King's Business - 1934-08

September, 1934

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


NOTES on ChristianEndeavor B y M a r y G. G o o d n e r

in a certain fluid and dried in the sunlight. I have often thought since, that our Chris­ tian testimony has sometimes an element wanting. An address is delivered in per­ fect order, firstly, secondly, and thirdly, but there is something lacking—power.” “ But ye shall receive power . . .” (Acts 1 :8).—P ickering . II. W itnessing A Christian worker in a northern sea­ port asked a group of soldiers whether they were ashamed of their uniform, king, or country. To each question he received a chorus o f “ No 1” Then he asked, “Are you ashamed of Jesus?” There was a dead silence; then one an­ swered, “No, sir, for He is my Saviour.” —S elected . III. “ S et A part ” A man said to D. L. Moody, “ Now that I’m converted, must I give up the world?” “No,” said Mr. Moody. “You do not have to give up the world. If you give a good ringing testimony for the Son of God, the world will give you up pretty quick. They won’t want you.”—P ickering . OCTOBER 14, 1934 Economic Conditions Today: What Is Good and What Is Bad in Them J ames 5 :l-8 Suggestions for the Meeting Hymn—“All Hail the Power.” Hymn—“Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life.” Prayer. Scripture—James 5:1-8, R. V. Hymn—“ Help Somebody Today.” Duet—“Whispering Hope.” Leader’s Message. Discussion.

derful grace? After a reverent statement that the Father’s glory has been the chief object of the Son’s life,- Jesus begins to plead for His disciples, that God would keep them, sanctify them, glorify them, fill them—“that they may be made perfect in one.” In the portion o f the prayer we are con­ sidering today, the Lord Jesus Christ de­ clares a great purpose: “ For their sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth,” In the verse before this, Jesus has said: “As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.” As the Father has sanctified Jesus and sent Him into the world to save men (John 10:36), so Jesus Christ longs for His disciples to be sancti­ fied and used for God’s glory. Earlier in the prayer, He said: “ Sanc­ tify them through thy truth: ,thy! word is truth.” To “sanctify” is to “set apart” for God.. This act can be accomplished only through the ministry of the Holy Spirit and by the Word o f God as we yield our­ selves to their power. May this be our prayer: “ Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. Spirit o f the living God, Fall afresh ott me.”

OCTOBER 7, 1934 ‘‘This Is My Task” J ohn 17 :19 Suggestions tor the Meeting Hymn— ‘‘Crown Him w ith M any Crowns.” Hymn—“ Give of Your Best to the Master.” Scripture—John 17:19. Hymn— ‘‘O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee.” Prayer. Hymn—“ I Am Thine, O Lord.” Discussion of the following questions: 1. What is my task in the Christian En­ deavor society this year? 2. What work have the different com­ mittees planned for the group? 3. How can I best serve my Lord in the society and in other relationships? Testimonies. Quiet Hour. Closing Hymn— “ I’ll Go Where You Want Me to Go.” Benediction—Hebrews 13:20, 21. Meditation on the Lesson This great high-priestly prayer o f our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ might well be called the “Holy of Holies” o f the New Testament. With bared heads and unshod feet, standing in reverent awe, we listen with attentive ears, while a hush falls over us, as we hear our Saviour talking in fer­ vent tones to His Father. Truly this is a sacred scene. What a wonderful privilege God has given to us as we enter into this holy in­ cident in Jesus’ life and hear His pleading voice! There is nothing in all literature which can compare with this prayer. And, wonder o f wonders, the greater part of it is for us! Could we imagine more won­ Solo—“My Task.” Leader’s Message.

Leader’s Helps I. P ower for the T ask

William Shaw of Maybale recounts: “When I was a lad, I tried to manufacture some powder, and I had a drawer filled with the composition. When my project was discovered, my grandfather ordered that I should put the mixture in the gar­ den, which I did in a long train. I put a match to it, and it went off, but not rapidly. I was informed afterwards that it lacked one element. It should have been immersed

THE MOUNT OF BLESSING B y . W illiam M. R unyan

I never can rest when hills are before me, Their purples and greys seem as voices that call; The pines on their crests are like arms that implore me, Their majesty pleads, and their glories enthrall. I never can rest when the hills, standing high, Give lure to my feet to push on toward the sky. 0 Soul, why at ease, when summits are calling Where holy beatitudes sweeten the air? Thy sandals close bind, let thy footsteps be falling On heights of communion, o f praise, and o f prayer. O Soul, why at ease? On the mount with the King Are the vistas and voices that thrill and that sing. —S unday S chool T imes .

—Courtesy Woman's Union Missionary Society.

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