DVAR HUCKLEBERRY 871 - Several sons and grandsons sell from this proven AI sire.
HOOVER DAM - His service sells.
DVAR Huckleberry L165
STEG 4050 380 [ NHF ]
#*Connealy Confidence Plus Birth Date: 08-18-2023
Bull *21013248
Tattoo: L165
Birth Date: 09-14-2023
Bull *21026614
Tattoo: 380
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4000 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 *STEG 1202 535 #+*G A R Sure Fire
#*Hoover Dam
#*SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001
+*Dvar Hoover Dam 4050 18128302 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
CW +62 35% MARB +.80 45% RE +1.34 2%
CW +47 70% MARB +.52 70% RE +.68 50%
#*Connealy Onward *Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M *Varilek Product 2010 04 Zebo Queen 1072 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +G A R Retail Product 1725
*DVAR Sure Fire 878
#3F Epic 4631
*Dvar 1202 D0118
+*STEG 1002 04
20051807 #+*DVAR 1202 D8101
19880338 +*Dvar BC 292 1725 1002
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +0 90% +4.0 95% +75 30% +132 30% +.45 80% +9.1 85% +22 80% +26 20% SC HP MILK * A stout-featured, big REA son of Huckleberry in this bull who posted UREA-107 and also posted a low birth ratio of 94. * His dam produced a son of Optimum who sold to Terry McDaniel. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 461 941 2.10 12.1 35.17 $C +.34 10% +.39 15% +3.36 90% +68 40% +61 55% +116 15% +73 20% +189 15% +313 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +6 55% +.3 30% +60 70% +111 65% +.16 90% +10.8 70% +21 85% +13 80% SC HP MILK * This Hoover Dam grandson posted a UREA ratio of 101 and is from a proven dam who has a record of BR 2@99 with WR 2@100 and UREA 1@101. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 565 1131 2.41 12.3 36.20 $C +.63 95% +.46 45% -2.87 1% +58 70% +56 65% +98 40% +44 70% +141 65% +241 70% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
STEG 4050 383
STEG Huckleberry 377
Birth Date: 09-27-2023
Bull *20999718
Tattoo: 383
#*Hoover Dam
#*SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124
#*Connealy Confidence Plus Birth Date: 09-09-2023
Bull *21041196
Tattoo: 377
+*Dvar Hoover Dam 4050 18128302 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
CW +63 30% MARB +.70 55% RE +.97 20%
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T #+*Basin Payweight 1682 Bear Mtn Lady Eraline 4047 #*Connealy Black Granite Rock Ridge Emblynette A40
#*Connealy Onward *Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #*Connealy Confidence Plus #+E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871 19211568 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001
CW +68 20% MARB +.56 70% RE +.83 35%
+*E&B Plus One
STEG Supermama 018
+*DVAR Payweight 75
20087503 #MCC SuperMama 4234
#+*Bruin Uproar 0070 MCC SuperMama 9002
*STEG Emblynette 943
STEG Emblynette 528
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +4 70% +2.3 75% +67 50% +117 55% -.56 95% +11.7 60% +25 55% +13 80% SC HP MILK * A well-rounded set of EPDs in this Hoover Dam grandson whose maternal grandam was bred in the Marshall Cattle Company program. * He offers an extremely low PAP EPD with extra REA. $C +.46 40% +.43 30% -1.21 10% +62 60% +62 50% +111 20% +57 45% +168 30% +280 35% Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 532 999 2.76 11.0 32.95 CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC -1 95% +2.2 70% +62 65% +106 70% +.34 85% +16.4 15% +26 50% +15 70% SC HP MILK * A pedigree blending the proven carcass traits of Huckleberry with the strong maternal values of Basin Payweight 1682 and Connealy Black Granite in this high $C bull. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 563 1085 2.00 11.6 35.04 $C +.46 40% +.50 65% +1.47 60% +77 20% +62 50% +126 10% +50 60% +176 25% +305 20% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
STEG 4050 381
STEG 4050 390
Birth Date: 09-15-2023
Bull *20999742
Tattoo: 381
Birth Date: 10-23-2023
Bull *20999724
Tattoo: 390
#*Hoover Dam
#*SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124
#*Hoover Dam
#*SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124
+*Dvar Hoover Dam 4050 18128302 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
+*Dvar Hoover Dam 4050 18128302 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
CW +51 60% MARB +.44 80% RE +.93 25%
CW +64 30% MARB +.37 85% RE +1.23 5%
#*Connealy Onward *Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #+*Basin Payweight 006S #*Hoover Dam +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T 21AR O Lass 7017
#*Connealy Onward *Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M #*Connealy In Sure 8524 +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 #*Jindra Double Vision Boyd Nardelli Lady 1226
#+*Basin Payweight 1682
#+*G A R Sure Fire
+*STEG Henrietta Pride 743 19197749 +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001
*STEG Lady 934
19736469 STEG Lady 609
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +10 25% -.2 20% +65 55% +116 55% +1.37 20% +9.9 80% +36 4% +23 35% SC HP MILK * Double-digit CED and low birth traits in this sure-shot heifer bull whose sire continues to do an exceptional job stamping his progeny with his smooth, very complete pattern and offering calving ease consistently. * He is linebred to the $380,000 Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T. Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 515 1046 2.27 12.0 37.54 $C +.64 95% +.67 95% -.62 15% +67 45% +77 15% +88 60% +45 70% +133 75% +240 70% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +5 60% +1.3 50% +67 50% +122 45% +.57 75% +14.3 30% +26 50% +33 2% SC HP MILK CLAW ANGLE PAP $C +.44 30% +.54 85% -1.12 10% +67 45% +63 50% +118 15% +45 70% +162 35% +277 35% $M $W $F $G $B
Adj. 205 Adj. 365 Adj. %IMFAdj. UREA Adj. SC 617 1089 2.08 13.2 35.94
* A pedigree combining the proven high maternal and
calving-ease traits of Hoover Dam with the strong carcass values of GAR Sure Fire in this bull who excels with a 5% ranking for REA EPD and also ranks high in the breed for PAP.
MARCH 14, 2025
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