Language Arts
Language Arts Social Emotional Learning | Grades 2-5
Social Emotional Learning | Grades K-1
Social Emotional Learning With these collections, teachers are able to introduce an SEL theme within their lessons and know with confidence that their students are continuing to activate, connect, and build on that theme during their independent and buddy reading experiences.
Growth, Mindset & Mindfulness Grades 2-3
Friendship, Empathy & Kindness
Perseverance & Courage
Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each) Showing Kindness - F Friendship Quilt - K Nicknames - K The Recess Bully - L I Like Being Me... - L Rabbit & Robot and Ribbit - L Not All Heroes Wear Capes - L + more!
Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each)
Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each)
Amira's Family - H Have Courage!... - I The End Zone - J
Vicki the Vampire Thinks About Her Actions... - H The Best You: Calm Down - J Shooting Stars Soccer Team - K Your Brain - K
The Chirping Band - K Zippy the Runner - K Firefighter - K Chin up, Charlie : Be Brave - K + more!
Yes I Can! A Story of Grit - K Look Inside: Your Brain - L + more!
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each)
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each)
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each)
How Can I Fix the Problem?... - H Be the Change in the World - L Experience Mindfulness...- M Cowgirl Grit - N Worry Warriors... - O
Jaylah's Jitters - L Little Shaq Takes A Chance - M
Max and Zoe: the Lunchroom Fight - I Michael Makes Friends at School - K Be the Change in your Community - L Sadiq and the Green Thumbs - M How to Be an Earthling: Spork Out of Orbit - N
How to Be an Earthling: Alien in the Outfield - N William Kamkwamba: Powering His Village - Q I'm New Here
Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each)
Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each)
Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each)
9781642407402 (30 total titles) $405.35 $304.01 Peaceful Fights for Equal Rights (HC) Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun Hidden Figures: The True Story... (HC) Drum Dream Girl... (HC) Izzy Gizmo (HC)
9781642407341 (30 total titles) $405.35 $304.01 The Invisible Boy (HC) Coat-A-Kid I Am Human: A Book of Empathy (HC) I Walk With Vanessa (HC) New Shoes
9781642407372 (30 total titles) $405.35 $304.01 The Best You: Making Things Right What If Everybody Thought That? The Power of Gratitude Quiet Please, Owen McPhee! (HC) Get Outdoors... (HC)
Independent Reading
Buddy Books
Too-tall Tommy - If Wendell Had a Walrus (HC) Pie Is for Sharing (HC) Be Kind (HC) Seed Man (HC)
The Marble Match - A Being Kind - C Let's Play Tag - C Frank the Fish Makes a Friend... - C Whales Work Together!... - C I Learn from My Friends - D Good Manners at a Friend's House - D
Ben Gives a Gift - C Who Can? Daniel Can! - C The Big Fib - E Resisting Bullying - F I Am Kind: The Positive Power Series
Growth, Mindset & Mindfulness Grades K-1
Growth, Mindset & Mindfulness Grades 4-5
Friendship, Empathy & Kindness
Friendship, Empathy & Kindness
Perseverance & Courage
Perseverance & Courage
Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each)
Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each)
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each) I Have Feelings - B Use Your Brain - C When I Feel Angry - C It's Too Noisy! - D Excuses, Excuses! - F + more! Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each) Seb's Train - A Getting Your Zzzzs - B Space Cat - H This Makes Me Happy - I Taking a Bath with the Dog... - I Katie Blows Her Top - K I Will Find a Way
Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each)
Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each)
Independent Reading (20 titles, 1 copy each)
The Marble Match - A Being Kind - C Let's Play Tag - C Frank the Fish Makes a Friend... - C Whales Work Together!... - C I Learn from My Friends - D Good Manners at a Friend's House - D + more!
A Brave Girl - A You Can Do It! - B I Can Be a Firefighter - C I Will Try - D We're Going on a Dinosaur Dig? - D Grace - E Gymnastics Jump - E + more!
Winning by Giving - M The Hunchback of Notre Dame - N High Five, Mallory! - O Live It: Empathy - O Edgy Estella Aces the Sleepover Party - O Care and Compassion... - O Fourth Grade Rats - Q + more!
Dream Big: Michael Jordan...- M Thoughts and Feelings... - O Recess Is Ruined - P 31 Ways to Change the World - P Step Forward with Curiosity - P The Contract - Q What's Mine Is Yours - Q + more!
Secondhand Slice - M Earth's Got Talent! - N Live It : Perseverance - O The PS Brothers - O Longboard Let Down - P Marching with Aunt Susan... - Q Sybil Ludington's Revolutionary War Story - Q + more!
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each)
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each)
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each)
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each)
Buddy Books (5 titles, 2 copies each)
Ben Gives a Gift - C Who Can? Daniel Can! - C The Big Fib - E Resisting Bullying - F I Am Kind: The Positive Power Series
Sara Tries Again - C Brave Grace - D Bundle of Nerves: A Story of Courage - J Are You Scared, Jacob? Don't Give Up!
Crenshaw - Q The Map Trap - S Drita, My Homegirl - T The Miraculous Journey Of Edward Tulane - U NF Stories of Sharing - W
Step Forward with Optimism - P Your Mind-Bending Brain... - S At Top Speed - T Loser - U The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind...
Eliza Bing Is (Not) a Big, Fat Quitter - R Communicate! Characters with Courage - S Hidden Figures (Young Reader's Edition) - U Stay! Keeper's Story - U Unstoppable
Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each)
Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each)
Jabari Jumps (HC) Elbow Grease (HC) Courage Flight School (HC) Pepper and Frannie Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each)
Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each)
Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each)
Read-Alouds (5 titles, 1 copy each) Ban This Book The Day You Begin (HC)
Too-tall Tommy - If Wendell Had a Walrus (HC) Pie Is for Sharing (HC) Be Kind (HC) Seed Man (HC)
Time to Move, Peacock! Oopsie-Do! (HC) My Magic Breath... (HC) The OK Book (HC) I Am Peace: A Book of Mindfulness (HC) 9781642407365 (30 total titles) $388.03 $291.02
Save Me a Seat Rescue and Jessica: ... (HC) Holes in the Sky Wonder (HC) The Breaking News (HC)
What If? (HC) Wishtree (HC) I Am Yoga (HC) Just Breathe: Meditation, Mindfulness... The Thing Lou Couldn't Do (HC) 9781642407389 (30 total titles) $451.55 $338.66
Hardscrabble After the Fall... The Bravest Man in the World (HC) 9781642407419 (30 total titles) $451.55 $338.66
9781642407396 (30 total titles) $388.03 $291.02
9781642407334 (30 total titles) $388.03 $291.02
9781642407358 (30 total titles) $451.55 $338.66
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