King's Business - 1934-08


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

September, 1934

I now place it under my coat, it drives the darkness away. It is just this way in the lives of Chris­ tians. If they try to shine apart from Christ, they will be cold and dark, and will not be able to do anything for Christ. If they abide in Him, His life will shine out through them to others, causing them to glorify God. Christians abide in Christ when they read the Bible, pray, and depend on Him to work through them. Don’t be like the foolish bulb. Abide in Christ and let your light shine for Him. Memory Verse: “ This is my command­ ment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you . . . . Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you” (John IS : 12, 14). Approach: When the Lord Jesus was here on earth, He spent much o f His time telling His disciples how to be His good followers. He said to them: “I have \ chosen you.” Now a person does disciples are to remember especially. He said that they are to “ bear fruit.” He spoke o f Himself as the Vine and called His disciples the branches. I f you look at a vine, you will find that some branches bear fruit, while others do not. ’ What does the gardener do ? He cleanses the branches which are not strong enough to bear fruit— picks off the dead leaves, cuts away the dead part. If we wish to bear fruit for Jesus, our lives must be cleansed from all sins. Then Jesus went on to tell His disciples how they might get strength to be strong, fruit-bearing branches. They must “ abide in the vine,” for only from the sap in the vine can life-giving strength come. A branch apart from the vine will die. Jesus is our living Vine. The third thing Jesus told His disciples to do is to obey His commandments. The branches must follow along with the vine. They are a part o f it; they must obey its laws. “This is my commandment,” said Jesus, “that ye love one another.” Are we being His good disciples? Golden Text: “ O how' love I thy law 1it is my meditation all the day” (Psa. 119:97). Outline and Exposition I. T he C om m an d to P h ilip (26-30). I n the midst o f an evangelistic campaign in which many souls were being saved, the preacher, Philip, was suddenly call­ ed away to speak to one man. At once he left the great work which seemed to de­ mand his presence, and he hastened to fulfill the new command (vs. 26, 27), He proved that he was familiar with his Bible by the readiness with which he obeyed the voice of divine authority. And the Christian today Jesus and His Friends J o h n IS :1-16 not choose you un­ less he has some­ thing for you to do, and Jesus had a plan for each one o f His chosen disciples. Lesson Story: In our story today, we learn that the Lord Jesus told of three things which His

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Teacher, that they too may learn o f Him. And it will be noticed in verse 8 that dis- cipleship is closely connected with fruit­ bearing. I f we really learn of Christ, we cannot be barren. 3. W e are the “friends” o f Christ (vs. 14, IS). This is a very blessed and intimate relationship. Abraham was called the “ friend o f God.” This is higher than dis- cipleship. But friendship is impossible ex­ cept on the basis o f a likeness o f character —hence the condition laid down in verse 14. W e must become like Him by doing what He commands. 4. W e are the “chosen” o f Christ, (vs. 16,19). Here we pass into the mystery of divine sovereignty, out of which all other relationships grow. Note that His choice is prior to ours and the cause of it. 5. W e are the “witnesses” o f Christ. Having been chosen o f Him, having learn­ ed o f Him, having enjoyed the blessed com­ munion o f friendship, having been purged by His Word—only then are we ready to take up our task o f bearing witness of Him. Golden Text Illustration In our days, one can hear much talk about growth in the Christian life. Well and good, if there is anything in the life that can grow ! “Whatsoever a man sow- eth, that shall he also reap.” But if I planted my watch, dare I hope for a crop of watches ? Why not ? The watch is the pro­ duct o f the trained mind and skillful hand of man, but there is no germ of life in it tha,t could germinate and bring forth fruit. Christ alone by His indwelling can bring forth in our life fruit that is well pleasing to God.—D. L. M oody . ,

Object: A flashlight with the bulb taken out. Lesson: Why is it that this bulb does not give light? “ Because it is not in the flashlight,” you say. This bulb is foolish, because it thinks it can give light by itself. I can hear it saying, “Well, I was made to, give light, and if I try hard enough, I am sure that I shall be able to shine.” We would have little sympathy for such a foolish bulb, were it not for the fact that Christians are very often just as foolish. They forget the words of Christ when He said: “ Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit o f itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in m e.. . for without me ye can do! nothing.” Many people are trying to serve Christ and shine for Him without abiding in Him. Try as it may, the bulb cannot shine by itself. I put it under my coat in the dark, but it does not drive the darkness away. It is just as dark as the darkness itself. You have told me that the reason for the bulb’s not shining is that it is not connect­ ed with the flashlight. That is true. Let us place it in the flashlight and see what hap­ pens. It shines and gives forth light. As


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