STL Catalog 2025

Guided Reading

Guided Reading Pioneer Valley | Levels A-B

Guided Reading True Guided Reading books can be hard to find but we’ve made it easy for your students to achieve reading success. Pioneer Valley, Rigby/Steck-Vaughn, and Red Rocket Readers focus on the literacy elements and strategies that matter by providing clear text, supportive illustrations, familiar vocabulary, and accessible content. Make small-group assessments a breeze with a wide selection of engaging texts that truly meet the needs of children learning to read.

Pioneer Valley Books

Steps To Literacy is proud to partner with Pioneer Valley Books in an effort to expand the depth and breadth of our guided reading collections. Pioneer Valley Books offers a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction titles and other resources for Reading Recovery, primary classrooms, and literacy teachers. We share a similar mission: to make accessible engaging stories and teaching materials that help children develop strong literacy skills and a love of reading.

Level Reference Chart

Grade Levels 1 Kindergarten

Guided Reading Levels 1

Lexile ® Levels 2


Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6

BR120L-295L 170L-545L 415L-760L 635L-950L 770L-1080L 885L-1165L 925L-1295L

Grades 7-8 H.S - Adult


Z+ Steps To Literacy follows the industry standard "on level" ranges. For grade level collections we also include titles that go above and below "level". This expanded level range is designed to help striving readers and encourge advanced readers in each grade.

Pioneer Valley Page 63

"Look at me, I am Dirty. Look at me, I am clean."

Rigby Page 68

Level A

Level B

Red Rocket Readers Page 70


Nonfiction Landforms



Busy Clarence Marvin Has Fun Jaxson's Animals

Beach Time for Clarence Jack and Daisy Dress Up Little Knight and Mom

Baby Animals of the Rain Forest

My Community Parts of a Plant What Can Climb?

Count the Kittens

How Do We Get There?

Marshmallow the Pony


Look Up


What's the Weather Today?

The Bus Ride


Multi-Publisher Collections Page 74

9781642406856 9781642406863

9781642406870 9781642406887

Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $121.26 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)


Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $121.26 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)


$727.60 $545.70

$727.60 $545.70



25% Off & FREE Shipping $50+ • Prices subject to change. Visit for current pricing • 800-895-2804

Note: Steps To Literacy reserves the right to substitute titles or ship the set incomplete with a credit applied to your invoice.

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