Specialty Collections
Specialty Collections
Family Engagement Bags | Grades K-8
Family Engagement Bags | Grades K-5
Family Engagement Bags Title I
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Family Engagement Take Home Bag - SEL K-1 - FE-THB-SELK1 | 2-3 - FE-THB-SEL23 | 4-5 - FE-THB-SEL45 * $155.00 Junior Family Engagement Take Home Bag - SEL K-1 JRFE-THB-SELK1 | 2-3 JRFE-THB-SEL23 | 4-5 JRFE-THB-SEL45 *$85.00
Family Engagement Take Home Bag - Math K-1 FE-THB-MATHK1 | 2-3 FE-THB-MATH23 | 4-5 FE-THB-MATH45 *$155.00 Junior Family Engagement Take Home Bag - Math K-1 JRFE-THB-MATHK1 | 2-3 JRFE-THB-MATH23 | 4-5 JRFE-THB-MATH45 | 6-8 JRFE-THB-MATH68 *$85.00 Each Kit Contains: 4 – 5 Math Activities 3 – 4 Math Based Books 1 – 2 Art Supplies 1 Composition Notebook & Pencil 1 Mesh Carrying Bag
Each Kit Contains: 4 – 5 SEL Activities 3 – 4 SEL Based Books 1 – 2 Art Supplies 1 Composition Notebook & Pencil 1 Mesh Bag
Research suggests that practicing mindfulness can reduce the negative effects of stress and increase students’ ability to maintain focus. These thoughtfully curated kits include age-appropriate materials that expose young learners to mindfulness concepts and help build stress management skills. The included reading material, activities, and games promote self-care, emotional intelligence, relaxation, and positive communication.
Our exceptional math kits have been thoughtfully curated to ignite a passion for mathematics while fostering a meaningful learning environment at home. Packed with a delightful selection of books and engaging games, this collection guarantees endless fun and boundless knowledge for children and parents alike. Not only will this math bundle help children excel academically, it will also promote invaluable life skills such as logical reasoning, problem-solving, and strategic thinking. Boost confidence, encourage creativity, and unleash the inner mathematician in each family member!
* Flat rate pricing is reflective of 25% discount. Further discounts do not apply
* Flat rate pricing is reflective of 25% discount. Further discounts do not apply
Family Engagement Take Home Bag - STEAM K-1 FE-THB-STEK1 | 2-3 FE-THB-STE23 | 4-5 FE-THB-STE45 *$155.00 Junior Family Engagement Take Home Bag - STEAM K-1 - JRFE-THB-STEK1 | 2-3 - JRFE-THB-STE23 | 4-5 - JRFE-THB-STE45 *$85.00
Family Engagement Take Home Bag - Gr. K-5 - Literacy K-1 FE-THB-LITK1 | 2-3 FE-THB-LIT23 | 4-5 FE-THB-LIT45 *$155.00 Family Engagement Take Home Bag - Gr. K-5 - Literacy K-1 JRFE-THB-LITK1 | 2-3 JRFE-THB-LIT23 | 4-5 JRFE-THB-LIT45 *$85.00
Each Kit Contains: 4 – 5 STEAM Activities 3 – 4 STEAM Based Books 1 – 2 Art Supplies 1 Composition Notebook & Pencil 1 Mesh Carrying Bag
Each Kit Contains: 4 – 5 Literacy Based Games 3 – 4 Age Based Books 1 Composition Notebook & Pencil 1 Mesh Carrying Bag
Immerse young learners in the world around them with these STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math)-themed kits meant to stimulate children of all ages to discover and explore natural forces that impact their daily lives! Kits include immersive activities using a combination of science, technology, engineering, art, and math concepts that encourage project-based learning and exploration.
Build students’ reading comprehension and language skills with these carefully selected books and activities. The titles and games in these kits expose readers of all ages to relatable and interesting subject matter intended to promote enjoyment and repeated use in order to strengthen skills and fluency.
* Flat rate pricing is reflective of 25% discount. Further discounts do not apply
* Flat rate pricing is reflective of 25% discount. Further discounts do not apply
25% Off & FREE Shipping $50+ • Prices subject to change. Visit www.stepstoliteracy.com for current pricing • 800-895-2804
Note: Steps To Literacy reserves the right to substitute titles or ship the set incomplete with a credit applied to your invoice.
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