American Consequences - December 2018

Editor in Chief P.J. O'Rourke

Mistral – The Legendary Wind of Provence By Rachel Cobb Amazingly, Cobb manages to photograph the invisible, take pictures of thin air, and capture the wind with a camera. If you’ll excuse the jeu de mots , her pictures will blow you away. (A pun that, unfortunately, doesn’t work at all in French.) Bodys Isek Kingelez Catalogue of his MoMA Retrospective Curated by Sara Suzuki This visionary Congolese sculptor made stunning models of imagined cities from everyday materials and found objects – colored paper, commercial packaging, soda cans, and bottle caps – all turned to fantastical use.

Gaudi: The Complete Buildings By Rainer Zerbst Barcelona’s Antoni Gaudi (1852-1926) was the world’s most rational crazy architect. He pioneered modern construction techniques such as the use of structural steel framing, ferrocement, and the catenary arch to create buildings that look like MacArthur Park is melting in the dark. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information By Edward R. Tufte We use lots of graphs in American Consequences , and this is the go-to book on the subject, with fabulous illustrations, especially from the early history of attempts at graphically displaying data.


December 2018

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