Social Studies Geography | Grades K-5
Social Studies Geography | Grades K-5
Geography Special Topics
Geography Around the World
Kindergarten and First Grade Communities and Neighborhoods
Grades K-1
Grades 2-3
Grades 4-5
9781642407211 K-1 Around the World Variety Pack (9 titles, 1 copy each) $92.26 $69.20
9781642407228 2-3 Around the World Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 copy each) $107.37 $80.53
9781642407235 4-5 Around the World (10 titles, 1 copy each) $121.59 $91.19
9781642407259 Communities and Neighborhoods Variety Pack (8 titles,1 each) $79.81 $59.86
Second and Third Grade
Regions and States
Grades K-1
Grades 2-3
Grades 4-5
In the late 1600s, the French settled areas around the Great Lakes.
9781642407266 K-1 Landforms Variety Pack (7 titles, 1 copy each) $71.34 $53.51
9781642407273 2-3 Landforms Variety Pack (7 titles, 1 copy each) $78.54 $58.91
9781642407280 4-5 Landforms Variety Pack (7 titles, 1 copy each) $86.46 $64.85
9781642407297 Regions and States Variety Pack (7 titles,1 each) $80.62 $60.47
Map Literacy
Fourth and Fifth Grade
Grades K-1
Grades 2-3
Grades 4-5
Coming to America
9781642407303 K-1 Where Are We? Maps Variety Pack (6 titles, 1 copy each) $65.67 $49.25
9781642407310 2-3 Where Are We? Maps Variety Pack (6 titles, 1 copy each) $67.61 $50.71
9781642407327 4-5 Where Are We? Maps Variety Pack (6 titles, 1 copy each) $79.32 $59.32
Note: Steps To Literacy reserves the right to substitute titles or ship the set incomplete with a credit applied to your invoice. 9781642407242 Coming To America Variety Pack (11 titles,1 each) $136.19 $102.14
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