Guided Reading Pioneer Valley | Levels C-F
Guided Reading Pioneer Valley | Levels G-J
Here is my pizza You need many ingredients to make a pizza.
"Look, Dad," said Mom. "Look, Jada and Anthony. This is a robot. His name is Rusty."
Level C
Level D
Level G
Level H
Nonfiction Big Trucks
The Bike Ride
A Season of Trees
A Bike Ride for Jack
Fantastic Fish
Little Knight and the Flood
Dinosaurs and Fossils
A Toy for Lulu
Here Comes the Rain Princess Pig and Marvin The Three Little Pigs
A Show Pony
Garbage to Garden
Quack and the Eggs Rusty's Big Move
In the Rainforest
Firefighters to the Rescue Dolphins Mighty Treasure: Porcupine's Boo-Boo How to Grow a Carrot Quack the Hero In the Forest Rusty Helps Out The Monarch Butterfly
Fabulous Frogs The Rain Forest We Love to Swim
Quack and the Race
In the Desert Michelle Kwan
Rosa Parks Sea Horses
Super Sam and the Bullies The Goose and the Golden Egg
The Shoemaker and the Elves
Wake Up, Fairy
What is a Fraction?
The New Girl
Where Does Your Pizza Come From?
9781642406894 9781642406900
9781642406917 9781642406924
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Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $121.26 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
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$727.60 $545.70
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"Some cars are big. A lot of people can fit into a big car."
Level E
Level F
Level I
Level J
A Walk at the Farm
Abraham Lincoln
Dinner Time Dog Bones
George Washington
A Naughty Rabbit
Dogs or Cats?
A Tower of Pillows
All About Cars
Henry and Little Knight
Creepy, Crawly Caterpillars
In the Ocean
Bananas for Little Monkey
Gilbert Goes on a Picnic Quack's Red Boots Rusty's Missing Beep Super Sam and the Kitten
Going to the Dentist How to Catch a Fish
Oliver the Musician
Hunting Squirrels
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Best Friends
Horseback Riding
Princess Pig and the Pea On the Arctic Tundra The Fisherman and the Golden Fish The Wright Brothers
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf Marshmallow Makes a New Friend
Little Knight to the Rescue
Puppies Sea Stars
The Moon
Where is Otis?
You Can Save Energy
9781642406931 9781642406948
9781642407013 9781642407020
Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $121.26 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $121.26 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
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9781642407037 9781642407044
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Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) $121.26 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
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$727.60 $545.70
$727.60 $545.70
$727.60 $545.70
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