Huck / Stegman Angus - Huck | Stegman Annual Production Sale [3/14/25]


DVAR Cow Town 62M

DVAR Home Town 90M



Birth Date: 02-06-2024

Bull *21039280

Tattoo: 62M

Birth Date: 03-04-2024

Bull *21039287

Tattoo: 90M

*G A R Home Town

#+*G A R Ashland

*G A R Home Town

#+*G A R Ashland

+*DVAR Cow Town 815 151 20132483 +*DVAR Henrietta 4001 815

+*DVAR Home Town 2007 156

+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #*Connealy Confidence Plus +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 +*Hoover No Doubt +*Baldridge Isabel B082 #*Connealy Confidence Plus #+E&B Lady Objective 847

+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095

CW +67 25% MARB +1.44 10% RE +1.18 10%

CW +62 35% MARB +.72 50% RE +.97 20%


+*G A R Sunrise 2007

#+*G A R Sunrise +*G A R Prophet C4

+*Sterling Pacific 904

+*E&B Plus One

#*Connealy Confidence Plus #+E&B Lady 1023 Precision 936

+*DVAR Sunshine K3 20348902 +*E&B Lady Plus 9122

*DVAR Eisa Erica J05

20120472 +*Dvar Eisa Erica 1685 801

#*HA Cowboy Up 5405 #*Stucky Eisa Erica 1685

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +7 45% +.9 45% +81 15% +133 25% +1.20 30% +15.0 25% +20 90% +27 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.48 45% +.51 70% -1.75 5% +94 3% +80 10% +109 25% +96 4% +205 10% +360 2% SC HP MILK * This Hometown grandson offers a balanced set of EPDs for low birth and growth while excelling with an extremely low PAP EPD and also excelling for his carcass traits highlighted with an impressive $M/$B/$C combination.

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +9 30% +1.2 50% +75 30% +130 30% +.18 90% +14.6 30% +30 25% +4 95% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.54 70% +.30 2% +2.02 70% +60 65% +75 20% +110 20% +62 35% +171 30% +282 30% SC HP MILK * Expect this bull to transmit strong maternal traits to his progeny to those looking to retain replacements as he combines the high maternal and proven carcass traits of Home Town with the superior maternal values of E&B Plus One.

DVAR Home Town 91M

DVAR Cowtown 219 473



Birth Date: 03-04-2024

Bull *21039288

Tattoo: 91M

Birth Date: 02-08-2024

Bull 20984695

Tattoo: 473

*G A R Home Town

#+*G A R Ashland

*G A R Home Town

#+*G A R Ashland

+*DVAR Home Town 2007 156

+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sunrise +*G A R Prophet C4 #SydGen Enhance #*MOGCK Erica 2255 #+*Baldridge Colonel C251 *S A V Emblynette 0030

CW +57 45% MARB +1.29 10% RE +.56 65%

+*DVAR Cow Town 815 151 20132483 +*DVAR Henrietta 4001 815

+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #*Connealy Confidence Plus +*Dvar Henrietta Pride 4001 +*Deer Valley Growth Fund +*G A R Progress 830 #SydGen Enhance +*Ddvar Lady 15 010 825

CW +66 25% MARB +.85 40% RE +1.06 15%


+*G A R Sunrise 2007

*MOGCK Entice

+*Deer Valley Optimum 9246

*DVAR Emblynette J02 20168737 +*DVAR Emblynette D81

DVAR Lady 026 219

20375374 *DVAR Lady 825 026

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +8 35% +1.6 60% +76 25% +134 25% +1.08 40% +10.4 75% +25 55% +26 20% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.51 60% +.53 80% +.21 30% +74 25% +74 20% +95 45% +79 15% +174 25% +300 20% SC HP MILK * This low birth, high marbling bull is a grandson of the long-time Select Sires AI sire, GAR Home Town. * His dam is from the influential Emblynette cow family and records WR 2@100 with YR 1@107.

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +11 15% +.4 30% +77 25% +138 20% +.54 75% +14.3 30% +22 80% +31 5% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.52 65% +.51 70% +1.15 50% +67 45% +68 35% +116 15% +70 25% +186 15% +308 15% SC HP MILK * Double-digit CED with extra REA values in this Cow Town son whose dam is a direct daughter of the popular Select Sires Growth Fund son, Deer Valley Optimum.

