STL Catalog 2025

Social Studies Early Settlements

Social Studies Colonial America



10,000 BC-1300s






Early Settlements

Colonial America

Classroom Library (22 titles, 1 each) 9781642406221 $283.46 $212.59

Bookroom Pack (22 titles, 6 each) 9781642406238 $1,700.80 $1,275.60

Classroom Library (22 titles, 1 each) 9781642406306 $262.63 $196.97

Bookroom Pack (22 titles, 6 each) 9781642406313 $1,575.77 $1,181.83



Pocahontas and John Smith: Graphic Novel - J

Pocahontas: Her Life and Legend - T The Adventurous Life of Myles Standish and the Amazing-but-True Survival Story of Plymouth Colony The Boy Who Fell Off the Mayflower, or John Howland's Good Fortune

Ben Franklin - R Sir Walter Raleigh: Founding The Virginia Colony - R Explore with Marquette and Jolliet - S Explore with Sieur de Salle - S Who Was Blackbeard? - S William Penn: Founder of Pennsylvania - S

Pocahontas and the Powhatans - M Squanto: Native American Translator and Guide - P

9781642406245 Colonial America Biographies Variety Pack (6 titles, 1 each) 9781642406252 Colonial America Biographies Class Pack (6 titles, 6 each)

9781642406160 Early Settlements Biographies Variety Pack (6 titles, 1 each) 9781642406177 Early Settlements Biographies Class Pack (6 titles, 6 each)





Walter Raleigh's father was a tenant farmer, which means he did not own his own land. Raleigh did not stand to inherit wealth from his family.

$486.60 $364.95

$443.5 $332.63

Informational Texts

Informational Texts

The Thirteen Colonies - J 20 Fun Facts About the 13 Colonies - N 20 Fun Facts About Women in Colonial America - N Recipes of the Thirteen Colonies - N Gross Facts About the American Colonies - S Perspectives on European

Colonization of America - S The Real Story About Government and Politics in Colonial America - T Establishing The American Colonies - U School in Colonial America - U The Salem Witch Trials: Mass Hysteria and Many Lives Lost

Life in Jamestown Colony - L Recipes of the Pilgrims - N The Pilgrims Didn't Celebrate the First Thanksgiving - N What Was the First Thanksgiving? - O The Life and Times of Pocahontas

and the First Colonies - P The Old Fort at St. Augustine - Q The Lost Colony of Roanoke - R Uncovering the Jamestown Colony - S America's First Settlements - T Racing to Colonize the New World - T

9781642406269 Colonial America Informational Texts Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $123.33 9781642406276 Colonial America Informational Texts Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)

9781642406184 Early Settlements Informational Texts Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $128.55 9781642406191 Early Settlements Informational Texts Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)



England had many reasons to declare war on Holland, including colonial interests and competition for African slaves and ivory.

$740.01 $555.01

$771.28 $578.46

Narrative Nonfiction and Historical Fiction

Narrative Nonfiction and Historical Fiction

If You Were a Kid in the Thirteen Colonies - O The Courage Of Sarah Noble - O Your Life as a Settler in Colonial America - P The Cabin Faced West - R You Wouldn't Want To Be An American Colonist! - R Colonial America: An Interactive History Adventure - U

Sam Collier and the Founding of Jamestown - O Dash - R A Journey to the New World: The Diary of Remember Patience

Whipple, Mayflower, 1620 - T Passage to Fortune: Searching for Saguenay - T Blue Birds If You Were A Kid On The Mayflower

- denotes nonfiction titles

- denotes nonfiction titles

"Come on, boys," he called loudly. "Here's little Rachel Peck with a pail of gingerbread."

9781642406207 Early Settlements Nonfiction/Fiction Variety Pack (6 titles, 1 each) $73.82 9781642406214 Early Settlements Nonfiction/Fiction Class Pack (6 titles, 6 each)

9781642406283 Colonial America Nonfiction/Fiction Variety Pack (6 titles, 1 each) $65.37 9781642406290 Colonial America Nonfiction/Fiction Class Pack (6 titles, 6 each)



$442.91 $332.18

$392.26 $294.20



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