King's Business - 1934-08

September, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Junior KING’S BUSINESS B y M a r t h a S. H o o k e r

DANGER IN THE JUNGLE B y A lice M aude C arvell

Scripture Alphabet (Continued) “ EX cept a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3 :3 ). “Y ea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow o f death; I will fear no evil: for thou art with me” (Psa. 23:4). “ Z accheus, make haste, and come down, for today I must abide at thy house. And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully” (Lk. 19:5,6). Review of Scripture Alphabet Supply missing words and references. 1. “For....... have..:........ , and come short o f the................ . ......¿i” 2. “He that hath the Son hath.....’.....; and he that hath not th e ......... hath not ......... 3. “ Come unto ...., all ye that........... and are heavy........... , and I will give y o u ........ ” 4. “ Even a ....:...... is known by his doings.” 5. “Know ye not that ye are th e ............. o f God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth i n .......?” Bible Drill Write the answers to the following in your notebook and memorize them: 1. Why did the Lord Jesus Christ come into the world? 1 Timothy 1:15. 2. What did Jesus do with our sins? 1 Peter 2:24. 3. What did Jesus say about the way of salvation? John 14:6............ 4. Is there any other way of salvation? Acts 4:12. 5. What is the gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:3, 4. —N untius C lub Q uestions . Children of the Bible The answers to the following are the names o f children mentioned in the Bible. Do you know them? 1. Who was the baby boy whom a prin­ cess found in a cradle basket made o f bul­ rushes? 2. Name the sister and brother o f this baby. 3. Who was the little girl that attended a prayer meeting while Peter was in prison? 4. Who was the captain in whose home a “little maid” served? 5. Who was the boy who became king in Jerusalem at eight years of age? 6. Who was the very first baby ever born in this world? Name his brother also. 7. Who was the boy of whom the Word says, “ From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures” ? 8. Who was the poet-shepherd boy who cared for his father’s sheep in the Judean hills, and rescued them from a lion and a bear? 9. Who was the little boy who, when God called, answered, “ Speak, Lord; for thy servant heareth” ? 10. Who was the boy who was placed under a shrub by his mother and left there to die, and of whom it was said: “ God heard the voice o f the lad” ?

O ne day during the dry season of northeast India, two of us mission­ aries were journeying by elephant through the tiger jungle on our way to our mission outpost in the Himalayan foot­ hills. W e were going to need to camp over night, and our camp helpers had gone far ahead to set up our tent and prepare our meal. Perched high on the great elephant’s back, we swung along through the dry jun­ gle. Our native driver, called a mahout in India, skillfully guided the huge beast among the trees and grasses. W e had safely passed the danger zones o f the marsh lands where the fierce rhinoceros lurks, and had made a forced passage through tangled forests where our trusty elephant had broken down obstinate branches of giant trees, aided by his mahout’s dah, a jungle knife. At last we had come out once more into the great open spaces where the trop­ ical sun blazed full upon us. We seemed to be in “no man’s land,” for there was not a sign of human life in any direction whatsoever. How dry the vege­ tation was, and how hot the sun! Presently, the distant hills became hidden from our sight by a great belt of very tall jungle grasses which we sought to miss by making a detour along a narrow winding path. But alas for our hopes I A sudden smell of burning jungle warned us that we were in danger. A moment later we saw above the high grasses a great volume o f black smoke which seemed to roll forth and up­ ward to the very heavens. It was coming in our direction, and it seemed that noth­ ing could possibly escape that fiery fur­ nace which was rushing nearer and nearer. To our horror, great red tongues of flame burst through the smoke. We heard the crackling of the devouring fire at no very great distance from us. W e could not speak our terror aloud, but we si­ lently looked to our Lord, who hears and answers the prayers o f His people. Some large sparks floated our way and set fire to the grass around us. Our mahout made the well-trained beast under us stamp with his heavy feet upon the fire. The ex­ cited driver had to work very hard and give many shrill commands in order to make the elephant obey. There was danger, too, that our elephant might become panic-struck, and get out of the control o f the driver. If he should rush wildly off through the jungle, we would be in greater danger than ever.

W e were forced to give up the detour and crash our way through a seemingly impassable wall of tough grasses in order to avoid, if possible, the oncoming jungle fire. A slight breeze helped us for a while, for it turned the flames in a different direc­ tion. As we saw what was happening, we prayerfully trusted that the leaping flames, roaring and crackling as they gained speed, would be turned from our way entirely. Finally, after the elephant had struggled a long time, smashing its huge body through the stout and solid masses o f jun­ gle growth, we came upon a more open tract of land. There, amid the dry scrub, we espied at some distance an object which gleamed white in the sunshine. “ There is our tent!” we exclaimed, half hopefully, and yet fearfully, for what if the flames should reach it before we could arrive? W e knew that our faithful camp helpers would be there ahead o f us with food and other things needed for a night’s lodging in the wilderness. “Lord, put out the fire; save us from harm I” we silently cried out to God. There must be a miracle, some wonderful help from God, if that raging furnace, were to be extinguished. We realized that it was the dry season. W e remembered that we could not expect rain, for the rains were entirely over, for that season. The heavens were hot above us. W e turned various bends which were almost hidden by the scrub, and at last saw that we were drawing close to our canvas tent. Anxious eyes were directed toward those devouring flames which, though turning slightly away from us, might at any moment shift and rush upon us. “Lord, save us I” we continued to pray. And He did! Just as we reached our humble camp for the night, the skies above us changed. Scarcely had we hurried from the back of the kneeling elephant and into the tent, when a tremendous fain beat down upon the earth—such heavy rain as is never known in America. It was all over in a moment. The storm did not last long enough to wash us out o f our temporary lodging, and the jungle fire had been put out! Our loving heavenly Father had seen our need and had answered our prayers. Truly we could say that night: “ I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safe­ ty” (Psa. 4:8 ).

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