Huck / Stegman Angus - Huck | Stegman Annual Production Sale [3/14/25]


* Extreme sleep-all-night calving ease without sacrificing performance in this Rawhide son who posted a low birth ratio of 97 along with a weaning ratio of 115 and has an impressive EPD profile with low PAP and high REA traits.

POSS RAWHIDE - The sire of Lot 130.

DVAR RAWHIDE 224 474 - Lot 130

DVAR Rawhide 224 474

DVAR 250 920 478



Birth Date: 02-19-2024

Bull *20984696

Tattoo: 474

Birth Date: 03-07-2024

Bull *21000779

Tattoo: 478

*Poss Maverick

#+*Basin Payweight 1682 Poss Pride 5163 Poss Easy Impact 0119 Poss Blueblood 920 #+*Deer Valley Patriot 3222 *Ellza of Conanga 390C #+*G A R Ashland +*DVAR Consensus 302 814

*SG Salvation

+*Baldridge Alternative E125 +*MGR JP Rita 7037 #+*TEX Playbook 5437 +*G A R Progress 830 +baldridge Xpand x743 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*Baldridge Waylon W34 +E&B Lady 208 New Design 7207

+*Poss Rawhide

+*DVAR Salvation 81220 250 20374828 +*Deer Valley Rita 81220

CW +64 30% MARB +.89 35% RE +1.13 10%

CW +65 25% MARB +.80 45% RE +1.03 15%

19416968 +*Poss Blueblood 6502

*Connealy National 390C

+*Baldridge Challenger

*DVAR Emblynette 029 224 20375376 *DVAR Emblynette 814 029

*DVAR Lady 5004 920

19511024 +*DVAR Lady 7207 5004

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +14 4% -.6 15% +78 20% +139 20% +2.11 2% +11.9 60% +34 10% +29 10% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.58 85% +.43 30% -1.49 10% +55 75% +80 10% +115 15% +69 25% +183 20% +292 25% SC HP MILK

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +8 35% +1.8 65% +69 45% +136 25% -.28 95% +13.2 45% +32 15% +23 35% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.47 40% +.50 65% +.20 30% +75 25% +68 35% +121 10% +67 25% +188 15% +319 15% SC HP MILK

* Added muscle dimension and overall mass in this big REA Salvation grandson who posted WR-103 from a young dam by Baldridge Challenger tracing to the long line of Benoit bred females.

SG SALVATION - The influence of this proven growth and carcass sire sells.

DVAR 250 920 478 - Lot 131



MARCH 14, 2025

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