DVAR FIREBALL 213 462 - Lot 112
DVAR SUNBEAM 207 464 - Lot 115
DVAR Fireball 213 462
DVAR Sunbeam 207 464
Birth Date: 01-09-2024
Bull *20984686
Tattoo: 462
Birth Date: 01-19-2024
Bull *20984688
Tattoo: 464
+*G A R Sure Fire 6404
#+*G A R Sure Fire
#+*G A R Sunrise
#MCC Daybreak
*GB Fireball 672
+*G A R Sunbeam
+*G A R Complete N281 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #*Connealy Confidence Plus Dvar Western 316 009
+*G A R Objective R227 #+G A R Ingenuity +*G A R 28 Ambush N340 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete
CW +88 2% MARB +1.13 20% RE +1.19 10%
CW +65 25% MARB +.70 55% RE +1.08 15%
18690054 *GB Anticipation 432
18636166 *G A R Ingenuity 3132
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund
#+*TEX Playbook 5437
*DVAR Western 816 213 20375613 DVAR Western 009 816
*DVAR Emblynette 702 207 20375365 +*DVAR Emblynette 702
#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*STEG Consensus 302
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +2 85% +2.3 75% +91 4% +167 2% +.90 50% +14.9 25% +20 90% +28 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.51 60% +.43 30% +2.06 70% +64 55% +72 25% +141 1% +80 15% +221 3% +351 4% SC HP MILK * This son of Fireball dominates his contemporaries with growth values for both WW and YW EPDs while also excelling for carcass traits and offering an exceptional $B/$C combination. * The Fireball/Growth Fund combination has worked extremely well as it has in this bull that posted a weaning ratio of 103.
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +6 55% +1.5 55% +86 10% +145 15% +.55 75% +12.7 50% +23 70% +12 85% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.50 55% +.57 90% -1.77 5% +75 25% +83 10% +98 40% +60 40% +158 40% +280 35% SC HP MILK * A son of the ST Genetics sire, GAR Sunbeam, in this bull who excelled at weaning time with a ratio of 115 produced from a two-year-old daughter of the breed-leading Pathfinder sire, Playbook.
DVAR Fireball 221 463
DVAR Sunbeam 831 466
Birth Date: 01-27-2024
Bull *20984687
Tattoo: 463
Birth Date: 02-14-2024
Bull *20984690
Tattoo: 466
+*G A R Sure Fire 6404
#+*G A R Sure Fire
#+*G A R Sunrise
#MCC Daybreak
*GB Fireball 672
+*G A R Sunbeam
+*G A R Complete N281 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 #*Connealy Confidence Plus +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 DVAR Rita9101 Bismarck D2158 Dvar Blackcap 6006 2013
+*G A R Objective R227 #+G A R Ingenuity +*G A R 28 Ambush N340 #*Connealy In Sure 8524 +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 #*S A V Iron Mountain 8066 #+AVF Sara 0082
CW +62 35% MARB +1.83 1% RE +1.23 5%
CW +65 25% MARB +.83 40% RE +1.07 15%
18690054 *GB Anticipation 432
18636166 *G A R Ingenuity 3132
+*DVAR Huckleberry 871
#+*G A R Sure Fire
DVAR Lady 4016 221 20373099 DVAR Lady 4016
*DVAR Sara 303 831 19238377 +*Dvar Sara 303
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +1 90% +4.0 95% +65 55% +121 45% +1.79 10% +14.8 25% +27 40% +24 30% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.54 70% +.60 95% -.41 20% +67 45% +54 70% +114 15% +114 1% +228 2% +363 2% SC HP MILK * Extra performance with an EPD profile that excels for marbling in this Fireball son who posted WR-102 from a two-year-old dam by the DVAR bred sire, Huckleberry.
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +3 75% +3.8 95% +77 25% +146 15% +1.71 10% +15.6 20% +17 95% +21 45% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.42 25% +.41 20% +.04 25% +56 75% +50 80% +119 10% +70 25% +189 15% +301 20% SC HP MILK * Individual BR-94 and WR-102 in this son of the ST Genetics sire, Sunbeam. * His Sure Fire dam consistently transmits low birth to her progeny as she records BR 5@99.
DVAR Fireball 302 461
DVAR Sunbeam 830 465
Birth Date: 02-06-2024
Bull *20984685
Tattoo: 461
Birth Date: 02-11-2024
Bull *20984689
Tattoo: 465
+*G A R Sure Fire 6404
#+*G A R Sure Fire
#+*G A R Sunrise
#MCC Daybreak
*GB Fireball 672
+*G A R Sunbeam
+*G A R Complete N281 *G A R Anticipation GB Ambush 269 #*Connealy Consensus Blue Lilly of Conanga 16 #+S A V Bismarck 5682 +S A V Emblynette 8979
+*G A R Objective R227 #+G A R Ingenuity +*G A R 28 Ambush N340 #*Connealy In Sure 8524 +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 #+S A V Bismarck 5682 D V A R Marcia 1075 422
CW +51 60% MARB +1.41 10% RE +.85 30%
CW +58 40% MARB +.74 50% RE +.94 25%
18690054 *GB Anticipation 432
18636166 *G A R Ingenuity 3132
#*Connealy Consensus 7229
#+*G A R Sure Fire
+*STEG Consensus 302 17836487 *S A V Emblynette 0030
DVAR Marcia 115 830 19238376 Dvar Marcia Bis 115
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +6 55% +1.6 60% +64 60% +107 70% +.87 55% +14.4 30% +27 40% +21 45% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.57 80% +.42 25% -2.34 2% +68 40% +63 50% +98 40% +91 10% +189 15% +313 15% SC HP MILK * This high marbling Fireball son posted a very low birth ratio of 92. * His dam by the $210,000 Connealy Consensus has produced over 33 progeny for us and many have been sale features.
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +11 15% +2.0 70% +68 50% +124 40% +1.28 25% +11.0 70% +24 65% +19 55% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.57 80% +.42 25% +.68 40% +54 80% +59 60% +106 25% +62 35% +168 30% +272 40% SC HP MILK * Double-digit CED with solid carcass values in this Sunbeam son who had an individual birth ratio of 94 combined with WR-101. * His dam that records WR 4@104 produce a son who sold to Ryan Krittenbrink from Kingfisher, OK.
MARCH 14, 2025
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