DVAR OPTIMUM 740 3058 - Lot 13
DVAR Optimum 740 3058
DVAR Optimum 0011 3055
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund Birth Date: 08-23-2023
Bull *20853994
Tattoo: 3058
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund Birth Date: 08-20-2023
Bull *20853992
Tattoo: 3055
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #+*G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 #*S A V Brilliance 8077 +*PVF Missie 790 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *S A V Emblynette 0030
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113
+*Deer Valley Optimum 9246 19466633 +*G A R Progress 830
+*Deer Valley Optimum 9246 19466633 +*G A R Progress 830
CW +67 25% MARB +.78 45% RE +1.07 15%
CW +73 15% MARB +1.23 15% RE +.34 90%
#+*G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346 #*Hoover Dam
#+*PVF Insight 0129
#*S S Niagara Z29
*DVAR Emblynette 302 740 18904323 +*STEG Consensus 302
DVAR Lady 102 0011 20033115 +Dvar Lady 102
Jet S S X144
#*S A V Iron Mountain 8066 +Dvar Lady 15 802
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +12 10% +.3 30% +66 55% +128 35% +.77 60% +10.0 75% +24 65% +14 75% SC HP MILK * A son of the popular Select Sires calving-ease and high MB sire, Deer Valley Optimum 9246, in this bull who balances double-digit CED with added end-product traits and he posted a low birth ratio of 97 along with YR-108 and UREA-103. * This calving-ease bull will be one all cattlemen will appreciate for his mass and body with the ability to transmit growth and performance to add value. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 501 1048 2.41 12.0 35.80 $C +.57 80% +.58 95% +.41 35% +47 90% +60 55% +127 5% +60 40% +187 15% +290 25% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +9 30% +1.4 55% +65 55% +130 30% +.85 55% +15.1 25% +42 1% +17 65% SC HP MILK * For cattlemen in search of a well-balanced herd sire who will transmit that extra MB to hit the CAB specs, this Optimum son has those ingredients, plus he weaned with a ratio of 108 and posted a %IMF ratio of 106. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 542 883 2.95 9.7 31.73 $C +.45 35% +.56 90% +.64 40% +74 25% +72 25% +128 5% +71 20% +199 10% +332 10% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR Optimum 610 3059
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund Birth Date: 08-20-2023
Bull 20853996
Tattoo: 3059
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113
+*Deer Valley Optimum 9246 19466633 +*G A R Progress 830
CW +76 10% MARB +1.06 25% RE +.65 55%
#+*G A R Progress G A R 1I1 Rito 3346
#+*G A R Prophet
#C R A Bextor 872 5205 608 +G A R Objective 1885 #S A V Net Worth 4200 +Dvar Blackcap 1407 4012
DVAR Blackcap 903 610 18559532 DVAR Blackcap 903
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +14 4% +1.4 55% +90 5% +169 2% +.55 75% +10.2 75% +33 10% +20 50% SC HP MILK * This big-bodied Optimum son offers double-digit CED with curve- bending weaning and yearling growth while excelling with added MB as he posted a %IMF ratio of 138 to go along with BR-99, WR-108, and YR-112. * His Prophet dam records WR 2@105 with YR 1@112 and %IMF 1@138. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 536 1088 3.21 9.7 32.21 $C +.62 95% +.49 60% +2.00 70% +58 70% +86 4% +115 15% +69 25% +184 20% +297 20% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR OPTIMUM 610 3059 - Calving ease and high growth in this Optimum son who sells as Lot 14.
MARCH 14, 2025
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