +65 30% +177 25% +299 20% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 522 984 2.99 11.9 38.24
* A very well-balanced set of EPDs in this Huckleberry son who posted a high %IMF ratio of 103 along with UREA-105.
* Expect his daughters to be the keeping kind as his high maternal dam records a low birth ratio on four head at 96 combined with WR 4@106 and she has two daughters in production combining for WR 2@107.
DVAR Sherman 815 3056
Birth Date: 08-15-2023
Bull *20853993
Tattoo: 3056
*Gardens Cache
#*A A R Ten X 7008 S A Green Garden Rita K078 #*Mill Bar Hickok 7242 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
+*Baldridge Sherman
CW +65 25% MARB +1.22 15% RE +1.01 15%
+*Baldridge Isabel D753
#*Connealy Confidence Plus +*DVAR Henrietta 4001 815 19241997 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +5 60% +1.3 50% +76 25% +139 20% +1.25 30% +17.8 10% +21 85% +36 1% SC HP MILK * Added pay weight and pure power in this Sherman son who posted a low birth ratio of 99 and excelled among his contemporaries with a weaning ratio of 117 and a yearling ratio of 108, and he also posted an impressive %IMF ratio of 140. * His dam is a full sister to Huckleberry and has produce over 20 calves for us her her two natural calves averaging WR 2@113. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 594 1050 3.68 11.3 36.55 $C +.38 15% +.42 25% +2.47 80% +85 10% +66 40% +116 15% +82 15% +198 10% +342 5% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR SHERMAN 815 3056 - Lot 23
DVAR Paragon L151
Birth Date: 09-13-2023
Bull +*21014715
Tattoo: L151
+*G A R Combustion
#+*G A R Sure Fire
+*Ankonian Paragon 0C4 19719477 +*G A R Early Bird N985
+*G A R Momentum 1724 *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Complete N281 +baldridge Xpand x743 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*SydGen Trust 6228 +G A R Big Eye 1820
CW +76 10% MARB +1.05 25% RE +1.28 3%
#+*Baldridge Colonel C251
+*DVAR 373 D9107 19729212 +*G A R Trust 373
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +2 85% +2.5 80% +77 25% +143 15% -.68 95% +11.2 65% +20 90% +36 1% SC HP MILK * Proven carcass genetics stacked in the pedigree of this Paragon son who offers a high $B/$C combination. * His dam by the Pathfinder sire, Baldridge Colonel, is a direct daughter of the long-time DVAR donor, GAR Trust 373. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 537 935 3.76 11.0 31.99 $C +.49 50% +.42 25% +1.92 70% +47 90% +56 65% +143 1% +81 15% +224 3% +338 10% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR PARAGON L151 - Lot 24
MARCH 14, 2025
DVAR SALVATION 822 3051 - He sells as Lot 25 and his flush brothers are Lots 26 and 27.
DVAR Salvation 822 3051
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-13-2023
Bull +*20855592
Tattoo: 3051
* FLUSH BROTHERS! * An opportunity to invest in consistent uniform genetics in these flush brothers sired by the very popular and proven carcass sire, SG Salvation, backed by a high maternal daughter of Confidence Plus who descends from the Eisa Erica cow family. * Each of these three flush brothers excel in their ability to transmit added MB and REA traits to their progeny and each of them also excel in their $B/$C combinations ranking near the top of the entire breed. * Their dam has a record of BR 4@98 with WR 4@109 and YR 1@107, and she also records %IMF 6@109 and UREA 6@104.
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Mytty In Focus +Circle S Eisa Erica 3076
*SG Salvation
CW +62 35% MARB +1.35 10% RE +1.03 15%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#*Connealy Confidence Plus
DVAR Eisa Erica 8314 822 19238369 +Stucky Eisa Erica 8314
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +5 60% +3.2 90% +75 30% +126 40% +.95 50% +13.4 40% +18 95% +29 10% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.37 10% +.33 3% +.86 45% +88 10% +63 50% +110 20% +90 10% +200 10% +347 4% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 508 1042 4.58 11.9 35.98
DVAR Salvation 822 3050
DVAR Salvation L150
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-15-2023
Bull +*20853991
Tattoo: 3050
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-12-2023
Bull +*21020808
Tattoo: L150
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Mytty In Focus +Circle S Eisa Erica 3076
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Mytty In Focus +Circle S Eisa Erica 3076
*SG Salvation
*SG Salvation
CW +73 15% MARB +1.52 5% RE +1.45 1%
CW +53 55% MARB +1.11 20% RE +1.02 15%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#*Connealy Confidence Plus
#*Connealy Confidence Plus
DVAR Eisa Erica 8314 822 19238369 +Stucky Eisa Erica 8314
DVAR Eisa Erica 8314 822 19238369 +Stucky Eisa Erica 8314
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +9 30% +.8 40% +71 40% +120 50% +.46 80% +14.0 35% +27 40% +19 55% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.49 50% +.42 25% +.45 35% +78 20% +74 20% +136 2% +103 2% +239 1% +388 1% $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +8 35% +1.8 65% +65 55% +113 60% +.28 90% +9.6 80% +19 90% +22 40% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.48 45% +.41 20% +.48 35% +68 40% +59 60% +109 25% +80 15% +188 15% +312 15% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 551 1049 4.19 13.0 35.54
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 537 932 4.54 11.8 34.96
MARCH 14, 2025
DVAR Salvation L152
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-15-2023
Bull +*21020805
Tattoo: L152
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 *G A R Advance +*G A R 28 Ambush 3051
*SG Salvation
CW +54 50% MARB +1.46 10% RE +.71 50%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#+*G A R Proactive