DVAR Home Town 76M

DVAR Home Town 93M



Birth Date: 02-14-2024

Bull *21039283

Tattoo: 76M

Birth Date: 03-12-2024

Bull *21039289

Tattoo: 93M

*G A R Home Town

#+*G A R Ashland

*G A R Home Town

#+*G A R Ashland

+*DVAR Home Town 2007 156

+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sunrise +*G A R Prophet C4 #+*Basin Payweight 006S #S A V Pioneer 7301 *S A V Emblynette 0030 21AR O Lass 7017

CW +55 50% MARB +.97 30% RE +.29 95%

+*DVAR Home Town 2007 156

+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095 #+*G A R Sunrise +*G A R Prophet C4 #*G A R Momentum +*G A R Prophet 2984 #+*S A V Resource 1441 DVAR Blackcap 711 3014

CW +56 45% MARB +1.08 20% RE +.49 75%


+*G A R Sunrise 2007


+*G A R Sunrise 2007

#+*Basin Payweight 1682

*G A R Inertia

DVAR Emblynette D8113

*DVAR Blackcap 712 017 19761085 DVAR Blackcap 3014 712

19451407 +Dvar Emblynette 0030 D3112

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +6 55% +1.8 65% +73 35% +132 30% +1.10 35% +13.6 40% +23 70% +9 90% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.62 95% +.53 80% -1.87 4% +59 65% +65 45% +108 25% +60 40% +168 30% +277 35% SC HP MILK * A smooth-made impressive grandson of the past breed leader for registrations, GAR Hometown, and backed by a dam blending the Pathfinder traits of Payweight and Pioneer with the Emblynette cow family. * Bob Huck owns a Sterling Pacific brother.

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +13 10% -.4 20% +71 40% +124 40% +.02 95% +13.7 40% +28 35% +20 50% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.60 90% +.48 55% -1.04 10% +68 40% +75 20% +100 35% +67 25% +167 30% +285 30% SC HP MILK * Extreme calving ease in this Home Town grandson who will work very well on a set of heifers, plus he will not sacrifice performance or marbling.

DVAR Surpass 822 493


Birth Date: 02-11-2024

Bull +20984659

Tattoo: 493

DVAR Home Town


#+*TEX Playbook 5437

#+*Basin Payweight 1682 +*Rita 1C43 of 9M26 Complete

+*BJ Surpass

CW I+49 65% MARB I+.79 45% RE I+1.01 15%

Birth Date: 02-18-2024

Bull *21039285

Tattoo: 78M

19774516 +*BJ Prophet 5275

#+*G A R Prophet *BJ Complete 1165

*G A R Home Town

#+*G A R Ashland

+*DVAR Home Town 2007 156

+*Chair Rock Sure Fire 6095

#*Connealy Confidence Plus

#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Mytty In Focus +Circle S Eisa Erica 3076

CW +56 45% MARB +1.34 10% RE +.80 35%


+*G A R Sunrise 2007

#+*G A R Sunrise +*G A R Prophet C4 #*G A R Momentum +*G A R Prophet 2984

DVAR Eisa Erica 8314 822 19238369 +Stucky Eisa Erica 8314

*G A R Inertia

*DVAR Lady Inertia H02 19949945 +*DVAR 1202 D61

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC I+9 30% I+.8 40% I+69 45% I+115 55% I+.62 70% I+16.4 15% I+29 30% I+27 15% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C I+.41 20% I+.32 2% I+2.19 75% +103 1% +76 15% +102 35% +65 30% +167 30% +320 10% SC HP MILK * For producers in search of the right herd sire to make a top notch of replacements from, this son of Surpass has all of those ingredients in his pedigree. * His high maternal dam by Confidence Plus records BR 4@98, WR 4@109 and YR 1@107 and she also records %IMF 6@109 with UREA 6@104.

#*Connealy Consensus 7229 +*Stegman 1725 1202

CED BEPD WEPD YEPD DOC +3 75% +2.9 85% +79 20% +126 40% +1.47 20% +15.5 20% +23 70% +20 50% CLAW ANGLE PAP $M $W $F $G $B $C +.53 65% +.46 45% -2.04 3% +95 3% +77 15% +90 55% +84 10% +175 25% +322 10% SC HP MILK * Individual WR-102 in this Hometown grandson who offers a pedigree rich in marbling genetics as his dam is a direct daughter of GAR Inertia.



MARCH 14, 2025

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