Diversity and Multicultural Perspectives
Diversity and Multicultural Perspectives
Own Voices | Grade K
Own Voices | Grades 1-2
Own Voice Collections Grades K-5
First Grade
Sulwe (HC) Thank You, Omu! (HC) The Field (HC) Under My Hijab (HC) Waiting for the Biblioburro (HC) Where Are You From? (HC) Yo Soy Muslim: A Father's Letter...(HC)
A New Home (HC) A Piece of Home (HC) Across the Bay (HC) Alma and How She ... (HC) Catch That Goat!... Fry Bread... (HC) Ganesha's Sweet Tooth
King for a Day Leila in Saffron (HC) Salam Alaikum: A Message of Peace (HC)
Mina Javaherbin Oge Mora Paul Baptiste Rukhsanna Guidroz Rukhsana Khan
# Ownvoices authors are an essential part of the publishing fabric for diverse children’s books. It is important for children to identify with book characters through windows and mirrors. However, when a reader can ALSO feel a connection to the author because he/she is writing based on an authentic experience… the impact can be incredibly powerful. We are proud to offer #ownvoices book collections for grades K-5 to not only enhance classroom libraries but hopefully reach children who are searching for characters, written by authors, who are similar to themselves.
Saturday (HC) Sitti's Secrets Soccer Star
First Grade 9781642412369 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $433.38 $325.04
Drum Dream Girl.. (HC) Dumpling Soup Frida Kahlo and Her Animalitos (HC) Islandborn (HC) Jingle Dancer (HC) Mela and the Elephant (HC) Second Grade
My Papi Has a Motorcycle (HC) Ojiichan's Gift (HC) SkySisters The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab... (HC) The Ugly Vegetables Walking Eagle...(HC) When I Was Eight Yaffa and Fatima: Shalom, Salaam
Mango, Abuela, and Me Maybe Something Beautiful... (HC) The Gift of Ramadan (HC) The King of Kindergarten The Sandwich Swap (HC) Thunder Boy Jr. (HC) We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga (HC)
Aisha Saeed Ifeoma Onyefulu Joseph Bruchac Mingfong Ho Surishtha Surishtha
A Morning With Grandpa (HC) Bowwow Powwow (HC) Chef Roy Choi... (HC) Chinatown (HC) Crouching Tiger Dalia's Wondrous Hair... (HC)
A Festival of Colors (HC) A is for Africa
Dim Sum for Everyone! First Strawberries
Fawzia Gilani-Williams Laura Lacamara Ibtihaj Muhammad Chieri Uegaki Bourdeau Waboose
A Moon for Moe and Mo (HC) Awasis and the World... (HC) Bee-bim Bop! Bilal Cooks Daal (HC) Deep in the Sahara (HC)
Giving Thanks: A Native American... Golden Domes and Silver Lanterns...
Gracias/Thanks (HC) Hush! A Thai Lullaby
Second Grade 9781642412376 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $415.02 $311.27
Kindergarten Grade 9781642412352 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $371.01 $278.26
25% Off & FREE Shipping $50+ • Prices subject to change. Visit www.stepstoliteracy.com for current pricing • 800-895-2804
Note: Steps To Literacy reserves the right to substitute titles or ship the set incomplete with a credit applied to your invoice.
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