+*G A R Proactive 79S 19606144 +*G A R Advance N415
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +2 85% +2.7 80% +67 50% +113 60% +.33 85% +7.2 95% +15 95% +18 60% SC HP MILK * This son of Salvation is the first of three flush brothers and he posted a low birth ratio of 97 along with WR-107 and ranks near the top of the entire breed for MB. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 557 943 3.85 11.1 35.57 $C +.36 10% +.46 45% +3.08 90% +63 55% +54 70% +97 45% +93 5% +190 15% +309 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR Salvation L153
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-20-2023
Bull +*21020803
Tattoo: L153
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 *G A R Advance +*G A R 28 Ambush 3051
*SG Salvation
CW +81 5% MARB +1.27 15% RE +1.12 10%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#+*G A R Proactive
+*G A R Proactive 79S 19606144 +*G A R Advance N415
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +2 85% +3.6 95% +84 10% +145 15% +.20 90% +6.0 95% +14 95% +18 60% SC HP MILK * This flush brother to Lots 28 and 30 who is produced from a donor dam bred in the GAR program who records BR 3@99 and WR 3@107. * He has tons of look with added muscle shape and power. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 489 927 4.30 11.3 33.22 $C +.52 65% +.62 95% +1.60 60% +33 95% +58 60% +131 4% +87 10% +219 4% +317 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR Salvation 795 3054
DVAR Salvation 910 3057
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-20-2023
Bull +*20857449
Tattoo: 3054
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-08-2023
Bull *20855591
Tattoo: 3057
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 *G A R Advance +*G A R 28 Ambush 3051
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*Connealy In Sure 8524 +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 #*Mill Brae Identified 4031 Mill Brae TI Juanada 5197
*SG Salvation
*SG Salvation
CW +67 25% MARB +1.64 3% RE +.71 50%
CW +76 10% MARB +.93 30% RE +1.19 10%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#+*G A R Proactive
#+*G A R Sure Fire
+*G A R Proactive 79S 19606144 +*G A R Advance N415
*DVAR Juanada 7003 910 19508032 *Mill Brae I Juanada 7003
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +0 90% +3.1 85% +63 60% +114 60% -.03 95% +8.0 90% +22 80% +8 95% SC HP MILK * Extra growth and performance with elite MB traits and a high $C value in this Salvation son who is a flush brother to Lots 28 and 29. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 473 908 4.32 10.7 33.70 $C +.36 10% +.44 35% +1.89 70% +52 80% +51 80% +126 10% +103 2% +229 2% +349 4% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +12 10% -.1 25% +70 40% +121 45% +.16 90% +12.9 45% +29 30% +14 75% SC HP MILK * Double-digit CED and low birth in this Salvation son who also posted a UREA ratio of 107. * His low birth dam is by GAR Sure Fire backed by a long line of Mill Brae bred females who all excel for maternal excellence. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 488 970 2.17 12.4 32.35 $C +.46 40% +.38 10% +1.80 65% +80 15% +76 15% +128 5% +72 20% +201 10% +341 5% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
MARCH 14, 2025
* A powerhouse individual in this smooth-made son of the ST Genetics sire, Myers Fair- N-Square M39, who excels among his contemporaries with a %IMF ratio of 140, plus he posted WR-104 and YR-104 from a two-year-old dam by Baldridge Colonel. * His dam is from the Eisa Erica cow family as Lots 25, 26 and 27.
DVAR FAIR-N-SQUARE 909 3070 - Lot 32
DVAR Fair-N-SQUARE 909 3070
DVAR Fair-N-Square932 3071
Birth Date: 09-05-2023
Bull *20854006
Tattoo: 3070
Birth Date: 08-30-2023
Bull *20854007
Tattoo: 3071
#*Woodhill Blueprint
#*Connealy Confidence Plus *Woodhill Evergreen Z291-B233 #Connealy Thunder #Myers Miss Beauty M476 +baldridge Xpand x743
#*Woodhill Blueprint
#*Connealy Confidence Plus *Woodhill Evergreen Z291-B233 #Connealy Thunder #Myers Miss Beauty M476 #+*Basin Payweight 006S
*Myers Fair-N-Square M39 19418329 Myers Miss Beauty M136
*Myers Fair-N-Square M39 19418329 Myers Miss Beauty M136
CW +67 25% MARB +.72 50% RE +.75 45%
CW +58 40% MARB +.42 80% RE +.74 45%
#+*Baldridge Colonel C251
#+*Basin Payweight 1682
*DVAR Erica 5006 909 19550169 DVAR Eisa Erica 5006
*DVAR Blackbird 316 932 19508033 Dvar Blackbird 328 316
*Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Hoover Dam +Stucky Eisa Erica 8314
21AR O Lass 7017
#MCC Daybreak D V A R Blackbird 919 328
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC -2 95% +2.4 75% +80 20% +152 10% +1.24 30% +14.3 30% +35 10% +16 70% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.51 60% +.35 5% +3.40 90% +65 50% +77 15% +114 15% +55 45% +169 30% +284 30% $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +4 70% +3.7 95% +88 10% +146 15% +.45 80% +8.9 85% +19 90% +20 50% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.59 85% +.46 45% +1.31 55% +49 85% +69 30% +102 35% +44 70% +146 55% +238 70% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 530 1007 3.67 11.2 36.25
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 543 986 2.31 10.9 33.06
* This stout-made, thick-ended son of Fair-N-Square posted a weaning ratio of 107 along with YR-102 and is produced from a young two-year-old daughter of the breed- leading Pathfinder sire, Basin Payweight 1682 – expect his daughters to be the right kind to put back.
MYERS FAIR-N-SQUARE M39 - Sons sell as Lots 32 and 33.
DVAR FAIR-N-SQUARE 932 3071 - Lot 33
MARCH 14, 2025
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