CWU Summer 2021 Wildcat Guide


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CIVIC AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT ENG 104 - Academic Writing II: Reasoning and Research on Sustainability and Civic Engagement MGT 200 - Tactical Skills for Professionals PHIL 153 - Arguments about Social Issues


ENG 103 - Academic Writing II: Reasoning and Research on Health and Current Issues PHIL 151 - Arguments about Life and Death ( STEP 101, 102, 103 )* - Scientific Perspectives and Experimentation

ENG 103 - Academic Writing II: Reasoning and Research on Health and Current Issues MGT 200 - Tactical Skills for Professionals PHIL 152 - Arguments about Healthcare

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Students should complete Academic Writing I with a C- or higher prior to enrolling in Academic Writing II courses. Verify prerequisites in the CWU course catalog.

ADMG 285 - 5 credits: Examines the impact of decision-making using short/long term outlooks and multiple perspectives. Develops skills to critically evaluate economic, environmental and social impacts of decisions as well as appropriate methods to professionally communicate those decisions. Prerequisite: Academic Writing I with a grade of C- or higher. ENG 102 - 5 credits: Develops skills in research-based academic argument through assignments involving evaluation, analysis, and synthesis of multiple sources. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C- or higher. ENG 103 - 5 credits : Develops skills in research-based academic argument through assignments involving evaluation, analysis, and synthesis of multiple sources. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C- or higher. ENG 104: Develops skills in research-based academic argument through assignments involving evaluation, analysis, and synthesis of multiple sources. Prerequisite: ENG 101 with a grade of C- or higher. ENG 111 - 5 credits : Writing in the Sciences. Prepares students to write effectively in a variety of scientific disciplines through assignments involving evaluation, analysis, data interpretation, and synthesis of multiple sources. ENG 102 and ENG 103 and ENG 111 are equivalent course; a student may only receive credit for one. Prerequisite: Academic Writing I with a grade of C- or higher.

HIST 302 - 5 credits : Exercises in historical research, critical analysis and interpretation. Prerequisites: sophomore or junior standing and admission to either the history large, small or social studies teaching major. Prerequisite: Academic Writing I with a grade of C- or higher. MGT 200 - 5 credits : This course develops the skills and insights necessary to effectively acquire, synthesize and disseminate knowledge as a business decision maker - skills essential for success in business school and standard abilities in high performance professionals. PHIL 151 - 5 credits : This course will cultivate critical thinking skills in examining arguments about life and death: defining what death is, whether death is something to be feared, and the moral and legal issues around physician-assisted suicide. Prerequisite: Academic Writing I with a grade of C- or higher. PHIL 152 - 5 credits : This course will cultivate critical thinking skills through the examination of arguments about healthcare, including whether there is a right to healthcare, the social determinants of health, and public policies designed to provide healthcare. PHIL 153 - 5 credits : This course will cultivate critical thinking skills through the examination of arguments about pressing social issues. Examples may include (but are not limited to) freedom of speech, environmental preservation, identity politics, and firearm laws.


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