STL Catalog 2025

Spanish Balanced Literacy Classroom

Spanish Balanced Literacy Classroom

Read-Aloud Libraries | Grades 2-3

Read-Aloud Libraries | Grades 4-5

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Third Grade

70 Titles Second Grade

70 Titles

70 Titles

70 Titles

Library includes the following text sets:

Library includes the following text sets:

Library includes the following text sets:

# of Titles

# of Titles

# of Titles

Library includes the following text sets:

# of Titles

A Scientific Eye

2 3 2 3 3 4 3 4 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 5 2

Animal Journeys

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Author Study: Alma Flor Ada

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Author Study: Gary Soto Author Study: Roald Dahl

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Caring for Each Other: Family

Author/Illustrator Study: Janell Cannon Author/Illustrator Study: Patricia Polacco Connecting Across Generations: Family

Author Study: Georgina Lázaro León

Exploring Different Cultures: Folktales Exploring Narrative Nonfiction Texts

Biography: Artists Coping with Loss

Biography: Overcoming Adversity

Caring for Our World Conflict Resolution

Exploring Realistic Fiction

Exploring Memory Stories Exploring Pourquoi Tales

Culture, Heritage, & Tradition

Exploring the Natural World: Birds Exploring the Natural World: Earth Exploring the Natural World: Insects Exploring the World of Fantasy Exploring the World Through Nonfiction



Exploring the World: Photo Essays

Exploring Identity

Exploring Literary Language Exploring Rights and Citizenship

Facing Challenges Fractured Fairy Tales Genre Study: Biography

Figuring Out Who You Are

Folklore & Fables

Facing the Unknown



Exploring Trickster Tales

Genre Study: Expository Nonfiction

Genre Study: Biography: Individuals Making a ...


Facing Challenges

Genre Study: Fables Genre Study: Folktales Genre Study: Poetry

Genre Study: Fairy Tales Genre Study: Fantasy

Genre Study: Biography (Musicians) Genre Study: Expository Nonfiction Genre Study: Historical Fiction

Finding Beauty in the World Around You

Finding Your Way in a New Place

Genre Study: Historical Fiction

Helen Lester: Using Humor

Genre Study: Realistic Fiction

Genre Study: Memoir Genre Study: Poetry

Genre Study: Legends Genre Study: Myths Grit and Perseverance Hope and Resilience

Humorous Characters

Honoring Traditions

The Importance of Determination The Importance of Friendship

Humorous Texts

The Idea of Home

Hybrid Texts: Fiction and Nonfiction The Importance of Determination

Illustration Study: Craft 3 Innovative Thinking and Creative Problem Solving 3 Perseverance 3 Taking Action, Making Change 4 Telling a Story with Photos 3 What it Means to be a Family 3

Jan Brett: Creating Imaginary Worlds Living and Working Together: Community

Illustrator Study: Duncan Tonatiuh

The Importance of Kindness

The Power of Knowledge

The Pleasure of Giving

Points of View

Problem Solving/Resourcefulness Understanding How Things Work

Simple Biography

Sharing Our World: Animals

Steve Jenkins: Exploring the Animal World

The Passage of Time

Writer's Craft

9781642409574 Fourth Grade Library (70 titles, 1 each) $1,905.70 $1,429.28

9781642409604 Fifth Grade Library (70 titles, 1 each) $1,778.65 $1,333.99

9781682888612 Second Grade Library (70 titles, 1 each) $1,525.70 $1,144.28

9781642409543 Third Grade Library (70 titles,1 each) $1,778.65 $13,33.99



25% Off & FREE Shipping $50+ • Prices subject to change. Visit for current pricing • 800-895-2804

Note: Steps To Literacy reserves the right to substitute titles or ship the set incomplete with a credit applied to your invoice.

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