C+S June 2021 Vol. 7 Issue 6

puter. Monthly progress meetings were converted to a virtual format as well and are still being conducted this way today. Safety of the field crews and support staff, all considered as essential workers, were of the utmost priority. Face coverings and hand sanitizer were provided, along with implementing social distancing and contact tracing for crews. Teams quickly adapted to new restrictions and safety protocols, and field activities never missed a beat. “For the NETL project, all the materials were local and made in Texas. Therefore, we didn’t have major delays. We were fortunate that we did not have any severe cases in our workforce,” said Harper. On February 15, 2021, temperatures across the state plunged into record-setting, sub-freezing conditions, resulting in widescale electric- ity outages that lasted for several days. In a matter of hours, chemical plants along the Texas Gulf Coast underwent swift unplanned shut - downs, disrupting global supply chains, and triggering a shortage of raw materials, including polypropylene and polyethylene. As a result, a shortage of materials such as PVC pipe and protective coatings for pipelines is looming over the NETL and the construction industry. So far, manufacturers and suppliers have met commitments, but impacts from the Texas freeze will be felt for months to come. Where We Are, and Where We’re Going To date, seven segments have been completed and placed in service. Six segments are currently in construction, and the entire NETL is expected to be completed by late 2022. “The Northeast Transmission Line is more than ten years in the making and will be the largest water line for the City of Houston,” says Kuruva. “Our purpose is ‘Together we create a strong founda - tion for Houston to thrive’ and the Northeast Transmission Line embodies our goal for improved water service across the area.” Houston’s legacy continues with its trail-blazing water infrastruc - ture expansion initiatives. Thanks to these initiatives, the City of Crews wearing face coverings as part of new COVID 19 safety protocols. Photo: LAN

Houston’s drinking water system maintains a “Superior” rating, the highest rating for water quality issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. CHRISTINE KIRBY, P.E. is a senior associate and senior project manager at Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN), a national planning, engineering and program management firm. She can be reached at chkirby@lan-inc.com. KEVIN TRAN, P.E. is a supervising engineer and NETL team lead at City of Houston Public Works, Capital Projects, Facilities Delivery Line, Surface Water Transmission Program. He can be reached at kevin.tran@houstontx.gov.

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June 2021

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