DVAR Salvation 4000 453
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 02-10-2024
Bull +*20992139
Tattoo: 453
Poss Easy Impact 0119
*SG Salvation
Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*SydGen C C & 7 #Erica of Ellston C124 #*Connealy Onward *Sitz Henrietta Pride 81M
CW +66 25% MARB +.98 30% RE +1.10 10%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
#*Hoover Dam
+*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4000 18128304 +*Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +8 35% +1.8 65% +66 55% +120 50% +.84 55% +10.5 75% +18 95% +26 20% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.46 40% +.47 50% +1.46 60% +55 75% +52 75% +117 15% +75 20% +192 15% +304 20% SC HP MILK * Proven growth and performance in this pedigree that excels for REA as well as for $C value. * His dam is a full sister to the dam of Huckleberry and has an ultrasound progeny record with UREA 11@101.
HPCA VERACIOUS - Sons sell as Lots 135 and 136.
DVAR Duel Threat 215 490
DVAR Salvation 822 454
Birth Date: 01-16-2024
Bull *21044953
Tattoo: 490
+*Baldridge Alternative E125 Birth Date: 02-14-2024
Bull +*20992138
Tattoo: 454
#+*G A R Sure Fire
#*Connealy In Sure 8524 +Chair Rock 5050 G A R 8086 #MCC Daybreak *G A R 5050 New Design A91 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Deer Valley Rita 36113 #+*G A R Sure Fire Dvar Marcia Bis 115
+*G A R Dual Threat
Poss Easy Impact 0119
CW +74 15% MARB +.52 70% RE +.67 55%
19123898 +*G A R Daybreak A3010
*SG Salvation
Baldridge Blackbird A030 #+*Basin Payweight 1682 *MGR Rita 2145 #*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Mytty In Focus +Circle S Eisa Erica 3076
CW +58 40% MARB +1.27 15% RE +.73 45%
+*MGR JP Rita 7037
+*Deer Valley Growth Fund
*DVAR Marcia 830 215 20375370 DVAR Marcia 115 830
#*Connealy Confidence Plus
DVAR Eisa Erica 8314 822 19238369 +Stucky Eisa Erica 8314
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +6 55% +1.6 60% +88 10% +152 10% +1.14 35% +16.0 20% +34 10% +16 70% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.69 95% +.43 30% +2.22 75% +73 30% +91 2% +120 10% +44 70% +164 35% +286 30% SC HP MILK * This son of the proven AI sire GAR Dual Threat should transmit added growth while stacking superior carcass traits in his pedigree as he is double bred to GAR Sure Fire with the added performance of Growth Fund.
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +9 30% +1.9 65% +67 50% +112 60% +1.41 20% +10.8 70% +15 95% +25 25% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.40 20% +.38 10% +1.76 65% +78 20% +57 65% +116 15% +80 15% +196 10% +332 10% SC HP MILK * A low birth Salvation son that offers extra marbling and a high $C value, plus is backed by the high maternal Eisa Erica cow family. * His dam records BR 4@98, WR 4@109, YR 1@107, %IMF 6@109 and UREA 6@104 and produced a son who sold to Wares Ranch in 2024.
DVAR Veracious 57M
DVAR Paragon 54M
#*Mill Brae Identified 4031 Birth Date: 01-23-2024
Bull *21042242
Tattoo: 57M
#*Koupals B&B Identity *Mill Brae Pro Blackcap 1092 #+*G A R Sunrise +*H P C A Prophet A3
Birth Date: 01-23-2024
Bull +*21039809
Tattoo: 54M
+*HPCA Veracious
CW +74 15% MARB +1.39 10% RE +1.21 5%
+*G A R Combustion
#+*G A R Sure Fire
19699322 +*H P C A Sunrise A246
+*Ankonian Paragon 0C4 19719477 +*G A R Early Bird N985
+*G A R Momentum 1724 *G A R Early Bird +*G A R Complete N281 +baldridge Xpand x743 *Baldridge Isabel Y69 #*SydGen Trust 6228 +G A R Big Eye 1820
CW +72 15% MARB +1.13 20% RE +1.31 3%
#*S S Niagara Z29
#*Hoover Dam Jet S S X144
+*Dvar 6321 J20
#+*Baldridge Colonel C251
20126719 +*KW 7017 Prophet 6321
#+*G A R Prophet Goode 5050 New Design 8001
+*DVAR 373 D9107 19729212 +*G A R Trust 373
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +7 45% +2.5 80% +84 10% +150 10% +.50 75% +8.6 90% +31 20% +18 60% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.42 25% +.51 70% +1.69 65% +47 90% +76 15% +117 15% +92 10% +209 10% +318 15% SC HP MILK * Added growth and performance once again in this Veracious son who weaned with a ratio of 110 and excels for carcass values as well as $B and $C traits. * His productive dam with WR 2@112 produce a son who sold to Tony Rhodes.
CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +2 85% +1.9 65% +83 15% +154 10% +.43 80% +9.0 85% +28 35% +30 10% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.45 35% +.41 20% +3.23 90% +49 85% +72 25% +123 10% +87 10% +210 10% +321 10% SC HP MILK * Extreme curve-bending carcass values in the pedigree of this Paragon son who excels to the top of the breed for his combination of $B and $C. * His full brother sells as Lot 24.
DVAR PARAGON 54M - Lot 134
MARCH 14, 2025
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