American Consequences - December 2018

Wall Street calls the money it collects from you “fees.” Washington calls the money it takes “taxes.” And most Americans just pay up... After all, they’re being “taken care of.” I want you to end this sort of thinking. This new year, “resolve” to remember the following... 1. YOU CAN ONLY COUNT ON YOURSELF. The government won’t take care of you. You can’t count on Social Security or the government to pay for your retirement. For

The key to great wealth is remembering one truth... NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR WEALTH AS MUCH AS YOU DO. Starting today, I want you to realize Wall Street and Washington are not here to “take care of you.” Both are in the business of false promises. Both are in the business of selling fear so they can collect huge amounts of money from you and me. They are the best at what they do.

By Dr. David Eifrig

American Consequences 53

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