King's Business - 1934-08

Sep+ember, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Kathryn Louthan, ’30, Hollywood, Calif., was graduated from the Seaside Hospital, Long Beach, Calif., and has been taking a pre-teaching course at the Los Angeles Junior College. Jannie D. Funk, ’23, is assistant to Mar­ tin Luther Thomas of the Metropolitan Federated Church, Los Angeles, Calif. Leslie L. ( ’29) and Mrs. McCue (Bernice E. Burger, ’28) have been privileged to see the Lord work through their evangelis­ tic ministry in Idaho, Oregon, Nebraska, and Kansas. Mr. McCue writes: “My wife and I have been here a year now laboring in my native district among my school­ mates, and I am happy to report that some have accepted Christ as their Saviour. I organized a Sunday-school, and we have a regular attendance of fifty—a country school—and between thirty and forty for preaching services. We have our .regular weekly prayer service, and I have been using Dr. Torrey’s doctrine book for a guide in studying the fundamentals. . . . . Many great truths have found entrance in­ to good and honest hearts, and it has helped to encourage me.” Concerning other expe­ riences in service, they w rite: “While we were in northern Idaho, two young ladies, a school teacher and her sister, were saved. They lived in the wooded district in the northern part o f the state. They were de­ sirous of knowing God in a better way, and longed to see their sisters saved. They built an altar on a tree stump, and each day went there to pray. One morning we went to prayer with them, and while the group of us were in prayer, their married sister came out very broken in spirit, and said, ‘Oh, I want to know the Christ that you pray to.’ And it was right there that she gave her heart to God, and knew the joy o f sins for­ given. The most recent door open here for service is street meetings in Minitare, Nebr., with a goodly number, over a hundred, standing and listening attentively to the preaching of the gospel for one hour and fifteen minutes. W e covet your prayers daily. We are praying God’s richest bless­ ing to rest upon the alumni and their work to the furtherance of the gospel,” Lawrence Collins, ’28, recently accepted a call to the Free Baptist Church o f Benalto, Alberta, Can. He has been in evangelistic' work in Canada since his graduation from the Institute. Concerning the alumni dues, many grad­ uates are writing such paragraphs as this: “I want to pay my dues, but am unable at the present time. I will send the money in a ,month. A reminder would help.” Others have been able to pay a part or all o f their dues. But whatever the individual circumstances, the Institute family rela­ tionship remains the same, and the Alumni Association desires that every Biola grad­ uate feel equally a part o f the Institute fellowship. Bom To Frank ( ’29) and Mrs. Martens (Mary Karber, ’33) a daughter, Joyce Marilyn, April 20, Los Angeles, Calif. Married Ricardo E. Wagner and Laura E. Lar­ son, ’26, February 21, Huinca Renanco, A r­ gentina, South America. Clyde K. Landrum, ’29, and Ruby Lar­ son, ’30, January 21, Lost Creek, Ky. James Fredrick' Jordan and Genevieve Easton, July 8, Seattle, Wash. John Kopp, ’33, and Dorothy Drake, ’33, August 8, Yakima, Wash. Herbert E. Rickert and Phyllis Hanna,, August 4, Huntington Park, Calif.

Raymond F. Rogers, ’33, and Delmar Howard, ’33, July 15, Glendale, Calif. John Wiebe, ’31, and Nancy Tupman, '32, June 20, Los Angeles, Calif. Evangelistic Notices At the invitation o f the First Presby­ terian Church o f Wenatchee, Wash., Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer of the Theological College of Dallas, Tex., held a week’s Bible conference which proved to be of much blessing to the local church and community. Dr. John Robertson Macartney, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, Belling­ ham, Wash., reports that a very successful Bible conference was held in his church, June 17 to July 1, under the leadership of Dr. Arthur I. Brown. Dr. Brown is a Fel­ low of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ed­ inburgh, and a mighty preacher of the Word. With most o f the churches in Bel­ lingham cooperating enthusiastically in the campaign, Dr. Brown addressed enormous crowds night after night. His exposure of the menace o f communism, and his rebuke o f higher institutions of learning that ridi­ cule the Christian faith and substitute athe­ ism and evolution for it, weré a challenge to hundreds o f young people who heard the doctor’s fearless and logical presenta­ tion o f the truth. Dr. Brown’s home ad­ dress is 873 Oliver St., Victoria, B. C. ' W . E. Pietsch, Executive Secretary of the Independent Fundamental Churches o f America, is scheduled for meetings at the following points: Sept. 2 to 9—Frankfort Gospel Tent, Frankfort, Pa. Sept. i0 to 16—Norristown Gospel Church, Norristown, Pa. Sept. 17 to 22—Meadville Gospel Center, Meadville, Pa. Sept. 23—St. Louis Gospel Center, St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 22 to 30—Neenah Gospel Church, Neenah, Wis. Oct, 14 to Nov. 11—Series o f Bible con­ ferences in Southern Indiana. Nov. 12 to 25—Young People’s Gospel Campaign, Marquette Manor B a p tist Church, Chicago, 111. On July 20, Leonard Eilers and Harold Alexander closed a two weeks’ meeting in the Hermosa Beach Baptist Church, Her- mosa Beach, Calif. Eighteen young people signifying their readiness to go where the Lord leads, formed a Life Work Recruit Group. From Hermosa Beach, Mr. Eilers and Mr. Alexander went to the Immanuél Baptist Church of Long Beach, July 22 to August 10, where a real “ deepening down” o f the members o f the congregation pre­ sages a new zeal for the winning o f the lost. Meetings began in the First Baptist Church, Orange, Calif.,, on Aug. 12, and will continue until Sept. 2. The Lord willing, Mr. Eilers and Mr. Alexander will fill the following engage­ ments : Sept. 7 to 9—First Baptist Church, Her­ mosa Beach, Calif. Sept. 16 to 30—Presbyterian Church, O x­ nard, Calif. Oct. 7 to 21—First Baptist Church, Ana­ heim, Calif. From October 23 to November 4, Mr. Eilers will speak at the Presbyterian Church, Newhall, Calif. And during Oc­ tober (7 to 28), Mr. Alexander, as soloist and song leader, will be heard every Sun­ day, 6:30 to 7:30 P.M., over KNX , with Dr. Charles E. Fuller, speaker, and Robert Harkness, pianist.

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