STL Catalog 2025

Language Arts

Language Arts Reading and Writing Connectors | Grades 4-5

Reading and Writing Connectors | Grades 2-3

Fourth Grade

Second Grade

Grade 2 Writing Prompt Guide


Grade 4 Writing Prompt Guide

Book Titles And Tango Makes Three

14 COWS FOR AMERICA Dive into our global community and the support that is given and received in the face of tragedy. Writing Connection (Informative): Young scholars should reflect and write about a time they provided support for a family member or friend in need. BAD KITTY Dig into making good choices with this bad kitty that wants her way. Writing Connection (Narrative): Guide children in writing about a time they made a bad choice on purpose or by accident.

SAM & DAVE DIG A HOLE Sam and Dave are proof that spectacular things happen at unlikely times. Writing Connection (Persuasive): Guide students in writing about a time they were upset and what unexpected thing persuaded them to feel better.

ON LINDEN SQUARE A close-knit community comes together to have fun after a snowstorm. Writing Connection (Creative): The learners will place themselves in Linden Square and create their own snow adventure.

AND TANGO MAKES THREE Family diversity exists in all species, even penguins. Writing Connection (Narrative): Writers will explain what their family does that is “just right”.


On Linden Square Papa’s Backpack They All Saw A Cat

Book Titles 14 Cows for America

Bear and Bird

ONE Bullies don’t stand a chance when the number one is around. Writing Connection (Persuasive): The class should write about how they would persuade a bully to be kind.


The Day the Crayons Came Home Dozer’s Run: A True Story of a Dog...

BEAR AND BIRD Dive into an unlikely friendship between a bear and a bird and the bond that they share. Writing Connection (Persuasive): Prompt scholars to help Bear convince Bird not to travel south for the winter.

PAPA’S BACKPACK Explore how military members and their families cope during their times apart. Writing Connection (Opinion): Have students give their opinion about the best way to feel better when you’re upset.

The Voyageur’s Paddle

Bad Kitty

Sam & Dave Dig a Hole


Skippyjon Jones

The Great Kapok Tree

What if Everybody Did That?

SKIPPYJON JONES Imagination takes over when you enter the closet of Skippyjon Jones. Writing Connection (Creative): Have students write an adventure where they have a secret identity.

EPOSSUMONDAS Understanding is difficult to achieve when thinking as literally as Epossumondas. Writing Connection (Narrative): Young scholars should write about a time they struggled to understand what someone wanted or needed from them .

Ferry Tail

Three Hens and a Peacock


THEY ALL SAW A CAT Perception changes when a cat is seen through the eyes of people and other animals. Writing Connection (Persuasive): Students should persuade a character from the story that they are not actually seeing a cat.

Inspiration abounds when Dozer acciden- tally runs the Maryland Half Marathon. Writing Connection (Narrative): Pupils describe a time when seeing another person acting kind inspired them to do the same.

Interrupting Chicken

Who’s In My Family? All About Our Families

9781682886557 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $193.88 $145.41

THREE HENS AND A PEACOCK Explore the feelings of envy and jealousy when three hens and a peacock switch roles at the farm. Writing Connection (Opinion): Prompt the class to write about a time they formed an opinion about someone else and whether or not they wanted to be like that person.

FERRY TAIL Sometimes feeling under appreciated can lead to a big decision. Writing Connection (Opinion): Pupils should form an opinion about running away and write about if they ever thought of doing it. INTERRUPTING CHICKEN Examine good manners with a chicken that can’t help but interrupt. Writing Connection (Creative): Instruct the class to write creatively about a time they interrupted someone/something and shouldn’t have.

Writing Prompt Included

THE VOYAGEUR’S PADDLE Travel back in time and delve into the adventures of French tradesmen. Writing Connection (Opinion): Writers de- fend what they think is the most dangerous part of being a voyager.

THE DAY THE CRAYONS CAME HOME Homecomings can be bitter or bittersweet for the crayons that return to Duncan. Writing Connection (Creative): Pick one color crayon who will not return home and create a new adventure for it.

9781682886533 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $161.53 $121.15

Writing Prompt Included

WHO’S IN MY FAMILY? ALL ABOUT OUR FAMILIES Lead your learners to imagine families comprised off all kinds of people. Writing Connection (Informative): Children should compare and contrast their family to a family of a classmate.

THE GREAT KAPOK TREE The power of persuasion; All trees serve an equally important role, no matter where they are located, and that everyone should think more carefully about cutting them down or abusing them. Writing Connection (Informative): Writers describe an environment that is different from where they live. Give specific details of those differences.

WHAT IF EVERYBODY DID THAT? Analyze poor choices and their potential effect when done on a larger scale. Writing Connection (Informative): Students will investigate the impact littering has on the world.

Duncan was sad to learn of all the crayons he’d lost, forgotten, broken or neglected over the years. So he ran around gathering them up.

Red rolled up to One . “Stop laughing!” he told him. But One stood up straight like an arrow and said “No.”

