DVAR Conclusion 6002 3067
STEG 058 363
+*K C F Bennett Summation Birth Date: 08-25-2023
Bull *20854003
Tattoo: 3067
Birth Date: 08-23-2023
Bull *20999741
Tattoo: 363
#+*K C F Bennett Consent Y75 *Thomas Patricia 9705 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301
*G A R Inertia
#*G A R Momentum +*G A R Prophet 2984 #*Deer Valley All In Dvar Blackcap 138
+*V A R Conclusion 0234
Dvar Inertia 530 058
CW +36 90% MARB +.88 35% RE +.87 30%
CW +64 30% MARB +.61 65% RE +1.20 10%
19697625 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
19761107 DVAR Blackcap 138 530
#*A A R Ten X 7008 S A
#*Mytty In Focus #A A R Lady Kelton 5551 #*G A R Predestined +E&B Lady Precision 15
+*DVAR Payweight 7050
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 DVAR Rita 714 D2105
+*DVAR Lady 802 6002 18805454 +Dvar Lady 15 802
*STEG Rita 128
20363548 +*STEG Rita 821
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +8 35% +.7 40% +61 70% +116 55% +.55 75% +5.5 95% +22 80% +27 15% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.51 60% +.40 20% +.46 35% +43 95% +52 75% +83 70% +67 25% +149 55% +236 75% $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +10 25% +.6 35% +60 70% +119 50% +1.44 20% +12.1 55% +35 10% +20 50% SC HP MILK * Double-digit CED in this sure- shot calving-ease bull who also transmits added REA traits to his progeny. * He’s produced from a two-year-old granddaughter of Payweight and individually he posted %IMF-110 and UREA-107. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 570 1146 3.09 13.1 37.83 $C +.54 70% +.48 55% +2.02 70% +65 50% +64 45% +121 10% +54 50% +175 25% +292 25% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 543 1028 2.84 12.4 33.37
* Low birth with proven weaning and yearling performance in
this Conclusion son who balances a low birth ratio of 99 along with WR- 107 and YR-106, plus he excelled with carcass traits posting %IMF-108 and UREA-107. * His proven dam has weaned five calves with an average nursing ratio of 101.
STEG 058 364
Birth Date: 09-05-2023
Bull *20999714
Tattoo: 364
DVAR Conclusion 6014 3062
*G A R Inertia
#*G A R Momentum +*G A R Prophet 2984 #*Deer Valley All In Dvar Blackcap 138 Poss Easy Impact 0119
Dvar Inertia 530 058
CW +78 10% MARB +1.02 25% RE +1.08 15%
+*K C F Bennett Summation Birth Date: 08-22-2023
Bull *20853998
Tattoo: 3062
19761107 DVAR Blackcap 138 530
#+*K C F Bennett Consent Y75 *Thomas Patricia 9705 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 *B/R Future Direction 4268
+*V A R Conclusion 0234
CW +64 30% MARB +.64 60% RE +.95 20%
+*Baldridge Alternative E125
19697625 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
*STEG Juanada 135
Baldridge Blackbird A030 #*Mill Brae Identified 4031 Mill Brae TI Juanada 5197
20370439 *Mill Brae I Juanada 7003
#+*WR Journey-1X74
DVAR Rita 2020 6014 18796028 DVAR Rita 706 2020
2 Bar 5050 New Design 7831 +Dvar Pioneer 0251 +Dvar Rita Bando 2 706
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +11 15% +1.5 55% +84 10% +148 10% +.91 50% +14.7 30% +26 50% +24 30% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.67 95% +.58 95% +4.74 95% +63 55% +77 15% +137 2% +73 20% +210 10% +335 10% $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +6 55% +2.1 70% +80 20% +139 20% +.02 95% +11.3 65% +23 70% +26 20% SC HP MILK * A solid set of EPDs in this Conclusion son who excels for UREA posting an individual ratio of 106. * His dam is backed by multiple generations of DVAR breeding and has an ultrasound progeny record of UREA 3@104. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 493 970 2.06 12.3 32.27 $C +.47 40% +.46 45% +.36 35% +65 50% +70 30% +110 20% +57 45% +167 30% +282 30% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 564 1103 2.01 13.9 36.25
* Another sure-shot calving-ease grandson of the carcass sire,
GAR Inertia, in this high marbling, big REA bull who posted UREA-114. * His calving ease and growth traits are balanced with high marbling and high REA values with an excellent $B/$C combination.
DVAR Conclusion 1034 3066
+*K C F Bennett Summation Birth Date: 08-13-2023
Bull *20854002
Tattoo: 3066
#+*K C F Bennett Consent Y75 *Thomas Patricia 9705 #*Connealy Onward +Riverbend Blackbird 4301 #*G A R Momentum
+*V A R Conclusion 0234
CW +95 1% MARB +.92 30% RE +1.01 15%
19697625 +*Sandpoint Blackbird 8809
*DVAR Momentum 5044 7077
*DVAR Complete 6006 1034
Chair Rock Sure Fire 5044 #+*R B Tour Of Duty 177 +*G A R Complete 1481
+*DVAR Complete 1481 6006
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +8 35% +2.0 70% +99 1% +181 1% +1.29 25% +11.4 65% +34 10% +28 15% SC HP MILK * Extreme growth in this leadoff son of VAR Conclusion ranks to the top of the breed for both WW and YW traits while excelling with a high $B/$C combination. * Individually, he posted WR-100, YR-110 and UREA-114. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 497 1073 1.87 12.8 36.01 $C +.51 60% +.47 50% -.07 25% +53 80% +89 2% +146 1% +69 25% +215 5% +332 10% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
V A R Conclusion 0234
SC +.91
DOC +32
+96 +175
+9.0 +26
$M $W $F
+80 +.84 +1.07 +52 +83 +125 +66 +191
DVAR CONCLUSION 1034 3066 - Lot 61
MARCH 14, 2025
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