Huck / Stegman Angus - Huck | Stegman Annual Production Sale [3/14/25]


DVAR CLARITY 75M - Lot 137


DVAR Clarity 75M

DVAR Dynamite 65M



Birth Date: 02-18-2024

Bull *21039282

Tattoo: 75M

Birth Date: 02-16-2024

Bull *21039277

Tattoo: 65M

*Connealy Clarity

Cherry Creek Land Grant *Breshie of Conanga 6988 #+*LD Capitalist 316 +Bartels Elegant Lass 9023 68 #+*Basin Payweight 006S

+*2 Bar Brady 0125

*E W A Peyton 642

+*Bartels Clarity 253

*DVAR Dynamite 70K

+*2 Bar Discovery 8119 #*G A R Momentum +*G A R Sunrise N1626 #DL Sonic 444 *DL Incentive 2103

CW +57 45% MARB +.84 40% RE +.31 90%

CW +70 20% MARB +1.50 5% RE +.94 25%

20514416 +*Bartels Elegant Lass 9042

20351798 +*G A R Momentum 1509

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

#*DL Dually

+*DVAR Emblynette D73 18903295 +*STEG Consensus 302

+*Dvar M398 D0105 20055035 +Daltons Lucy 393

21AR O Lass 7017

#*Connealy Consensus 7229 *S A V Emblynette 0030

#+*Rito 9M25 of Rita 5F56 Pred +Daltons Lucy V033

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +10 25% +2.8 85% +82 15% +135 25% +.73 65% +14.7 30% +19 90% +23 35% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.43 25% +.45 40% +1.75 65% +91 4% +74 20% +106 25% +56 45% +162 35% +301 20% SC HP MILK * Calving ease without sacrificing performance in this Clarity grandson who balances very well for $M and $C, plus posted WR-103. * His Emblynette dam has a record of BR 2@98 with WR 3@102.

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +3 75% +2.9 85% +90 5% +156 5% +1.48 15% +17.9 10% +24 65% +33 2% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.58 85% +.44 35% +.23 30% +87 10% +79 15% +96 45% +96 4% +193 15% +337 10% SC HP MILK * The first of three sons to sell sired by the DVAR bred sire, Dynamite, is this extreme high growth individual who excels to the top of the breed for marbling while balancing a low PAP EPD with a high $M/$C combination. * His dam from the Lucy family produced a brother to this bull who sold to Jerome Indiek.

DVAR Clarity 94M

DVAR Dynamite 66M



Birth Date: 03-20-2024

Bull *21039290

Tattoo: 94M

Birth Date: 03-02-2024

Bull *21039278

Tattoo: 66M

*Connealy Clarity

Cherry Creek Land Grant *Breshie of Conanga 6988 #+*LD Capitalist 316 +Bartels Elegant Lass 9023 68 #*G A R Momentum

+*2 Bar Brady 0125

*E W A Peyton 642

+*Bartels Clarity 253

*DVAR Dynamite 70K

+*2 Bar Discovery 8119 #*G A R Momentum +*G A R Sunrise N1626 +baldridge Xpand x743 *Baldridge Isabel Y69

CW +62 35% MARB +.77 45% RE +.46 80%

CW +68 20% MARB +1.29 10% RE +1.32 3%

20514416 +*Bartels Elegant Lass 9042

20351798 +*G A R Momentum 1509

*G A R Inertia

#+*Baldridge Colonel C251

DVAR Lady 518 015

+*DVAR Rita D8119

+*G A R Prophet 2984 #*Connealy Comrade 1385 +*Dvar Lady 809 306

19761109 DVAR Lady 306 518

19447652 DVAR Rita 714 D2105

#*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +Dvar Rita 924 714

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +9 30% +1.7 60% +90 5% +157 5% +.05 95% +10.2 75% +22 80% +20 50% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.36 10% +.43 30% +2.67 80% +58 70% +77 15% +97 45% +55 45% +152 50% +255 55% SC HP MILK * Added growth values for both WW and YW traits in this Clarity grandson whose dam by GAR Inertia records WR 2@101 and YR 1@101.

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +3 75% +1.4 55% +71 40% +125 40% +1.27 25% +15.6 20% +42 1% +27 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.55 75% +.53 80% +.48 35% +71 35% +81 10% +104 30% +91 10% +195 15% +324 10% SC HP MILK * Marbling and REA traits deluxe in this Dynamite son who also weaned heavy with a ratio of 108. We recently sold a Tahoe brother to Logan Dreiling. * His Colonel dam excels in her ability to transmit performance recording WR 4@114, YR 2@110 and %IMF 2@116.

DVAR Dynamite 67M


Birth Date: 03-21-2024

Bull *21039281

Tattoo: 67M

+*2 Bar Brady 0125

*E W A Peyton 642

*DVAR Dynamite 70K

+*2 Bar Discovery 8119 #*G A R Momentum +*G A R Sunrise N1626 #*SydGen Exceed 3223 SydGen Rita 2618 #*Connealy Confidence Plus DVAR Lady 407 641

CW +61 35% MARB +1.48 5% RE +1.08 15%

20351798 +*G A R Momentum 1509

#SydGen Enhance

*Dvar Lady 820 025


19761009 DVAR Lady 641 820

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +7 45% +1.3 50% +83 15% +140 20% +1.00 45% +11.0 70% +26 50% +23 35% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.41 20% +.49 60% +2.66 80% +76 25% +83 10% +98 40% +99 3% +197 10% +332 10% SC HP MILK * A well-balanced EPD profile in this Dynamite son who weaned with a ratio of 103 and much like his brothers also excels for both marbling and REA values as well as $C. * His Enhance dam has a record of BR 1@99, WR 3@108 and YR 1@116.



MARCH 14, 2025

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