DVAR Salvation L152
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-15-2023
Bull +*21020805
Tattoo: L152
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 *G A R Advance +*G A R 28 Ambush 3051
*SG Salvation
CW +54 50% MARB +1.46 10% RE +.71 50%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#+*G A R Proactive
+*G A R Proactive 79S 19606144 +*G A R Advance N415
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +2 85% +2.7 80% +67 50% +113 60% +.33 85% +7.2 95% +15 95% +18 60% SC HP MILK * This son of Salvation is the first of three flush brothers and he posted a low birth ratio of 97 along with WR-107 and ranks near the top of the entire breed for MB. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 557 943 3.85 11.1 35.57 $C +.36 10% +.46 45% +3.08 90% +63 55% +54 70% +97 45% +93 5% +190 15% +309 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR Salvation L153
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-20-2023
Bull +*21020803
Tattoo: L153
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 *G A R Advance +*G A R 28 Ambush 3051
*SG Salvation
CW +81 5% MARB +1.27 15% RE +1.12 10%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#+*G A R Proactive
+*G A R Proactive 79S 19606144 +*G A R Advance N415
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +2 85% +3.6 95% +84 10% +145 15% +.20 90% +6.0 95% +14 95% +18 60% SC HP MILK * This flush brother to Lots 28 and 30 who is produced from a donor dam bred in the GAR program who records BR 3@99 and WR 3@107. * He has tons of look with added muscle shape and power. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 489 927 4.30 11.3 33.22 $C +.52 65% +.62 95% +1.60 60% +33 95% +58 60% +131 4% +87 10% +219 4% +317 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
DVAR Salvation 795 3054
DVAR Salvation 910 3057
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-20-2023
Bull +*20857449
Tattoo: 3054
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 09-08-2023
Bull *20855591
Tattoo: 3057
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #+*G A R Prophet *G A R Daybreak 1521 *G A R Advance +*G A R 28 Ambush 3051
Poss Easy Impact 0119 Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*Connealy In Sure 8524 +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 #*Mill Brae Identified 4031 Mill Brae TI Juanada 5197
*SG Salvation
*SG Salvation
CW +67 25% MARB +1.64 3% RE +.71 50%
CW +76 10% MARB +.93 30% RE +1.19 10%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#+*G A R Proactive
#+*G A R Sure Fire
+*G A R Proactive 79S 19606144 +*G A R Advance N415
*DVAR Juanada 7003 910 19508032 *Mill Brae I Juanada 7003
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +0 90% +3.1 85% +63 60% +114 60% -.03 95% +8.0 90% +22 80% +8 95% SC HP MILK * Extra growth and performance with elite MB traits and a high $C value in this Salvation son who is a flush brother to Lots 28 and 29. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 473 908 4.32 10.7 33.70 $C +.36 10% +.44 35% +1.89 70% +52 80% +51 80% +126 10% +103 2% +229 2% +349 4% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +12 10% -.1 25% +70 40% +121 45% +.16 90% +12.9 45% +29 30% +14 75% SC HP MILK * Double-digit CED and low birth in this Salvation son who also posted a UREA ratio of 107. * His low birth dam is by GAR Sure Fire backed by a long line of Mill Brae bred females who all excel for maternal excellence. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 488 970 2.17 12.4 32.35 $C +.46 40% +.38 10% +1.80 65% +80 15% +76 15% +128 5% +72 20% +201 10% +341 5% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
MARCH 14, 2025
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