Social Studies
Ancient Civilization
• S ocial Studies classroom libraries and variety packs offer a mix of engaging nonfiction and fiction texts to introduce important social studies concepts to your literacy block and support your curriculum. • E nhance instruction and spark classroom discussion with these carefully-curated collections that will teach students about: Social Studies
History pg 136 Steps to Literacy History collections are available/packaged in variety packs or classroom libraries. Our content specialists holistically approached the major historical eras commonly touched upon in K-5 classrooms. We’ve included variety packs that include: diverse Biographies on history’s movers and shakers, informational texts packed with primary and secondary sources, and historical fiction/narrative nonfiction that provide essential perspectives to pivotal events. The collections are organized by historical era: • Ancient Civilization • Exploration and Native Americans Civics pg 146 America is known for our strong civic values that are essential to our country's democracy. Children should learn the importance of the right to vote, how our government works, and how it relates to them as individuals. We’ve created essential variety packs that cover the following important topics: • Early Settlements • Colonial America • The Revolutionary Era • The Young Republic • Westward Expansion • American Civil War and Reconstruction • Then and Now pg 147 We want our students to truly be prepared for life outside of the classroom. Our Economics variety packs provide crucial information for real-life success by helping students identify community helpers, fun jobs and careers, and how to budget for something they really want. Variety packs are available on the following topics: • Jobs and Careers • Money Sense • Wants, Needs and You Geography pg 148 Go beyond simple map studies and give students the high-interest and engaging titles in our variety packs that will prompt them to want to know more about the world they live in. From identifying locations in the neighborhood to diving deep into a country study, we’ve curated the most interesting books that help support any classroom curriculum. Variety packs are available on • Citizenship • Government • Rights and Rules Economics
• Civics • Government
• Economics • Geography • History • Grade-specific special topics
the following topics: • Around the World • Landforms • Map and Literacy
Special topics by grade include: • Communities and Neighborhoods: K-1
• Regions and States: 2-3 • Coming to America: 4-5
25% Off & FREE Shipping $50+ • Prices subject to change. Visit for current pricing • 800-895-2804
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