Summary: Homecomings can be bitter or bittersweet for the crayons that return to Duncan. Writing Connection ( Creative ) : Pick one color crayon who will not return home and create a new adventure for it. The Day the Crayons Came Home

Summary: Bullies don’t stand a chance when the number one is around. Writing Connection ( Persuasive ) : The class should write about how they would persuade a bully to be kind. One

Red was mad, but One wouldn’t budge. So Red rolled away.

Grade 3 Writing Prompt Guide

Third Grade

Fifth Grade

Grade 5 Writing Prompt Guide

THE DAY THE CRAYONS QUIT Activate empathy when you read why the crayons quit. Writing Connection (Opinion): Have students express their opinion of whether or not they believe quitting is the right or wrong thing to do.

THE PAPERBOY Experience an important job that’s done while the world sleeps. Writing Connection (Narrative): The class should write about a job that would make them feel important.

ROUND TRIP Perception is turned upside down in this round trip journey. Writing Connection (Informative): Learners explain how their perception of something important has changed over time.

AND THEN IT’S SPRING Science and determination come together when a stubborn garden refuses to grow. Writing Connection (Informative): Learners will explore the elements needed for growing a garden and tell what would happen if one of those elements was missing.



WILLOW Characters portray acts of kindness through self-expression. Writing Connection (Narrative): Direct children to write about a time they positively influenced someone’s life. SPAGHETTI IN A HOT DOG BUN Empowers children to always do the right thing and be proud of themselves, even when they are faced with someone as challenging as Ralph. Writing Connection (Persuasive): Lead young scholars in writing about a time they felt different or strange and what persuaded them to feel better. ZEN SHORTS Three ancient zen tales focusing on the value of material goods, boundaries of good and bad, and the repercussions of holding onto frustration. Writing Connection (Informative): What is the greatest lesson the class has learned through a tale and what information they took from it? ZERO As budding young readers learn about numbers and counting, they are also introduced to accepting different body types, developing social skills as well as character, and learning what it means to find value in yourself and in others. Writing Connection (Persuasive): Ask students if they have ever felt alone or different and what persuaded them to feel better.

FINNEGAN AND FOX : THE TEN-FOOT COP Helping the community takes on a new face in this informational tale. Writing Connection (Informative): Have the class write about a good thing they’ve done or would like to do for their community. I WISH YOU MORE Celebrating life’s joyous milestones, sharing words of encouragement, and observing the wonder of everyday moments through wishful thinking. Writing Connection (Opinion): The class will form an opinion about something they wish would happen to the world. THE INVISIBLE BOY Explore how small acts of kindness can help children feel included and allow them to flourish. Writing Connection (Creative): Children will creatively write about a time when someone did something nice for them or vice versa. NIGHTSONG Enhance your senses with Chiro as he experiences his first solo flight. Writing Connection (Creative): Instruct students to be creative when writing about what it would be like to lose one of their five senses and how they would accommodate for that lost sense .

Book Titles And Then It’s Spring

Book Titles The Day the Crayons Quit

BERNIDA Adventure and tradition come together when a boy races his grandfather’s sailboat. Writing Connection (Narrative): Have students recount an adventure they have taken.

SCHOOL’S FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Explore personification when School has his first day of classes. Writing Connection (Creative): Let stu- dents pretend that a building in their town has come to life. What would the buildings day be like?

Round Trip

The Paperboy Finnegan and Fox: The Ten-Foot Cop Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun I Wish You More Willow The Invisible Boy Zen Shorts Nightsong Zero


School’s First Day of School

Freedom Summer No Pirates Allowed

The Three Questions Under the Same Sun

THE OTHER SIDE Analyze diversity and acceptance with two girls that aren’t concerned with color. Writing Connection (Persuasive): Write a persuasive piece and convince your parents to allow you to do something they normally would say no to. NO PIRATES ALLOWED Creative language and a love for reading shine through with Pete and Library Lou. Writing Connection (Opinion): Write about a belonging in your house that is important to you and convince a classmate they should value the item in the same way. FREEDOM SUMMER Travel back in time and probe into a community where segregation is still prominent. Writing Connection (Narrative): Let learners write about a time someone was being left out and how they included that person.

THE THREE QUESTIONS Examine choices with Nikolai as he searches for understanding. Writing Connection (Creative): Writers will pick an animal and tell the story of a lesson it would teach.

The Other Side

What Do You Do With an Idea?

Writing Prompt Included

UNDER THE SAME SUN Observe different ways of life in this story of a Tanzanian family. Writing Connection (Opinion): Scholars will pick a holiday they feel is the most fun.

9781682886540 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $197.20 $147.90

9781682886564 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $190.37 $142.77

Writing Prompt Included

WHAT DO YOU DO WITH AN IDEA? Creativity runs wild when a boy learns how to foster his idea. Writing Connection (Persuasive): Prompt learners to convince others that an idea they have is a good one.

We saw fireworks and stopped to watch.

Summary: Celebrating life’s joyous milestones, sharing words of encouragement, and observing the wonder of everyday moments through wishful thinking. Writing Connection ( Opinion ) : The class will form an opinion about something they wish would happen to the world. I Wish You More

Round Trip

Summary: Perception is turned upside down in this round trip journey. Writing Connection ( Informative ) : Learners explain how their perception of something important has changed over time.

I wish you more give than take.

We followed the shore past marshy inlets.



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