Guided Reading Red Rocket Readers
Guided Reading
Red Rocket Readers | Levels A-E
Red Rocket Readers™ feature colorful, entertaining illustrations and photographs that support the text, launch oral discussion, and develop student comprehension. The classic story structure (tension, climax, and resolution) ensures children will want to engage with the texts. • Enable students to read for enjoyment and information as they access meaning from fiction and non-fiction text • Feature meaningful concepts and experiences that children can relate to • Provide stories with strong characters, humor, and definable plots • Develop word recognition along with language development • Focus on increasing knowledge of print conventions, phonological patterns, and phonic knowledge in context Red Rocket Readers
Why choose Red Rocket? Child Focused Red Rocket Readers™ are carefully designed to support children through the use of controlled natural language and appropriately sized, well-spaced and easy-to-read type. Teacher Driven Developed by Pam Holden, a literacy specialist and Reading Recovery™ teacher and author, Red Rocket Readers™ have authentic teaching experience built-in to every feature. Fun! Strong characters, humor, and definable plots combine graduated word-recognition and language development with wonderful stories that children will really enjoy!
B is for butterfly
Level A
Balloons Fly By Dress-up Day Naughty Goldilocks
At School Get Moving! Looking at Bugs Sea Life Who Has Stripes?
Noisy Traffic Our Toy Box
9781642401660 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) 9781642401851 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
$95.81 $567.05
$71.86 $425.29
About the Author
Series editor and principal author of the Red Rocket Readers program, Pam Holden has more than 40 years specialist experience in literacy. As a Reading Recovery teacher she has worked one-to-one with hundreds of children struggling with literacy. Pam’s pupils have also included those approaching English as a second language, and children who are advanced and require extension. This experience has given the author a rare insight into the literacy process and has enabled her to identify many key elements that consistently block children’s progress, and develop leveled texts specifically for Guided Reading, Reading Recovery and other interventions. The result is a leveled literacy series containing a balance of fiction and informational texts, ideal for guided reading, reading recovery and remedial programs, including ELL, ESL and other special needs.
Can you see some balloons in the sky?
"We are slow," said the hedgehogs.
Level B
Level C
As Fast as You Can Farm Friends Happy Birthday
Dinosaur Days Look How We Cook Toys That Can Go We Like Sports What Can You Smell?
Blow Wind, Blow! Max Monkey Ready for Lift Off Slow Down! Spots and Stripes
Endangered Animals Friends Are Fun Water to Ice What is in the Sky? Who Helps Me?
Slow Movers Zoom! Zoom!
9781642401684 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) 9781642401875 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
$95.81 $567.05
$71.86 $425.29
9781642401677 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) 9781642401868 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
$95.81 $567.05
$71.86 $425.29
Look! A leaf can float.
We saw some hungry parrots.
Level E
Level D
Buddy Likes to Ride Fast and Noisy Helping the Zookeeper The Weather Report We Forgot
A Stormy Day Big Machines Move! Move! Move! Underground Explorers What Makes it Go?
A Forest Fire All Kinds of Hair The Birthday Surprise Busy Buddy Pockets
How Many Wheels? On the Outside So Strong! This or That? What Can Float?
9781642401691 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) 9781642401882 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
$95.81 $567.05
$71.86 $425.29
9781642401707 Variety Pack (10 titles, 1 each) 9781642401899 Class Pack (10 titles, 6 each)
$95.81 $567.05
$71.86 $425.29
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