Specialty Collections
Specialty Collections Spanish Decodables | Grades K-1
Decoables | Grade 2
Spanish Decodables Class Packs & Variety Packs
Grade 2 Decodables Classroom Libraries
Variety Pack 30 titles, 1 copy each
Class Pack 30 titles, 6 copies each
La casa de Cecilio Días de Fiesta Me gusta, no me gusta Hay fiesta Júbilo En Julio La Familia Bolaños La cabaña La lluvia de verano Miguel no quiere un juguete Hugo hace pan El chanchito de Pancho Gracias, señora Walter ¡Qué Carrera! ¡Todo un éxito!
El abecedario Amo a MIMí ¡Pío! ¡Pío! Tati Lali y Lupe Pepito Muso pasa Ana sana a Nina Delio y Diana La familia felina La banana bonita Las pasitas de Fede El video de Vanesa La finca de Rita Leonor y Oliver Kali quiere ir a casa
Starter Bookroom
Expansion Bookroom
15 titles, 6 copies each
15 titles, 6 copies each
The Peaches On The Beaches The Thing On The Wing Can Sing Up in the Sky Baskets of Native Americans Learn About Dinosaurs Seasons Vroom, Vroom! Poems About Things with Wheels
Where Did the Dinosaurs Go? Animals and Their Habitats Sam the Incredible Inventor The Marshmallow Man Let's Go to the Museum! Science Tools What Are Germs? Where Bananas Come From
Olivia Goes to the Zoo: An Adventure with the Vowel O Pem's Snack Zipp! Zapp! Here Comes Silent E! Lion Spies a Tiger: Long Vowel I
Rat Attack (Short Vowel E) Animals of the Rain Forest Bears Life Now and Long Ago Amazing Meat-Eating Plants Celebrating Cultures
On My Stoop All About Bats
Exploring Fossils Fantastic Flowers
Grade 2 Decodables Starter Bookroom 9781642418095 $725.00 $543.75
Grade 2 Decodables Expansion Bookroom 9781642418118 $725.00 $543.75
Spanish Kindergarten Decodables: Variety Pack V1-SPAKINDECODE $173.25 $129.94
Spanish Kindergarten Decodables: Class Pack CP1-SPAGR1DECODE $1,039.50 $779.63
Expansion Library
Starter Library 40 titles, 1 copy each
40 titles, 1 copy each
Grade 1
Mom Looks at the Books Here Comes Silent E! Mouse Makes Words Footprints on the Moon: Poems About Space Princess Pig: Short Vowel I To the Dunes with Luce Stop, Drop, And Flop In The Slop The Peaches On The Beaches The Thing On The Wing Can Sing Up in the Sky Baskets of Native Americans Learn About Dinosaurs Seasons Using Maps Journey to the Center of the Earth Lizzie's Dream Planet Puzzle The Lonely Penguin's Blog Vroom, Vroom! Poems About Things with Wheels
Where Did the Dinosaurs Go? Animals and Their Habitats
Munch Crunch Lunch Olivia Goes to the Zoo: An Adventure with the Vowel O Pem's Snack Zipp! Zapp!
The Nice Mice In The Rice Whose Shoes Would You Choose? Animals of the Rain Forest Bears Life Now and Long Ago Peanuts to Peanut Butter People at Work Terrific Teeth Amazing Meat-Eating Plants Celebrating Cultures
At A Factory Healthy You! Matter All Around Our Heroes
Variety Pack 30 titles, 1 copy each
Class Pack
El Cumpleaños de Íñigo Wapití Toca El Saxo Wapití Toca El Saxo El Chapulín Que Quería Ser Gallo ¿Cómo Te Llamas, Hada? Un buen invento El salchicha y el gran danés Conclusión en la clase ¡Es gratis! La gran noche El restaurante de Jaime El souvenir Te extraño, Huesi
¿Nadamos? El nido de Fina Lena, Tula y Selena Isabel ayuda El papalote morado La tonada de Teo y Lalo ¡Qué invento! La gala de Guido El Cartero Argüelles Los gemelos pelirrojos ¡Qué cosas llevo al campismo? ¡Qué Oídos Más Agudos! El abrazo de Vero La ardilla y la lluvia S.O.S. ¡Socorro!
30 titles, 6 copies each
In Your Backpack My Birthday Party Reach for a Peach How Plants Grow In the Past
Cat-astrophe at the Opera Sam the Incredible Inventor The Marshmallow Man Let's Go to the Museum! The World of Maps Communication Past and Present Energy Everywhere! Extreme Weather Gravity Great Inventions Making Laws Science Tools What Are Germs? Where Bananas Come From Get Moving!
Cubs in a Tub: Short Vowel U Lion Spies a Tiger: Long Vowel I
Exploring Fossils Fantastic Flowers Farming Then and Now Immigration Women of the Civil War Get Moving!
On My Stoop All About Bats
All Kinds of Sounds Green Peas in Cream Rat Attack (Short Vowel E) The Bug In The Jug Wants A Hug The Frail Snail On The Trail The Glass Slippers
Una misión imposible Averiguamos el pasado La Explicación del Búho
Spanish Grade 1 Decodables: Variety Pack V1-SPAGR1DECODE $173.25
Spanish Grade 1 Decodables: Class Pack CP1-SPAGR1DECODE $1,039.50
Grade 2 Decodables Expansion Library 9781642418101 $300.00 $225.00
Grade 2 Decodables Starter Library 9781642418088 $335.00 $251.25
25% Off & FREE Shipping $50+ • Prices subject to change. Visit www.stepstoliteracy.com for current pricing • 800-895-2804
Note: Steps To Literacy reserves the right to substitute titles or ship the set incomplete with a credit applied to your invoice.
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