

TRANSLINK'S NEW DEVELOPMENT COST CHARGES As of January 15, 2020, new development cost charges (DCCs) are now applied to new developments in Metro Vancouver to help fund the constructionor expansionof regional transportation projects by TransLink. This

ranging from $1,200 per apartment dwelling to $2,100 per single family home. While not insignificant in their current iteration, these rates are set to increase on January 15, 2021: for example, the apartment DCC will rise to $1,545 per unit while the single family charge will increase to $2,975. Ultimately, the burden of these charges will be shared by land owners and developers (with, in many cases, these two parties being one and the same).

new “Regional Transportation DCC” was introduced in 2018 to assist in paying for eligible projects of the Phase One and Phase Two Investment Plan. The DCC rates vary according to the type of development that is being undertaken,

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