STL Catalog 2025

Language Arts Genre Packs | Grade 2

Social and Emotional Language Arts Genre Packs | Grades 2

Levels I-O

Denotes Fiction Denotes Nonfiction


Speak Up! - I

If Kids Ruled The School It's Snowing! It's Snowing! ... Mural on Second Avenue...

Second Grade Genre Packs 9781682887745 Second Grade Genre Classroom Library (135 titles, 1 each) $1,508.03 $1,1131.02

Vroom, Vroom! Poems... - I

Festival Poems - L

Grasshopper Pie And Other Poems - L I Like Being Me: Poems About Kindness... - L

My Chinatown: One Year In Poem No More Homework! No More Tests!... Poet:... George Moses Horton (HC)

Poems By The Sea - L

And Then There Were Eight: Poems... - O

Put Your Eyes Up Here...

Fold Me A Poem (HC)

9781682887790 Variety Pack (15 titles, 1 each) $203.23 $152.42

*See inside front cover for packaging details.

Available in Variety Packs or as Classroom Libraries!

Levels G-N

Realistic Fiction


Levels H-N

All Nonfiction

All Fiction

Lebron James - G Michelle Obama - G

Amazing Americans: Paul Revere - K George Washington Carver - K

Katie Woo Has the Flu - H Message By Balloon - I Boss Of The World - J

Happy Like Soccer - L

How Oliver Olson Changed the World - L

Sitting Bull - G

Tu Youyou - K Walt Disney - K

Maddie's Pet Peeve - L My Family Adventure - L

Frederick Douglass - H

Iris And Walter True Friends - J Marley's Big Adventure - J

Jimmy Carter: For the People - H

Duke Ellington: The Piano Prince... - L

Riley and the Fantastic Plan - L Lola Levine is Not Mean! - M

Martin Luther King, Jr. - H

Lionel Messi - M

Max and Zoe: The Science Fair - J Bramble and Maggie Give and Take - K

Tomochichi: Chief and Friend - H

Mary Anderson and Windshield Wipers - M

Stink: The Incredible Shrinking Kid - M

Cesar Chavez: Protecting Farm Workers - J Yo-Yo Ma - M Maya Angelou - J

Singing Superstar - K Yasmin the Explorer - K

Two For One - M Rock Star! - N

Sonia Sotomayor - N

National Geographic Readers... - J

Sara Seager: Planetary Scientist

Clara Lee and the Apple Pie Dream - L

Absolutely Alfie and the Furry, Purry Secret-

9781682887806 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $203.23 $152.42

9781682887752 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $203.23 $152.42

Levels H-O

High-Interest Nonfiction

Traditional Tales

Levels H-O

All Nonfiction

All Fiction

How It Works: Microwave Oven - H

Bison - L

The Moon in the Pond - H

The Glass Slippers - K

Playing Musical Bottles - H

Gemstones - L

Three Rocks - H

The Three Little Recyclers - K

Cave Diving - I

Inside Machines: Trucks - L How To Build A Fizzy Rocket - M Is a Bald Eagle Really Bald? - M

Goldiclucks and the Three Bears - I Paul Bunyan: A Very Tall Tale - I

King Arthur's Tale - L

Rabbits Eat Poop - I Big Predators - J

Sleeping Beauty: The Graphic Novel - L The Legend of Johnny Appleseed - L Coyote: A Trickster Tale from the... - M

The Kitten Who Cried Dog - I

Football: Great Moments, Records... - J

Are Some Sports Too Dangerous for Kids? - N

Rumplesnakeskin - J Sleeping Beauty - J

Jobs Around the World - J

Basketball - N

Medusa - M The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse - J The Hare and the Tortoise... - M Why Anansi Has Eight Thin Legs... - J How Coyote Stole The Summer... - N Harold's Fairy Tale - K Tiddalick, the Greedy Frog - O 9781682887813 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $203.23 $152.42

About Raptors - K

A Dinosaur Alphabet... - O

Let's Draw Animals With Crayola! - K

Crayola Boredom Busting Crafts

The Seashore - K

Magic Tricks with Cards

9781682887769 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $203.23 $152.42

Levels I-O

Picture Books


All Fiction

Goldie And The Three Bears - I

Dear Primo: A Letter to My Cousin (HC)

The Lost Kittens - I

Cam Jansen and the Secret Service Mystery - L

This Is Our House - K

Monsoon Afternoon

The Missing Mitten Mystery - I Big Max And The Mystery... - J Fancy Nancy: Nancy Clancy... - J

The April Fool's Day Mystery - L The Case of the Stinky Socks - L The Mysterious Tadpole - L

Fireflies! - L

My Dog May Be A Genius The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Cherries And Cherry Pits - M

Miss Rumphius - M

The Paperboy (HC)

Footprints in the Snow - J A Moldy Mystery: Mold - M Young Cam Jansen and the Goldfish ...- J Ivy and Bean: Take the Case - M Clues in the Attic - K Mickey Maloney's Spy Manual - M Fang Fairy: Jeremy Kreep - K Mystery At Manzanar: A WWII... - M The Monster of Lake Lobo - K

Once Upon A Time: Writing... - O

The Princess and the Packet...

The Raft - O

The World's Best Noses, Ears...(HC) This Book Just Ate My Dog! (HC)

Dandelions - P

A Place For Birds (HC)

Velma Gratch and the Way...

The Boxcar Children: The Pizza Mystery - O

Cactus Soup

Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty? (HC)

Treasure in the Attic - K

Hero Dog!: A Branches Book...

9781682887783 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $288.70 $216.53

9781682887776 Variety Pack (20 titles, 1 each) $203.23 $152.42



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Note: Steps To Literacy reserves the right to substitute titles or ship the set incomplete with a credit applied to your invoice.

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